13 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Matthew Crooks was recruited to assassinate Trump alright, but it wasn’t Iran doing the recruiting.

  2. “Why is it ok to mock the Christian faith but not Islam?”

    Because you don’t get arrested for rioting when you’re protesting for Islam. Wave the ISIS flag, chant k1ll the J3ws, burn down a church, its all good.

    Protest the Olympics, or that some a-h0le burned your church down? JAIL! Instant jail.

    So possibly we should all sit down and discus who our government is really working for, know what I mean?

    1. Sorry for the language, I need it to make the point.

      Those who are worried about what Islam is doing…and getting away with…in Western society, are often called Islamophobic. But this is wrong.

      Those who support the Islamists are the ones who are Islamophobic: Piss off a Christian enough that they’ll say something like ‘I’ll kill you’ , you can just laugh it off; piss off a Jew enough that they’ll say ‘I’ll kill you’, you can just laugh it off; but piss off a Muslim enough that he’ll say ‘I’ll kill you’, you’re watching your back.

  3. To sum up … If you offend ….

    The Christian will turn the other cheek.
    The Muslim will kill you.

    That is the difference.

  4. Romans 12:19 New Living Translation
    Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD.

    Romans 12:20 – 21 New Living Translation
    Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

    The HOLY GOD of the bible is keeping score. Only those that accept JESUS as their personal savior, will be saved from GOD’s wrath.

  5. I used to believe all the illegal immigration was about more Liberal voters and cheap labour for the usual suspects.
    Not anymore.
    It’s ALL about breaking the homogeneity of successful white western countries in the pursuit of post national states and One World Government.
    Noooooobbbbbodddddyy hates YOU like Liberals.

      1. The big difference is that Liberals hate conservatives, often Christian, for our being accomplished and happy in contrast to their wasted, messed-up lives, while Muslims … wait, I guess that lying, thieving, vicious Arab borg is just like Liberals. 😉

    1. This is not NEW….Not By A LONG SHOT.

      Trudeau Senior Started this with his Multi-Cult BS back in the 70’s.

      HE is the one who started inviting Islamic FILTH in our country…None of which to this DAY have ever assimilated. Why.?? Cause that is NOT their purpose for coming here. They have their own ‘Higher Calling” coming from the grave of Hassan al Banna, an Egyptian & the creator of the Muslim Brotherhood back in 1928.

      He who created what is known as the “PROJECT”
      Creation of an Islamic Caliphate throughout the Western Hemisphere.

      Well, Take a GOOD LONG Look at the state of said Hemisphere…..
      OVER RUN…

  6. Mocking one faith over another is strictly political, the pinkos (who think they run the world) encourage it, for now.

  7. Interesting and refreshing to read an article extolling the Trump presidency when for the last number of years we have been inundated with articles like these:
    It is also disturbing to understand that a great number of Americans will take their information from the yellow press and ‘fake’ news media, not comprehending that they are being led down the garden path, so to speak, in their ignorance.

  8. Would you wear a T-shirt with a Mohammad cartoon printed on it?
    You might in Montana. Don’t try it in Mecca.
    Because, Islam trains a small number of its most devout believers it’s OK to kill. And Islamic killers have been trained to kill anyone who insults Allah and/or Mohammad.
    In Montana you’d have a good chance none of these Islamic killers would see you.
    In Mecca you wouldn’t last five minutes. One of Islam’s killers would come from out of nowhere and kill you. It is that simple.
    You don’t believe me? Ask any Muslim!
