57 Replies to “Not Guilty”

      1. Bingo. Like the majority of politicians…including Conservatives. They suck around for our votes for a few weeks every four years, but then they side with the green urban slime and piss all over us.

  1. I expect each of them to receive $10M in Canadian smackers, cash on the barrel’s head, strictly across the board.

    1. Are any of the Coutts “terrorists” named Omar? Do any of them kneel facing East 5x a day?

        1. You sound like one of those college educated newcomers who already speaks English … whose degree is in STEM. See story above. Trudeau is so proud of you for being “smarter” than the average dipshit Canadian.

          Just curious … do newcomers actually pay taxes? Or do they use offshore tax dodges?

  2. It’s truly sad to see Canadians living on their knees, always hoping it’s the other guy they are after.
    Post national shitolists looking up at their Liberal Masters.

    Around the world it’s revolution time!
    Here’s hoping Canada doesn’t turtle.
    The Fourth Turning authors are today’s Nostradamus!

  3. Sue Trudeau personally and the government.
    $25M each for starters.
    Then $50M each from Trudeau.

    1. The PM can’t be sued for his actions in Office. It’s considered part of his job, otherwise there would be constant ongoing lawsuits for everything a PM does that someone doesn’t like.

      I suppose if someone wants to piss away huge dollars on lawyers they are welcome to try.

      Btw, in suits against the government , the loser is usually required to pay the legal bills for both sides.

      I wonder if an appeal to the UN Human Rights people might be a better idea.

      1. Quite right, Don. But it’s not just the PM. Parliamentary immunity extends to all elected MPs and ministers of the crown. It’s not really a case of wasting plaintiff’s money. No court in Canada or any other country under a Westminster Parliament will even hear such a suit.

      2. Given that innovation of the War Measures was found by a court to be unlawfully invoked, can the various police personnel be disciplined, fined for following unlawful orders? and the superior police for issuing unlawful orders? As we know ‘just following orders’ is not a successful defense when the orders are unlawful.

        1. Given that the Supremes just ruled that the state can be held liable for enacting unconstitutional laws, and the emergencies act doesn’t appear to reference the “Notwithstanding” clause, everyone should be suing the government over it’s actions…

      3. Interesting take on legal liability that the PM enjoys. There is one question I have, after being found ‘Not Guilty by a jury of their peers, the crown now can appeal the case and get a second go with a friendly judge and a biased jury.. But the laws also states that double jeprody is unconstitutional and illegal, unless the libs do it evidentaly.

        1. An appeal can only determine if an error was made at law. Appeals courts don’t use juries.

    1. In a functioning system of government, the entire cabinet who illegally invoked martial law would resign. Given that the Liberal cabal/cabinet has no honour and is incapable of shame, that will not happen.

      With a minority government, a functioning parliament would vote non-confidence. Given NDP are in coalition with the Liberals and likewise have no honour and incapable of shame, that will not happen.

      If Canada had a populace that valued life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and other God given rights, there would not be a single Liberal / NDP elected at the next election. Hopefully there are enough of us to remove this batch of honourless, shameless scum at the next election.

  4. The “Go along to get along” troughers of the “Alberta justice System are fully complicit here as well.
    Every single minion involved needs rewarded.
    “But I was just following orders”.
    For a Justice System to have become so blatantly a Just Us System,takes years and hundreds of ass kissers.
    Our “helpers” can claim another great success.
    The Rot is systemic.
    Thankfully the jury appears to have taken their responsibility seriously.
    So how do we reach a just sentence,for such minor offences?
    After the men involved having already been punished ..
    Punished far heavily than people who have actually committed violent assaults .
    Violent assaults causing death even.
    But hey “Thats Just Us”..

    In this State of Thuggery,the process is the punishment.

    1. Guilty of mischief under 5,000.
      That reminds me….have the RCMP been charged with damage to the equipment (dozers, tractors)?

      1. Mischief OVER $5,000. Which obviously included the salaries of all the RCMP’s deployed to Trump up these FAKE charges

  5. “Tony’s explosives charge was opportunistic on the part of the Crown; they were industrial explosives from a gravel quarry found 200km away. There was no intent in the charge, which is why they applied it – Crown knew they could get him on simple possession, and this was used as a public relations stunt to smear the men.”

    As usual, the government overcharges the unfavored while letting the gangbangers go.

  6. …and yet still whenever an RCMP or other cop gets blown away by some doped-up gangbanger, the “conservatives” all clutch their collective pearls and whine about not having the death penalty.
    Canada = kaput.

  7. It’s a sad commentary that the Liberals and NDP created this mess- stealing democracy from the Canadian electors! Then Trudeau used the Law courts to defend his insanity!

