51 Replies to “What Peak Performance Looks Like”

  1. Kamela’s debate with President Donald J. Trump is going to be popcorn and beers at the ready. I hope there’s 2 or 3, not just one.


    and the CTV is going to report how DJT abused a black woman right there in front of everyone.

    1. CTV is actually reporting that Trump is running away from Kamala, because he is backing away from the original debate agreement with ABC “News.” They did mention that Trump proposed and alternate venue with Fox News in front of a studio audience, but poo-pooed all over the countermeasure, claiming that Trump is simply afraid of the tough questions that the ABC moderators would pose.

      The spin from CTV (fake) “News” should be obvious to anyone who even remotely follows American politics.

      1. “CTV is actually reporting that Trump is running away from Kamala, because he is backing away from the original debate agreement with ABC “News.” ”

        That agreement was to debate Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris. And ABC can NO LONGER hold that debate anyway, since Trump is currently suing them and George Stephanopolis (a clear conflict of interest).

        “They did mention that Trump proposed and alternate venue with Fox News in front of a studio audience, but poo-pooed all over the countermeasure, claiming that Trump is simply afraid of the tough questions that the ABC moderators would pose.””

        Like he was afraid of the ones that CNN would throw at him? And like also he agreed to have his microphone switched off, and no audience on the studio?

        Man up, Democrats….Donald Trump went deep into enemy territory for the first debate. It’s YOUR turn now.

        (unless you are afraid of the Fox news moderators?)

  2. Trump could win it easily if all of his campaign messages are replays of Harris speaking!

  3. I think she’s as dumb as Freeland. DEI hires like these morons are going to make it harder for women and minorities who are actually competent to get hired.

    Think of all the times someone from the govt media told us how intelligent Freeland was. She’s as dumb as a post!

  4. Here’s her solution to inflation: price controls. The lameduck puppet has already said as much when Biden demanded that Retailers STOP jacking up prices. Yes, this communist candidate will impose Price controls. It’s what communists do.

    And then the shelves will be empty. Inflation replaced with starvation.

  5. MORON speaking her typical moronic shit. Rephrase the question, BLAH BLAH BLAH and provide no answer because you have ZERO ZIP NADA effective policy. Which is exactly what we expect from a MORON.

      1. The Left are always accusing the “far right” of what they do themselves … such as humping couches with their fully engorged 4” …

  6. They attack Trump for addressing the issues at a 7th grade language level.
    So then what do they do? They put forward a “Savior of Democracy” who avoids the issues at a pre-K level.

  7. This is obviously a preamble to her real answer to the question!
    Right? RIGHT! ?
    (For the love of Heaven, please say yes)

  8. The answer??
    Let’s yammer about feelings for a minute.

    Two quick solutions would be:

    Drill, Baby, Drill. Energy directly impacts the prices of everything. Everything.

    Cut the gov’t creating more fake money to facilitate out of control spending. Too much money chasing too few goods equals inflation. Economics 101.

    But do ya think any democrat would ever say either of those out loud? Or liberal in Canada?

    1. What? Like with a “Magic Wand” or something? … says the man who can only “think” when he reads what’s on the teleprompter

    2. ” Energy directly impacts the prices of everything. Everything.”
      So does political stupidity!

  9. Kamala and Joe are engaged in a competition to see who is dumber.

    Joe has dementia
    Kamala has no excuse.

  10. Of all the works of art which life could have imitated, why did it have to be VEEP?

  11. You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the public .
    Einstein said it: “Bullshit baffles brains”.

  12. Apparently, VP Harris was not paying attention when her administration pushed the Inflation Reduction Act. Their solution was to finance alternative energy sources and pay off crony industries. Printing money to accommodate the massive spending and ultimately making the inflation situation worse (as could have been predicted by any honest first year economics student).

    The fact that the media 86’d the promises of the IRA and gives her a clean slate to espouse her brilliance would be a crafty plan if Harris wasn’t functionally retarded and socially inept.

  13. She’s also said that she’ll start seizing guns in the first 100 days if congress won’t act.

  14. Even scarier is the full, long form answer on YouTube — she plainly hasn’t a clue about basic economics, but then that’s why she’s a liberal.

  15. A bit of a segue. I was just noticing Kamala’s picture. Trump is given the usual treatment because he questions her “Black” identity. Honestly, since when are Indian people “Black” as in African American? How many women who are Indian consider themselves Black? I would say virtually none. But because Trump questions Kamalas’s racial claim, he is considered divisive and hateful. Ludicrous. My conclusion: Kamala ain’t Black.

  16. No one liked Kamala until the Democrat machine told everyone they liked Kamala.

    4 more years of Kamala after the last 4 years of Kamala is exactly the way we’re going to fix everything because Black East Indian Jamaican Oaklander or something.

    Heels up!

  17. Demon Rats must have a cunning plan..Saint Kamala ain’t going to cut it,she shoots herself every word salad.
    I doubt the moron vote is going to increase her vote numbers any..
    So after the attempt to convince us that Kamala is smart,ignore our lying eyes and ears, fails..
    Who or what are they parashuting in?
    Or are we watching a rerun of WKRP?
    “I swear to God,I thought that turkey would fly”..The alternate quote.

    Got to give the Demons some credit,I did not think they could find a female candidate equally as repulsive as Hillary.

  18. Can’t wait for November. If cumala gets in, I hope God takes pity on the world and sends SMOD to the rescue. If not, we be in a HEAP of EXCREMENT!

  19. She looks like she is on fade already. It will be like her last run. She actually has less votes than she got then, which was next to nothing, yet she is the candidate this time around. By the time of the convention the Dem’s will be in complete WFTHappened mode.

  20. A billion trillion words later and the election will be so close that only cheating will win it.. Red team, blue team!.. Policy or the present state of affairs have nothing to do with it.. Winning is all that matters, even if it burns the nation down..

    I just cant do it any more.. Campaign fatigue.. Too many tours of duty.. Time to go home..

  21. Imagine if Political Satire still existed in cartooning and could be published in our State Owned Media..
    The Coupmala Clown Car would be sitting on blocks,while the auctioneer attempts to get a bid,any bid.
    Now is the Cackling Imposter a standin for The Joker?
    Or was The Joker just a lead in for Coupmala and her merry.humourless,masters.
    Even voters so gullible that they buy “Climate Change” AKA CAGW are finding Coupmala impossible to swallow.

  22. Unquestionably the stupidest bïtch to ever con and cheat her way into a path to the most important job in the world.

    If this… creature… occupies the Whitehouse as POTUS the US is finished. It was a nice 200 or so while it lasted.

