30 Replies to “Bill’s Butter”

  1. “The idea of switching to lab-made fats and oils may seem strange at first. But their potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint is immense….”

    No it won’t. The effect on natural levels of CO2 in atmosphere will be indetectable. Gates will be entirely unable to tell us how much this will reduce world average temperatures. Whatever is calculated will be far too small to measure. And if you can’t measure it, it does not exist.

    It’s time to admit the truth: Bill Gates has become just another very weird old man. And besides, we already have a butter substitute in the form of margarine.

    1. Factory lab ‘made’ butter will increase CO2 emissions and listeria outbreaks, probably E. coli too and lets not forget the toxic waste out of the factory.

      And then there will be rationing and production cuts,

      Klaus says “eat it zero asset peasant”!

  2. Butter your bread with butter instead.

    Or lard. Or gravy. Or cream cheese.

    Real food for real people.

    Artificial food is for suckers.

  3. 100% butter family where butter is normal, sometimes olive oil when oil is normal, like a normal family.
    ie: butter doesn’t work in salad dressings…

    Know that those espousing these “new ideas” are not pro family, not normal family

  4. Wow! Bill Gates just invented Margarine. Partially hydrogenated oil ? What a very unstable genius who is deliberately TRYING to kill as many people as possible …


    You can all believe what you want … but I believe margarine causes cancer, and I won’t touch the stuff with a 1,000 ft pole. It’s BUTTER for me baby! I eat my ancestral diet … the French diet! Animal fats baby! Lots of animal fats for good health and a functional brain. Pssst … our bodies naturally crave it.

    1. it’s even easier in the USA when butter is not $7 a lb, like it is up here in Canada!

      I’ve seen some of the new Penzoil synthetic motor oil, it’s being made from natural gas process waste..Have not tried it yet though, thought if it as Margerube, for cars, lol

      1. Butter IS $7 a pound in the US now.

        For real butter. You can find the hard waxy stuff for around $4 on sale.

        1. I’ll pay anything for a nice stick of sweet unsalted butter slathered on a fresh crunchy chunk of French bread … extra sour … extra crunchy. MmmmmMmmmmMmmm m

          Fortunately … it’s still quite affordable at COSTCO

  5. “Savor, has perfected the chemical process of churning out dairy-less butter”. So it’s made from chemicals and not air.

  6. The cure for a problem that doesn’t exist. I hope Bill doesn’t fall off his wallet and hurt himself.

  7. I refuse to believe that a guy with an ugly puss who made his fortune selling shitty software and who’s always railing about overpopulation has my best interests at heart. So, hard pass, Skippy.
    And if you’ve ever wondered how it is Epstein’s client list hasn’t been released and likely never will, you’re looking at one of the reasons.
    Freaking weirdo.

    1. Worst part is, Bill Gates is a complete and total thief and he was never held accountable from stealing the code for CP/M.

  8. Is this going to be another frankenfood that they can’t account for the energy into the process (it’s thermogenic) that magically emits no carbon in the creation of the feed stocks or energy for the process.

    “carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen”

    So the easiest way to get Hydrogen at the moment is Steam Reformation of Methane, but that produces CO2. So electrolysis it is, presumably from solar panels and wind farms.

    same with the Oxygen and CO2, it has to come from somewhere.

    And as near as I can tell, they have recreated “I can’t believe it’s not Butter” margarine, in the most convoluted process possible.

  9. I will give you a money back guarantee that Mr. Gates will not be eating this crap.

  10. They got to butter and cheese years ago. Any store bought butter is half fake already.
    Doesn’t soften properly. Also, look up the synthetic rennet that’s used in almost all cheese these days.

  11. Who can’t wait for a big mouthful of Bill’s butter?

    So, we’re not doing phrasing anymore?

  12. Bill Gates could reduce his carbon footprint by using MAID. All would good then.

  13. lm all for ordering a barrel of the stuff, heat it up good and hot and pour it on Bill

  14. Over my dead body …. How much has Bill invested in fake butter? No thanks. Remember when they tried (successfully) to sell us margarine by scaring everyone. Great for health – NOT!

    Margerine sucks and makes bad sauces.

  15. Elon Musk… after hearing that Bill Gates had spent over a billion dollars shorting Tesla stock;

    “How can someone say they are passionate about fighting climate change and then do something that reduced the overall investment in the company doing the most?” …. “It’s pure hypocrisy. Why make money on the failure of a sustainable energy car company?”

    … “At this point, I am convinced that he is categorically insane (and an assh@le to the core) I did actually want to like him.”
