Central Planners, Planning

It’s not just Winnipeg.

Sun- Winnipeg must let the people decide on Plan20-50

Winnipeg city planners spoke glowingly in favour of the 30-year plan, which was the first red flag.

The WMR wants to mandate cramming almost 400 people per acre in Winnipeg, while heavily restricting gas-fueled vehicles and imposing land-density rules that may threaten the rights of property owners.

What’s that mean? Kiss your car goodbye. The bureaucrats will also tell you how big your yard can be, how many multi-family homes must be in every new housing development, and outside of the city, if you can dig a well.

And there are other rural concerns with the WMR scheme.

41 Replies to “Central Planners, Planning”

  1. I did not know Canada had run out of room. A better rule would be one single family residence per quarter acre.

    1. Quarter acre?
      Canada could mandate a 1 acre minimum lot and use only 10 percent of its land area and still have over 250 million families housed.

    2. Here in CA … where “WHITE” colonialist zoning laws created suburbia and a de facto barrier to POC’s moving in … have been eliminated. So, according to NEW “inclusive” State Law … my 10,000 sq ft 1/4acre lot can now legally contain 6 separate dwelling units.

      Funny thing though … nobody … and I mean NOBODY is replacing their single family homes with 6-units in my neighborhood. Oh so sorry you social engineering Muh-whitecolonialists … you LOSE. The highest and best use of the property in my neighborhood is STILL single family per property. Pricks!

  2. Save some time and trouble and just eliminate the “Winnipeg Metropolitan Region” corporation. No one asked for it, and nothing good will ever come out of it.

    1. That would solve nothing.
      Take a good look at who is being elected in rural and northern MB.

      1. I assume it’s some NDP aligned communists, because the NDP runs candidates in elections that are supposed to be non-partisan, and get some of “volunteers” from union workers.

  3. Rest assured, the decision has already been made. Any public consultation is for show only.

    1. Dead on, MikeT. The schemes were drawn up decades ago. Now it’s just step by step implementation. And you can bet your bippy that all the official farm organizations will sign on after registering a few pro forma objections.

  4. Voting for idiot ass wipes and communists has consequences; and they are never good consequences. Manitobans have no one but themselves to blame for what is happening to their province. I have been saying so since I moved there in 1980s and nothing much has changed in voting patterns since then.
    This is not to say that it is much different in the rest of the country.

  5. “and outside of the city, if you can dig a well.”
    How does the City of Winnipeg have any jurisdiction outside its legal boundary? Time for Canadians to rearm.

    1. “How does the City of Winnipeg have any jurisdiction outside its legal boundary?”


      And, because country folks – who have all the resources – have been asleep at their tractor steering wheels. ALL legislation that affects the countryside is developed by urbanites for the urban vote. And it is impossible to drive that fact home into farmer’s skulls.

      1. Oh they know but there’s not a lot they can do. About five years ago there was a kerfuffle over a zoning by-law change. Some nonfarmer in Winnipeg decided to implement a new coding rule that every stall in a barn had to have a smoke detector and a man door so animals could escape in a fire. Every stall. Imagine the cost to build or retrofit a barn that would create? The new rule was removed after the offending party was laughed out of every RM council meeting he was invited to attend because it was so bloody ridiculous. For one thing cows can’t fit through your typical man door. Excuse me person door. They are not asleep but honestly what can they do? No one cares what farmers do except where they can be taxed or regulated or blamed. City of Winnipeg regularly dumps raw sewage into the Red River but algae problems in Lake Winnipeg are caused by pig farmers.

  6. Sure, sure.. They want to loot the land value.. Raises and promotions all around.. Cites are bankrupt failing and they will do anything to keep their jobs..

    Question.. Will anybody want to live in this green prison?..

    You know when the goals are 25 or 50 years off.. Grand money hungry schemes.. They got nothing..

    1. I take comfort from the fact that is used to be called Agenda 21. Then it became agenda 2030. Now they call it Agenda 30-50.

  7. Let’s see who’s alive in three to five years and then talk about 30 year plans.

  8. Leaving Winnipeg with in a couple of years. Sold two of my rentals this year and will sell the last next year. Moving outside the city to a small town where taxes are much cheaper. The cost of owning an average home in. Winnipeg has skyrocketed. Rentals do not cover costs.
    We are not in Winnipeg that much anyways. So we won’t miss much. Also not the same city I remember.

