“Decline Is A Process, Not A Moment”

The critic- Boiling the British frog

On July 11th, the new Labour government announced that 5,000 prisoners would be released early, in order to ease prison overcrowding. On July 15th, reports emerged that London’s once-great Metropolitan Police had failed to solve a single burglary, phone theft, or car theft in 166 London neighbourhoods over the past three years. On July 17th, a Jordanian refugee who attacked a female police officer in Bournemouth was spared community service on the grounds that he could not speak English — and on July 18th, two asylum seekers from Egypt who stole a watch worth £25,000 in London’s West End were spared jail.

That same day saw two separate cases of rioting. In the Harehills area of Leeds, police were attacked and a double-decker bus was set on fire by local residents after four Romani children were taken into care by social services. In East London’s plurality-Bangladeshi borough of Tower Hamlets, rioting broke out in response to political unrest in Bangladesh.

Let me stress this again — all of these incidents took place within the space of a single week.

Konstantin Kisin- Riots in Britain: Nothing Left to Add

In all of these pieces, I explained that government policy across the Western world over the last two decades had brought the pot to boiling point. And predicted that instead of turning off the gas and listening to people’s concerns, the reaction from the media and politicians would be to screw the lid on tighter and make things worse. Which they have now done.

29 Replies to ““Decline Is A Process, Not A Moment””

    1. Entirely by design, provoke, prod, instigate, etc, etc…..get someone to react, then hammer them. Never let a crisis go to waste, and if no crisis, be sure to manufacture one, a good one, and use that to implement your plans.

      Nothing new under the sun, the question is did they plan good enough. I doubt it, marxists have been central planning for years and it always turns to shit. The only question is how many people will die before they do.

  1. I think we are seeing the end game of the last few decades that a number of us have been talking about for years and now that it is becoming more visible to the LIV perhaps this little ditty will give us some hope. Especially important is the introduction about Trudeau and remember this is in London, UK!


  2. I suppose that from the Left’s perspective, anyone who disagrees with their twisted ideology must appear “far right”.
    Next time elect a real conservative.

      1. Watching CTV (fake)”News” and the spin they are putting on the riots… (I’m having trouble resisting the urge to throw something at the TV), yeah! I’d say it’s already here as well.

        1. My comments are SEVERELY being repressed, and censored, but I’m gonna try this one more time.

          I don’t like the double-standard justice that’s being applied by the London police, but I still can’t say that justifies the violence. Already we’re seeing the repercussions both politically and in the media.
          This is only making matters worse.

          1. I can’t say you’re wrong, but what, especially in the UK where they’ve endured beyond reason and it’s very clear the people have lost their voice and the ruling class allows a group to run roughshod over the rest of the country with impunity, would you have them do?

      2. Don’t forget the groups in brampton that got frisky a few months ago because unknown reasons…

    1. Yeah, it is obvious the British elites are working right out if the George Floyd AND Jan 6 playbook in their reaction to these riots.

      No arrests at violent immigrant protests, No arrests at anti-immigrant protests that are attacked by violent immigrants who stab people, cracking down on anti-immigrant protests that destroy only property to the point of tracking people down at their homes later.

  3. The sight of Catholics and Protestants marching together in Northern Ireland warmed my heart.

    It’s difficult to imagine what else could have brought these sides together, but the gov’t managed to do it.

    Thanks gov’t. (lol…)

  4. Bezmenov tried to warn us.

    It’s always been about destroying social cohesion and common morals to the point that the society tears itself apart in a civil war, making it unable to defend itself from outside invaders. The politicans have never wanted to prevent rioting; the rioting is the entire point.

    The Western nations are too far gone at this point. The only “fix” is a Cromwell/Pinochet/Milei purge of every last vestige of the Communist left and that’s simply impossible – even if it were possible, it creates exactly the instability the invaders are looking for.

  5. Civil society and public trust in government are based on a social contract that management of the country is given to government. At what point have western governments approached citizens to explain or convince or obtain consensus from citizens on the direction that they have laid upon citizens? When did we agree that perversity, social unrest, drugs or mass immigration from cultures, countries and religions anthetical to our norms would benefit our society? What possessed our “leaders” to think that that is what we needed, wanted or were prepared to accept?

    The time is coming that the words “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another … it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security” ring out with clarity of what needs to be done if our so called leaders fail to heed our concerns.

  6. C’mon now…there’s nothing here that cannot be resolved with some hand holding and a few rousing choruses of Kumbaya!

  7. Does anyone know if Speakers Corner in Hyde Park still operates? When there in 2014 the Muslims were like a hive on angry bees around a pro Israel speaker

  8. You forgot the army officer being attacked in Kent and the the assault with a “knife” on the dance class, killing three young children.

  9. People talkin like this is a bad thing.
    I hope it escalates a lot.
    Go full Romanian.

  10. Well….. pardon this crude interruption and juxtaposition. Bitcoin is a moment.
    And it just took a major crap.
