12 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

    1. Hey! That’s Buffylo to you … she used every part of the Bison … hahahaha ha ha ha

  1. Re: Donald Trump
    Several weeks ago Dr Drew interviewed two Canadians who had written an analysis of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was interesting but I wish some one would have asked if TDS overlaps with the personality types that embrace witch hunts, scapegoating, and lynching.

    1. Cummings was director of Vote Leave, an organisation which successfully executed the 2016 referendum campaign for Britain’s exit from the European Union. After Johnson was appointed Prime Minister in July 2019, Cummings was appointed as Chief Adviser to the Prime Minister.

  2. 1) Deep thoughts Kamala Harris
    She’s not a good or even mediocre communicator is she? Maybe it’s me, but I find her speech baffling.
    2) One of the key skill sets of a manager/administrator is the ability to herd cats. That’s the job, to pull talented, productive, and competent people together and get them to row in the same direction. Sure, you could accomplish this with coercion or extortion, but that’s not good enough; it’s actually counter productive. Kamala doesn’t even rate an “F” on this skill..

  3. Will there be any repercussions or changes to the public health bureaucracies around the world because of the “science”?

  4. The tribe will be back asking for more from the government since $30k per person is a pittance compared to how the government “treated” them.

  5. China Virus News: A new Study
    Yes, 17 million dead over and above what flu could accomplish.. That’s WW2 numbers 🙁 and they act like nothing happened at all.. Why?..
