You Can Check Out Anytime…

… but you can never leave. ( my apologies to the Eagles)

Blacklocks- Feds Book 3,810 Hotel Rooms

Nearly 4,000 hotel rooms for illegal immigrants and refugee claimants are being billed to taxpayers monthly, says the Department of Immigration.

“As of May 30 the department’s hotel footprint consists of approximately 3,810 rooms in 29 hotels housing approximately 6,900 claimants in British Columbia, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador,” said a June 13 briefing note. The largest number of refugee hotels were in Ontario at Cornwall, Kingston, Mississauga, Niagara Falls, Ottawa and Windsor, it said.

24 Replies to “You Can Check Out Anytime…”

  1. I had the pleasure of staying in a Ottawa hotel where “newcomers” were holed up. It is dificult to be too critical; if you traveled with kids or stayed in a hotel for a long stay, it can get pretty nasty. Bored kids playing with the elevators and hanging around the lobby. You can tell the owner will have to renovate the whole place. And maybe they are glad to get the place trashed so that they can renovate.

  2. Yeah, but why do taxpayers have to pay for thousands and thousand of free loaders on permanent holiday from their homeland for free?

    1. I agree. I think they should be turned around at the border. Illegals already comitted a crime, so they should be detained. Repurpose those nice COVID facilities they were going to use for the uncooperative citizenry. Open up a nice holding facility in Churchill and have them work repairing the rail line.

      1. We have a military base at Alert. We should build a prison there to hold illegal immigrants waiting for processing or deportation. Wouldn’t need much of a fence and wouldn’t need to search for escapees. Once a year, in late summer patrol the perimeter and sniff out the ones that escaped the previous winter.

        1. As long as it doesn’t take away from the budget of C.A.G.E.
          The Canadian Arctic Gulag of Ellesmere will require one 20′ long Sea-can per World Economic Mo-fo Traitor and a monthly airdrop to said scumbag – who demonstrates proof of life.

        1. You save a bundle on each one who asks to be deported because they don’t like it here, and even more on the ones who don’t come here because they heard about it

  3. Because Trudeau promised to make Canada the first post-national country – how do you like it so far?

  4. Why spread them, around the cities? Why not fill up the Ottawa hotels first, and then start on the next city?

    I did like the Covid Camp suggestion above. It’s about as cost effective as you’re gonna get for a horde of illegals and any diversity outbursts will be confined to the camps.

    Nahhhhh… it’ll never work. It doesn’t torment, displace, and harass long-time Canadians enough. Scratch that idea.

  5. What’s the problem with telling refugee claimants that they can stay but strictly on their own dime? And that includes health insurance. Let them work but otherwise no freebies

  6. And the government is probably paying the premium rate that you find on the card on the back of the hotel room door, with a small “discount”.

  7. Stayed at a hotel in NB in Feb. and most of the folks at breakfast were newcomers followed by the people who have to stay at a hotel in order to receive needed medical services. Not sure if the Canadians who have to travel for medical services have to pay for the hotel out of pocket.The hotel did have a conference room set up with toys for the kids.

  8. Bet you that them hotel owners supply a lot of cash to the so called ‘Liberal’ party socialists/fascists.

    1. THAT is an absolute certainty! What a staggering cost to the taxpayer every month! Just the hotel rooms alone would cost millions!

  9. The China owned hotel that David Menzies made popular during covid for locking up people from Pearson airport that refused the fake vacine is now 100% African fat people with cops sitting out front in cruisers all day.