  9. So a population density of 256,000 per square mile or 100,000 per square kilometer?
    Not quite the walled city of Kowloon, but 3 times the density of Mumbai in 2014, twice the density of Manila in 2020, and about equal to the density of the tiny city of Malé (capital of the Maldives).

    I doubt the local planners have the talent to come up with this on their own, based on observations of their previous work. How much of this was based on input and guidelines from foreign NGO’s and lobby groups?

    I can remember back in the day when they came up with “Plan Winnipeg”, then every year they would hire consultants to tell them the same things they had to do to revitalize the city, and every year they would reject the advice of the latest consultant claiming that their recommendations conflicted with Plan Winnipeg.

  10. I live on a 1/4 acre lot in a city. It’s basically 100 ft wide instead of the usual 50ft or less. A modest 1800 sq foot home. There is no possible ‘home’ other than a tiny 1 bedroom apartment high rise with the density they want. Think Soviet style living.

  11. Here’s a shocker: At least five generations of increasingly Marxists professors have converted a culture that is now embracing communism, fascism, and green theocracy. It’s the green theocracy part that now enables the other two.

    1. -The Green Theocracy is just the ideobabble to justify the socialist control of society.

  12. The way cities are planning the future, I think Canada’s big cities will look like 3rd world slums. Homelessness, open drug use, high crime rates, garbage and excrement…like San Francisco, basically. Outside of the cities the rural areas, small towns and small cities will look like the Canada we used to be – peaceful, clean and orderly. The only problem is how to prevent big city people from moving to the rural areas/communities and ruining them like they ruined the big cities.

    1. Bingo LC. We fled the burbs for gravel road living 15 yrs or so ago.
      Have a deep well, septic system, on 7 acres – a small bungalow that’s perfect for 2, don’t even need curtains.
      We’ve noticed that since covid, this area has seen less ‘for sale’ signs and more building, new builds to extensions on smaller dwellings. Even had flyers hand delivered to the mailbox this summer; asking if we wanted to sell. We don’t.

      1. The standard of living in rural areas meets my needs as long as it has a school, a hospital and an outdoor. The problem that rural areas have is rich people flee the cities for rural areas, build houses that drive up home prices and demand vanity projects that increase taxes. Then there’s the Karen’s who, being used to running HOAs, complain and demand bylaws for things that are part of rural and agricultural areas.

        1. Yes, they tend to take their mentality to their new locations, Alberta comes to mind.
          We’re 15 mins from a town with a hospital in it, and 2 major highways.
          I love the ‘no traffic’ on our drives, no crappers in retail parking lots and no tent cities around.
          The wildlife meandering the yard makes up for any other inconveniences.

      2. Same. I am 250km north of Winnipeg. We have a plethoria of small homesteads springing up on every old home site. Most don’t make it and end up back in Winnipeg.

  13. Governments are omniscient and, if only people would stop resisting them, omnipotent and infallible.

    1. Well aren’t they starting to dig the landfill for “bodies”?
      The best one can hope for is the perp gets it as bad as the victims.

  14. The Moe government is complicit in these schemes too by the central “planners”.
    His government does nothing to stop the attacks on private property.
    Remember, “planners” never build anything. They only stop people from doing what they want on their property.

  15. But..It worked so well.
    When you permit very small personalities power over other people,this is what we always get.
    Killdozerman was just a few moments ahead of his time.
    There was a reason,that only ratepayers were allowed to vote..
    Now every axegrinder and social parasite seeks these locus of local power,so certain,that they who have never built or grown anything,are so much wiser than those who do.

    1. “When you permit very small personalities power over other people,this is what we always get.”

      Richard Nixon called it the tyranny of small men in big jobs.

  16. The best thing about Manitoba is that you can drive across it, without stopping, in under five hours.

  17. Alberta’s not far behind if we keep letting more commies in. We got enough as it is.

  18. Walking around Winnipeg in winter is great fun, do these planners do that now?

  19. Federal housing plan seems to be summed up by bribing cities with cash to build low quality housing with too many people jammed in small spaces. It’s a problem that could have been prevented instead of resolved with second rate “fixes.”
