47 Replies to “Kamala the Magnificent”

  1. And yet, with the Obama cheating machine behind her, she’ll be POTUS this time next year. Because idiots are easier to control. Lord, help us!

    1. Yes, with the whole progressive apparatus behind her,Hollywood,the Obamas, the media, Clintons, every leader of every country in the West,and East, I don’t see how she can lose.
      I wish there WAS a Lord to help us, because with 8 more years of these bastards we’re going to need divine intervention.

      After Kamala wins, watch Trudeau invite her to come up here just before our election, a couple of speeches as it’s four more years of Liberal government, with or without Trudeau.

      Color me worried. Very worried.

        1. I share your worry, don. This is an insidious play by the democrats. If it fails, then it will be sudden big ME war that requires suspending the election.

          1. Well now…
            Who was it that had said that we may not even have an election… Months ago???

            Oh, and though I appreciate your comment, my name is not Don.

    2. American voters are the dumbest on the planet, 8 years of the Kenyan and 4 years of the vegetable. Now they are going to vote for an old whore

      1. American voters ARE dumb, but your “dumbest on the planet” comment doesn’t make you look very smart considering the U.K. just voted in the people who are protecting immigrant mobs that are attacking their citizens and arresting people who complain about it.

        1. I give you a nod, there. As someone who lives in a country that’s kept the worst PM in the history of canada in power for 8 years – and could see him extended by another 4 – I keep a low profile and try not to wade into any discussions mocking the intelligence of other countries’ voters.


  2. She is a cackling imbecile. She is terrified to speak live with people, resulting in the nervous laughter.

    She has no idea what she is doing or what to say, resulting in word salad and circles within circles.

    If she were serious, she’d do some amount of prep work and stick to some well understood and practiced talking points. She is, however, a very unserious person.

    1. Yeah, I saw that too. The blonde seemed to be thinking “What on earth is she talking about?”

  3. Nothing shocks me anymore with the Democrats. Their screwball comedy began in 2008 when Obama picked the idiot Biden to be his VP in 2008. I mean this man was known in Washington as the dumbest member of the senate for decades and his reputation was toast among the general public after having been caught plagiarizing multiple speeches from politicians both here and across the pond, and yet they ran him anyway, defying explanation. Then for some reason they ran him for president in 2020, which was even more shocking to anyone who pays attention to politics for more than five minutes. They cheated then of course, and now – like Thucydides said above – this is their opportunity to really rub the cheating in our faces one more time by running this national joke Kamala. She’ll “win” and so the message will be delivered for all normies to see that we are governed by a cabal of communists. And in 2028, just to be clear, the Democrats will run a toaster to deliver the message to any holdouts that the country is over, kaput, toast.

    1. I think it started in 1913 with Woodrow Wilson. The March Through the Institutions was a long one.

  4. Can you see her standing up against Russia? China? Iran?

    Nope, neither can I. They will do whatever they want. The “leader” of the “free” world won’t have a clue what to do when things get real out there.

    1. Things are already real out there, and Kamala has a Ven diagram to explain it to herself while riding her yellow bus to oblivion.
      We are screwed.

    2. Davis, what makes you think that, if elected, Harris will have any real power? The Dems are already experienced in running a POTUS like a hand-puppet and getting away with it for years at a time. The real decisions will be made somewhere else, not by Cackling Kamala. The only real question is can she read a statement off a teleprompter.

      1. Reading a teleprompter properly has not been a requirement for Biden to be the Yankie president.

    3. Right you are, Davis, those countries are just waiting and hoping she wins, and then all hell breaks loose. Iran will move on Israel and China will move on Taiwan. Conflicts will erupt into wars all over the planet.

      And the economies of the world will collapse.

    4. The only thing kamahaha is expected to stand in front of is a TV camera.
      She is a lay reader or a deacon. She leads the congregation in prayer and song.

  5. Michael Malice may indeed be right…she’s retarded.
    Her lecture on cloud storage the other day had me wondering if she really is that stupid.

  6. I can see Americans , Americans who are firm Democrats voting for Trump for the sole purpose of not wanting this incredibly silly human being as President. She may be his greatest ally in his quest for the Presidency. They probably should have stuck with Biden, even demented he’s better than this.

    1. Most Americans won’t ever see how silly and dense that cackler is. The mainstream media won’t show her for what she is, they’ll portray her as the most awesome, most incredible and wise candidate for the presidency since Lincoln, and the Democrat party brass will keep her under wraps as much as possible. No interviews, no unscripted talk at all. Stick to the teleprompter, unlike Biden she can at least do that.

    2. But, but, but …the ENTHUSIASM!!! ??? The entire nation is wetting their pants over this proud black woman’s candidacy!! So much enthusiasm !! Ohhhhhhhhh Kammmmaaammmmmaaaaaa … the excitement!!

      How dare you call that astroturfed enthusiasm … FAKE

  7. Its misogyny to criticize a female idiot.
    Its racism to criticize a black idiot.
    And its okay to shoot your Republican opponent.
    Ask any Democrat.

  8. Please tell me you guys know how this works.

    First of all, Google is already adjusting their “algorithm” to assure that referencing this clip is nearly impossible going forward. There are complications with that since Fox News picked it up, but even their stories will be buried. Secondly, as the Left always does, they will change the definition of the term “woke” to reflect whatever they want it to reflect. Personally, I abhor it’s use due to the improper grammar. If they truly wish to create a lexicon, the term would be “awoken.”

    Regardless, it won’t be long until they define the term to mean fairness. Gone will be the terms “diversity” and “inclusion.” It will be restructured into a straw man’s argument to suggest that if you are not “woke” then you strongly support discrimination and bigotry. To this point, the term has been a vague reflection of progressive favoritism without substance to support positions. You could remain indifferent with the only repercussion being that you are not considered “hip” and “current.” It’s about to undergo some lexicon surgery and become a “with us or against us” argument with all the usual isms, phobes, and ists.

    1. Lexicon…
      Awakened. Awakanism. Awakanista. Awakanaphobic.
      Strunk and Whyte’s 1984.
      Oh, and who these days even knows what a “lexicon” means?
      If I were to say it in a subjunctive mood. I would posit that we are screwed.

  9. These 2 other chicks have the look of somebody wondering who is going to drive Kamela home, and if she is gonna puke in the back.

  10. Oh come on, all you naysayers. Kamala will, with one bound, unbound us. She will bodilly go before the behind that was behind her behind, on all fours.

    Heels up!

  11. still don’t think Harris will be the final candidate, Obama has someone else in mind and they know that even with a massive cheating campaign the American public wouldn’t buy the narrative that she got the most legal, lawful amount of votes. Not sure about how the actual election will play out, but Trump most likely will be inaugurated in January.

  12. I found out tonight my wife is going to vote for the ho. Well there goes 55 years of marriage.