  8. ” … guilty on the charge of unlawful possession of a firearm for a dangerous purpose, …also found guilty of unlawful possession of an explosive device”

    I doubt very much there’ll be any appeal by the Crown because they will point to these convictions as justification for laying the more serious charges.

    1. In Canada, having a roll of quarters, or even a rock in your pocket can be an indictable offence if the judge wants it to.
      In Canada, copping to a desire to defend yourself will result in arrest and charges.

      1. The Crown decides whether to proceed Summarily or by Indictment on dual procedure offences. The Crown also decides which charges to proceed with.

    2. “found guilty of unlawful possession of an explosive device”

      Referred to by the defence as a fire cracker.

  9. Jornolithp Bill is reporting this acquittal as: “Olienick told undercover officers blah, blah, blah…”

  10. They needed the Coutts 4 as patsies, so they could enact the emergency act.

    Meanwhile the RCMP sabotaged the heavy equipment in a nearby field, to the tune of $150,000.

    The government and certain members of it should be held accountable for everything covid related, but we know that will never happen!

  11. I hope the RcMP henceforth receives no respect from the canaduh public. Public verbal abuse should be the norm.

    1. Sadly, the majority of Canadians will either have no opinion on this or, will only get the approved version served up by turdo’s bought-and-paid-for media.

  12. At some point either you bow down completely or do the opposite.
    Not advocating, just pointing out the painfully obvious.

    1. British are realizing that bowing down does not work when the other side want your head chopped off.

  13. Paraphrasing Solzhenitsyn – Marxists considers a thief caught with a knife as just misbehaviour on his part, tools of the trade if you will.
    Anyone else…a terrorist.

  14. I for one am Sooooo glad it was a Jury Trial. A jury of local folks from Lethbridge & surrounding area I suspect.. This case was 1000% Political, Mandated by the Ultimate NAZI Liberal Filth (PMO), in the country.

    A LIBERAL govt that is a PERFECT duplicate of FRENCH 17th Century aristocracy…with the addition of 21st Century Propagandists.

    They Should ALL receive 17th Century Justice;
    Guillotined in Public.

  15. The process is the punishment .. Really, the failure belongs to our useless media.. Shame on them for not going after the injustice..

  16. Now give them the 2.5 years back with their family… of course you can’t. Just like none of us get the years of covid lockdown back.

    1. None of us get back the 9 plus years of suffering meted out by the Turd and his destructive actions.

    2. Do I get my wife back who passed from CV19?

      …there are results that were purchased by the so-called “elites” which have long lasting reaches. There are sheeple across the world which will vote in these measures and press the throttle to the floor for more mandates, lockdowns and masks. The sheeple have been trained.

      1. My sympathy G-man.
        I lost a sister that became quite ill with no diagnosis. She was one of few in my family that respected my choice to not get jabbed. Miss her dearly.

  17. I am glad at the thought my donations to Rebel and the Coutts 4 in some way helped to finally bring exposure to this, relief to the wronged men and their families. But the disgusting stain of injustice perpetrated by our governments, rcmp, crown, media, and all those who supported them remains. I’ll happily donate to any initiative that seeks to hold the scum responsible. This goes to the heart of the kind of country/society we want to live in.

  18. Cynically sentenced to two and half years of torment and bankruptcy by the petty, sociopathic government with full collaboration of law enf0rcement. From the start the state knew they had nothing, from the start the state acted maliciously and none of those responsible will be facing a tiniest of consequences.

  19. I can’t see the Coutt’s men winning any funds from this, they were found guilty of lesser charges, and we’re dealing with #Libranos here, they’re not going to admit they were wrong on any of this fiasco, 2.5 years or not.

    and if not for the jury, they’d be guilty as charged, that’s the #Librano way.

    You can add this travesty of “justice” to the long list of RCMP’s ways. The household searches for guns in High River AB a few years ago, the shooting at the barn with citizens fleeing the New Brunswick mass shooter… all the way back to the RCMP burning barns in Quebec in the 1960’s

    Their legacy isn’t any better than the national police in the USA.

  20. The normal, ordinary people of the jury have more legal sense than the bottom feeders of the socialist/fascist state.

    They can see over the shit that the legalists of the government pile up, can smell the stink and are not impressed.

    It was a show trial of the old communist state.
    There is one to go.

  21. If they get time served they should appeal the sentence as excessive. Those convictions likely wouldn’t rate jail without significant prior convictions.. I’m sure the RCMP honeypots will get big promotions for the testimony no-one on earth believes.

  22. “And when the people behave like sheep, that breeds a government of wolves”

    Albertans are like the dog that got beat up every day prior to being fed.
    The pooch came for his beating every day.
