33 Replies to “Dumbest Canadians”

  1. Why would we doubt this; from a Government with such a stellar record of openness and honesty….

  2. “Did you know ?”

    That mass over-immigration is a scam by the Lieberals to provide cheap labour to their corporatist buddies and screw over the Canadian-born population ?

    The Truth. 2024.

  3. Then why do so many immigrants seem smart like their degree was handed to them with their travel visas as they were getting on the plane to come to Canada?

  4. Could it be natural born Canadians are stupid as too many are educated in ‘government schools’?

    1. I am confident that reason will never be discussed. I think it’s fair to say our govt schools emphasize a lot of stuff ahead of basic education.

  5. Nice.. Could it be our schools are full of immigrants.. With the numbers to prove it.. Not so much Canadians are dumb as immigrants outnumber us 10 to 1.. We are the world..

  6. That entire web page is cringe. Every word of it … not to mention the shiny happy photos. There appears to be a disconnect between that webpage … and the nightly news.

    1. They’re right though. As a well-mannered straight white male of Anglo-Saxon heritage with some college, I never would have thought of taking a crap on a public beach. Sheer genius.

      1. Does swimming out to deep water at night count?
        Even as an ill-mannered straight white male of Anglo-Saxon heritage with some college, it did feel wrong.
        Then it felt better.
        And it was Lake Ontario.

        1. “Does swimming out to deep water at night count?”

          Depends on if it was a floater or a sinker.

          1. When waterskiing the inlets of BC … we always had to be mindful of random logs floating in the water. But never the “baby Ruth’s” … at least the Native peoples are smart enough not to shit in the water …

  7. There is a massive difference between the “immigrants” who follow the rules and the “students “ and “asylum seekers” who are flooding the country. They are cherry picking the numbers to provide “statistics”, as in lies, damned lies, and statistics.

  8. How many of those “immigrants” went to Diploma Mill Schools?

    How many of those degrees are recognized as valid here?

    1. A lot of them.

      But to be fair, is there a big difference between buying a degree for a few hundred bucks in India and spending half a million at a woke western university?

  9. As much as you hate the federal regime in canuckistan, it is not enough. The feds manage to up the contempt to a whole new level there.

  10. Let me fix that.

    As a NORMAL white male.

    Never fall for the Marist double speak.

  11. Immigrants are terrible drivers and I don’t need an asshole with a Bachelor’s degree trying to be a tradesmen.
    The government can suck the shit out of my ass.

  12. It seems to me that there sure are a lot of these ‘Highly Educated’ people are and have been on welfare for decades. I guess they’re so smart and educated that they’ve figured out how to go through life, pooping on the beach and getting free cash on the backs of the taxpayer.

  13. Yeah ….
    They can get their diploma for about $29.95 and that’s the suggested retail price.

  14. I no longer recognize STEM degrees from India. Period. They are at the level of Grade 11 in North America.

  15. They must be talking about *legal* immigrants, right? The ones who spent the time and money to jump through all the legal hoops and waited months (or years) for permission to come here?

  16. The gov cant keep track of who or how many have come here…but they know their education level?!?!

