Monday On Turtle Island

Cackling Kamala’s America:  Lawfare has killed a conservative website.  Gate’s bugs as food.  The Denis Healey quote.  Biden boards the wrong airplane.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin’s CBC celebrates a trans man having a baby.  Hiding the truth about residential schools.

Woke World:  Free books on white privilege.  Today In Islam:  Diversity in Spain.  And Islam in Philadelphia.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.      Happy Simcoe Day!

14 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

    1. Its baby has a freakishly large head … I suspect some serious genetic damage has taken place.

    1. The victimhood Lotto pays off far better than Powerball … although similarly … the winnings end up in very few pockets.

  1. Ref Denis Healey quote:

    ” … but 90 percent of the hacks are left-wing even in conservative publications …

    Here, let me finish that sentence for you:

    … and Conservative Parties.”

  2. Biden didn’t see his shadow when he came back out of the plane.
    According to superstition, the country might not have to endure six more months of Biden presidency.

  3. Today Dear Leader burns jet fuel to Northern Alberta. No itinerary is given so protesters don’t ruin his photo ops.

  4. There’s a very interesting post by Tim Worstall on death rates at American residential schools.

    Yes, the Yanks had them too, lots of them. Death rates of children in them were pretty much the same as general death rates at the time.

    I expect the same is true here.

  5. “Biden boards the wrong airplane”
    Hmm. It was dark, empty, going nowhere and probably low on fuel.
    Seems like the right one to me.
