28 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. I posted this in tips but its behind the WSJ paywall:
    “In 2008 KSM was willing to plead guilty and head straight to execution. But the Obama Administration halted his military trial and tried to move his case to federal civilian court. This was part of Mr. Obama’s plan to shut down the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.”
    Like PM Backstabber, everything Obama touched turned to shit – by design.

    1. “…everything Obama touched turned to shit – by design…”
      & Trudeaus Mentor
      No truer statement … 100% By Design

      They shoulda offed the entire lot who were incarcerated there…IMO

    2. Well, we should build him and his buddies a open air prison, at a height of 1338 feet above the ground, leave him with his Koran and the only amenities he gets is a toilet, sink, a single bowl and a gruel dispenser…

      and let nature take it’s course.

    3. Good recall Buddy. That is EXACTLY correct. Obama engineered the de facto “forgiveness” of this Terrorist murderer. And in the process created probably 200 jobs for the Trial Lawyers. I remember being OUTRAGED at the time … I’ve done a LOT of that since our FIRST illegal (not born here) half-white POTUS was elected with fewer votes than Biden. Outraged.

  2. May as well abolish the death penalty if that POS doesn’t get it. What do you have to do it get fried, FFS?

  3. Victor Orban is his own man but I doubt he has said anything about the West that was not explained in detail over the past two decades by Vladimir Putin.

      1. But, but, but … Paul!? America was born of slavery and genocide of the native population … so of course America should die. That’s what my kids learned from their public middle school History teacher.

        1. The way things are going she’ll get her wish.

          There’s no turning it around now without pain the likes of which most Americans/ Westerners can understand today. Regardless without the pain it’ll be over at some point in the near future, the only question is when.

          My layman’s prediction is anywhere from 3 months from now to 1 more generation (20 years) give or take with a hell of a lot of stress and uncertainty between.

  4. The Orban article is excellent.

    “…young generations only care about their people’s history for the sake of despising it”

    “The Western experience is that if there are more guests than hosts, then home is no longer home,”

    Well worth a read.

    1. Just FYI … Orban is repeating the theme Tucker Carlson has been consistently teaching. That there is a philosophical divide between those who believe in a higher power as opposed to those who believe THEY are the only power. The decadence and naval focus of our Western Cultures is destroying us. We now worship hedonism in its every form instead of worshiping God.

      THAT is what got Tucker fired. THAT is what makes the ruling class most uncomfortable. They don’t want to be reminded they are not the center of the universe.

  5. “Is Harris Black or Indian?”

    The Progressive left attempts to rewrite the narrative and again redefine what “black American” is by reducing it to skin colour and not the shared cultural generational experience of living in the US.

    Kamala Harris was raised culturally as first generation Indian-American living in the middle class suburbs of Southern California – a completely different coloured world far far away from anything “Black America”.

      1. Eminem sounds black when he talks as well, I’m guessing that with his shared early upbringing with “Black Americans”, that most Black Americans would rather hang out with him than with Harris given the choice.

      2. I sound black when I talk. Chinese when I scream. Native when I chant “hey-ya!”. Australian Aboriginal when I yodel. And I can pass for native Tuvinian when I’m throat-whistling. Fortunately I only express myself in writing.

    1. Harris claimed to have grown up in “the black community” in Berkeley. If I recall correctly, she was in Berkeley when her parent(s) were in graduate school. Berkeley’s racial divide is directly geographic … the whites live in the hills and the blacks live in the flats (nearest to hwy 80/880). The whites also live in NORTH Berkeley (even in the flats) and the blacks live in SOUTH Berkeley.

      I believe Camilla’s parents lived in UC Berkeley married Graduate student housing. That is a very specific community and neighborhood in the “flats” near Gilman street … North Berkeley. I suggest Camilla had very few, if any, blacks in her elementary school … and if there were black children, they were likely the kids of Grad Students … hardly the ghetto blacks that she seems to celebrate now what with twerking onstage, etc.

      And Berkeley has ONE high school … ONE. And it has been fully integrated since … forever. The rich white liberal kids from the hills are friends with the poor black kids from the flats. Her suggestion that Berkeley was a racially divided, racist, upbringing is laughable and just stupid.

      1. Kamala was in Montreal from 12 until 18. She attended Westmount High. Westmount is where rich English speakers live.

    1. Facial recognition for the native English … but the farcical police cannot release a mug shot of the child murderer. Yeah .., Orwellian alright.
