The Failed Attempt on Trump

At Anarchonomicon;

I timed my vacation into the far north for what was looking like it’d be the lull in the American Election/Cold Civil War/Collapse cycle.

Unlike 2020 where the regime was hyper focused on creating enough chaos to drive Trump from office, whether that be the extreme totalitarian and deranged response to Covid or fake Gretchen Witmer kidnapping (a plot which may have had more feds and informants than actual target “extremists”), or actively burning the country to the ground in the state backed riots and violent pogroms against white, asian, and black small business owners throughout American cities. This time, so I thought, the regime was committed to the illusion of “Normalcy” and the Bidenist talking point that all the madness of 2020 was a result of Trump and Trump alone, with the promise/threat that so long as Biden retained the whitehouse Americans would be permitted to pretend it was still the 1990s or early 2000s and that the economy is doing well (Of course it’s not once you adjust for how understated official inflation is compared to actual cost of living, Americans have effectively been in an economic depression for years now, it is just instead of losing 20+% of jobs, they’ve lost 20+% of what their wage buys, net real worker income is still down 20%).

They were incentivized to keep the news as boring as possible and the Quiet a little too quiet, or so I thought.

Then Biden’s campaign imploded at the debate, and it became damned clear that the default would be a second Trump Administration without drastic measures…As to whether those measures included a Letter-Agency backed assassination attempt on Trump…???

17 Replies to “The Failed Attempt on Trump”

  1. They would scream ‘election interference’
    Or claim those observers were intimidating minority voters, like democrats have done since 1865.

  2. Have we seen the view from the rooftop where the police/USSS snipers that took the shot that killed Crooks?

    It would be interesting to see what these two snipers saw.

    I find it interesting that they heard Crooks’ shots, and then located and zeroed in on Crooks in what, a second?

    Did they not see Crooks on the roof with a gun, prior to his shots?

    No Congressional Representative or Senator has asked for this info?

    1. If you look at the overheads, the closest team may have been obstructed by the trees, and the far team covering a different direction.

      Of course, the problem with the set up is that there are multiple locations where a shooter could be within 300-400 yards that were not covered, and the highest location for miles around had no spotters on it.

      1. JD

        I understand your point. But I still want to know what they could see, or couldn’t see.

        They apparently saw Crooks well enough to shoot and kill him immediately after Crooks fired his shot. Pretty quick target acquisition wasn’t it?

  3. None the less.. I wouldn’t put anything past them.. Have you ever opened a history book?.. I would even hazard the guess that they have gotten to Trump.. One big psyop..

  4. They covered the windows in Detroit so no one could see what was happening.

    The problem they have is that Trump may exceed all practical margins of fraud outside of blue states.

  5. IMHO … the apparent incompetence of the 20yo was part of the Deep State plan. Perhaps the psyop didn’t really care if Trump were outright killed. You cannot analyze this from the perspective of a trained sniper. Trump’s death would have been a bonus … but perhaps they thought they could scare Trump out of the race. They couldn’t sue him out of the race … so perhaps they could scare him out of it? An incompetent 20yo with delusions of grandeur would be the perfect hit man for such a plan. Put him close enough to Trump and he might even get lucky.

    And the scrutiny of alphabet Agency incompetence would eventually blow over like every other Deep State outrage. Nobody will lose their cushy government job or pension. Hell … the USSS Butler, PA commander will probably receive a commendation and $2M settlement like that prick Peter Strozk and that nasty skank Lisa Page.

  6. Unless new evidence materializes, the leading explanation is that it was planned incompetence or intentional incompetence by the SS(DHS). Note that it requires indifference to collateral damage.

    1. Look at the vivid debacle or the Ukraine debacle, it’s clear that Western institutions are shot…and doing crazy pathological shit, paraphrasing Dominic Cummings.

    2. Planned incompetence is not a complete explanation. How do you explain that a would-be, hapless, assassin just happened to show up at a venue when the planned or accidental incompetence was on full display. To treat that as a possibility … just a coincidence … you’d have to assume that assassin’s are showing up to almost EVERY Trump Rally. In the words of Southpark … That. Does. Not. Make. Sense. Hence … this was a fully coordinated Deep State plot to assassinate former President Donald J Trump.
