41 Replies to “Cough, Cough, Cough…”

  1. I had covid this summer… it wasn’t much worse than a cold, just happened outside of when I usually get colds.

    1. Most corona virii resolve as a cold, and are basically harmless.

      MRNA vaccines that suppress your natural t-cells are deadly.

  2. I stubbed my toe the other day and it hurt like a bugger.

    It never even occurred to me that perhaps it was COVID.

  3. Branch Covidians.. Cant wait to mask up and lockdown, again.. Its reached the point of religion.. I know a guy who lost his young healthy bro and his wife is in hospital with blood clots in her lungs.. He knows the score and is sad as FRIG about it all..

    Ring the bell and he is right at the front of the line for another “not a vaccine”.. Cant bring himself to be wrong or God forbid, me and my politics.. I’m insulting him with the truth and he is insulting me by being a knucklehead..

    I need a new job..

    1. Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!! Here in the SF Leftist stranglehold … I am seeing MORE and masks in public. I feel like I’m living in Beijing …

  4. Sadly, we now know that many long for the fear porn they were allowed to ravish in and cannot wait for the next scamdemic to arrive. To this day, we still see them wearing masks, shields, disinfecting their hands, avoiding contact, and being human. I worry that these weak minded individuals will be the ones who eventually spell our collapse and deliverance into slavery.

  5. covid-19 was the designation for a corona virus during the 2019 viral season. A corona virus during season 2024 would necessarily be covid-24. If “doctors” do not understand this simple fact their licence to practice should be removed. Fearmongering sycophants are not welcome, and contribute nothing to public health.

  6. Some were predicting a massive wave of death soon due to the jabs.

    Sadly, I’m indifferent.

    1. And that artificial manmade junk is still in their veins. They are not in the clear by any means…..

  7. I see someone in a mask, and I immediately think, Warning! Warning! Red Alert! Do not engage!

    The good thing about masks is that they are a visible warning that the wearer has mental issues or is just plain ol’ hopelessly stupid.

    1. I had Covid for the first time in June. (Not vaxed.) It was the sickest I’ve been for about 15 years, but not the sickest I’ve ever been. Five days of misery with two days of fever. Then another two weeks of malaise. The worst part was that we were not diagnosed for a week, and missed the window to take our ivermectin. When I had to go out while sick, I did wear a mask. It seemed the best course of action when I knew I was sick. I don’t wear a mask at any other time.

      The funny thing is that I agree with your point. Don’t engage if they are sane and sick, or even worse, if they are insane Branch Covidians virtue signaling their supposed moral superiority.

    1. They’re still wearing masks here in N.CA … and give disapproving glances at all the unmasked. They’d shoot right through us … if they “believed” in guns

  8. More worried about the Turd Flu from all the new Liberal doctors and engineers shitting on the beaches in Canada.

    1. Yup. It’s the Media Club Sandwich: Islamophobia, Climate Crisis, wuhan flu, and orange man bad.

      Over and over and over. Tiresome, predictable, pathetic, uncurious F*cks.

    2. That’s literally what coronavirus means, a “head cold”. And a rhinovirus is a “nose cold”. Any time you get a cold, chances are it’s one of those two.

      1. I thought a RINOvirus was a Republican with an unreliable policy record and a runny nose?

  9. Multiple jabbed friend went out for lunch and a pedicure with me. Thought she had a summer cold. Coughed all over me which didn’t really impress me. Next day she texted. Oh I have Covid. Me, unjabbed didn’t get it. Wonder why?

  10. Well, I guess that “covid” is the new way to spell “cold.”
    Similarly, “Mrna” is the new way to spell “AIDS.”
    And “Woke” is the new way to spell “Brainwashed.”
    Shall I go on with this new lexicon, or shall you all add to it?
    Have a nice day.

  11. Heh,so now a masked bandit is nolonger a criminal hiding their facial features with a mask..
    Oh no.
    They are now “Socially aware citizens,protecting you from the Dread Corona”.
    Just as the hapless gangbanger who accidentally kills you, is now “Unofficial MAID.”

  12. Who in theee Sam Hill tests themselves for muuu-Covid?

    If you have a cold or flu, take care of it the way people have always taken care of colds or flu. Does it make any difference if it has a name? It’s like naming the dust bunnies under the bed. It just doesn’t matter.

    You’re sick! Go home and go to bed. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, take your vitamins, maybe take some cold or flu remedy if that helps the symptoms so you can rest.

    1. Totally agree, and chicken soup does work, only time I eat that soup, and I always get better. 😀

    2. I’ll tell you who… my kid brother.
      Was to visit him for a weekend while riding through BC. Two days before, he messaged me he had tested positive of the Vid. He was previously in Chicago for a function, so no doubt was worn down from the partying. Still, his first instinct was to go and get a test. He is fully jabbed and will take any new ones he is told to.

  13. COVID always flares in an election year. Apparently, it runs in 4 year cycles.

    Can’t wait for the Chinese anal swabs.

  14. Initially, COVID symptoms ran the gamut from no symptoms at all to death. As it mutated, however, it became less virulent, so that current strains rarely endanger the patient.

    This is not difficult.

    1. “Initially, COVID symptoms ran the gamut from no symptoms at all to death. As it mutated, however, it became less virulent, so that current strains rarely endanger the patient.”

      Yup…just like any other coronavirus. They tried to panic us anyway after initially admitting a 99.7% survival rate.

      “This is not difficult.”

      Or out of the ordinary.

  15. MiniMe got it this summer (not vacced) He knows he does because he tested. Don’t know whether that was voluntary or not. Back working after two days off.

  16. I just had XI Jing Ping Panda Bio weapon, Started with a tickle in the throat and I sweated for 2 days and it was pretty much gone. Natural Immunities.
