25 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

    1. Justin is pissed. Olivia wore the costume he was going to use at the next pride parade.

      1. You just know there’d be a real cat fight if they both showed up in the same outfit.

    2. My gay friends have made it a policy to be out of the city because of the Caribana festival. They have rightly pointed out that there are always stabbings which happen and it is wise NOT to be anywhere near the parade or the activities if you value your life. This has been true for at least 45 years. If the stabbings have not happened yet, do not worry, they will.

      1. Stabbings? I guess that’s an improvement over the 3 to 5 shootings that occurred at Caribana before.

        I also wonder how much the city is paying to clean up after them.

        1. Stabbings instead of shootings. Absolute irrefutable proof that gun control works! (sarc.)

  1. George Floyd II:
    Not diagnosing or saying this applies in Mitchell’s case but this has echoes of Bells Mania(aka delirium mania or delirium extremis). Another condition Excited Delirium may mimic it. It can be deadly to the subject and is a Catch 22 for even experienced first responders, especially since the protocols have been deleted since George Floyd.

  2. You have to feel sorry for Meoff, how do you tell your teen daughters you met a whore and you are bringing her home to marry

    1. I agree. I used to be “Nora Naive” (aka stupid) but grew out of it at least 20 years ago.

  3. Canadians are morons.
    Without a doubt.
    Saint John NB Liberal MP is reconsidering appearing in public due to “aggressive” pro-Palestinian protests.
    The few comments on the story essentially agreed with Long.

    INSTEAD of saying the actual truth which goes something like this:
    Tired of seeing Liberal MPs ride off into the sunset to enjoy their comfy fur retirement, mostly avoiding the catastrophes they have caused.
    I think it is truly wonderful to see Liberals get a faceful of the damage they have done to this country in their dystopian pursuit of a scary One World Government.
    Hoping for more.
    Canadians have eaten Liberal shit sandwiches forever, apparently enjoying living on their knees.
    It seems the Liberal’s uninvited guests have a different approach.
    Should be fun.
    Voting Liberal is voting for a boot stomping the face of humanity forever.

  4. Restraint asphyxia?.. Beyond a choke hold getting pissed off because you are being arrested is not a cause of death..

  5. Hindsight is 20/20. IF Mitchell was having a manic or psychotic break, it was beyond the scope of a security guard’s responsibility. The security guards should have cleared the area of bystanders, contained Mitchell, and waited for medically trained professionals.

  6. A kind word for stupid.
    Read the 5 Laws of Stupidity.
    The key concept the authour of a kind word for stupid,hits on; Not-Sees.

    If your world view and smug self satisfaction depend upon NOT Seeing,you will most strenuously seek to Not See.

    Such are our progressive Comrades.
    Every thing they enable is vile and perverted.

    And their ideology has destroyed countless communities,causing mass death through famine,terror and atrocity..

    But they will Not-See,explaining that the reason their idiocy.which defies Human Nature and the realities of Nature,has failed repeatedly..Is that the persons attempting to impose it,were just not as smart as they are.

    They loudly label every critic of their unpersuasive nonsense,to be “A Hater” ,Alt-Right,National Socialist of Germanic Origin..Assuming such labelling will prevent their opponents speaking.

    And their favourite tactic,when the logical consequences occur,is to deny any responsibility while boasting of their “Good Intentions”.
    NOT SEEs The natural product of government run “Public Education” and a captured Media.

    That Fat Ignorant Liberal who dissed the Women speaking on Domestic Violence and Law,is a perfect Not-See.
    As is every member of ;
    The Free Stuff army.
    Gang Green.
    And Welfare For All.

    And yes.
    They really are this stupid.

    Evil : Defined as Compound Stupidity.

  7. “Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff on Saturday admitted cheating on his first wife, following a bombshell report claiming he once got the family nanny pregnant.”

    Yeah, not a problem for lefties, in fact they would consider that to be good news, a boost to reputation.

  8. FWIW – re the voting for the 2020 election

    “Kamala Harris and the Great Democrat Cheat Machine”

    “There is a Cheat Machine out there.

    It worked in the 2020 general election and it’s no doubt gearing up again for another run. The only question is, will it work twice?”

    “But it disturbed me to the degree that I wanted to find some sort of clearinghouse for the whole matter. Where could one go to find data revealing what actually happened four years ago? Where could one find an aggregate collection of data uncontaminated with opinion, bias, or any other point of view apt to skew an average citizen’s quest for accuracy?  And after some thought and rumination, I found a place I’d not immediately considered before, a place that just might give me some valid information and a little peace of mind. 

    I found the U.S. Census Bureau.”

    More at


    1. Ian, that is exactly the program. And at the moment we are in a massive propaganda program to sell the idea . I remember watching the vote ticker and Trump’s votes going down by the same amount Biden’s went up. But there is no evidence to be found. Nothing to see. Move on. Just another tin foil hat lowly educated ill informed conspiracy idiot. Meanwhile take yor pick – the assassination attempt was either staged or to bad they missed. There seems to be number of people I no longer care to be around and a whole bunch that are in denial and just don’t care. It’s not an optimistic view.

  9. So Climate Justin flew back to Ottawa from his vacation. And then flew back to B.C. today for a pervert parade. I guess gay sex is more important than saving the environment.

  10. Pride is on override. Guess what trannies – we, the public, do not care anymore. You have lost ALL empathy and credibility by being gross. No one cares if you go to your clubs and have fun, but the rest is horrid.

    Many dress worse than whores, so cover up and, no, we do not value you dressed up in weird bikinis.

    You are damaging your cause to be accepted by acting outrageously. It is a failed strategy.

    I hate pride month too, as I would prefer “Canada month”
