You’ll Just Have To Take My Word For It

Blacklocks- Won’t Release Jasper Figures

Parks Canada fire preparedness in Jasper, Alta. was a model for the nation, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault yesterday told reporters.

However the Minister’s Office has refused to release data showing how many thousands of hectares of dead pine were left standing in the Park following a beetle infestation.


National Post- Jasper National Park: Wildfires expected to grow again amid hot, dry weather

The park says the wildfire remains out of control and has grown by about 7,500 hectares, bringing it to about 39,000 hectares

15 Replies to “You’ll Just Have To Take My Word For It”

  1. No doubt the #Libranos would love to burn all of tier 2 Canada down to rule over the ashes.

    Perhaps in the paper shuffle which occurs when the CBC is being sold off, the new federal gov’t of the day will have those papers released.

  2. Literally burn down the entire nation? That’s the model the Liberals have chosen?

    National socialists who vote for the NDP/Liberal Party should get what they deserve, but it’s just such a shame that normal people get caught up in this too.

    1. They don’t care about Jasper. Only conservative voters live there, and they can be neglected for anything resembling good government or forest management. Now if this was fire devastation in downtown Vancouver, it would be a national crisis.

  3. Yes, I believe it was the liberal model for the nation in so many ways, real and symbolic.

  4. Those in power never believe that we “the unwashed” can understand the actual facts or truth about any issue. We are constantly kept in the dark because only those who rule over us are allowed to hold onto the knowledge that they deem to be sacrosanct.

    In the early church, only the priests were “allowed” to read the Bible. The congregants could never decipher what only the intelligentsia were able to discern.

    So it is today with the all knowing liberals in government.

  5. It is simple. If you won’t expose the facts, you are lying. I am not talking about opinions, but real hard facts. And since the Liberals and their employees have a reputation for lying, the facts must be really bad – bad enough to endanger their existence which is why they are lying, yet again. They cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything because they are lazy, incompetent and have an agenda which would appall most Canadians.

  6. 1/3 of Jasper incinerated, and the Mayor claims “a good job was done”

    Has the press entered at ATIA request yet?

    1. Don’t forget … that’s because “fire is natural”. The Mayor believes that “nature took its course” … so all is good.

    1. But you’d need a Boy Scout to tie the knot … and there are no more Boy Scouts. Just Trans “Inclusive” Scouts or something

  7. Translation: they were prepared. They had fire trucks to fight the fire they knew was coming because of those dead trees. See? They were prepared. Fighting fires is big bidness by the way.

  8. Shrug. Forest fires are part of their strategy to “prove” that a “climate emergency” is upon us.

  9. Forests burn. Its what they do. I blame weather porn for even starting the political conversation.. You cant put a number on any of it.. How much more dry is dry?.. When a change in the wind is what its all about..

    Best we can do is manage the resource before it manages us.. Responsible forestry :)..
