Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste

Off-Guardian- UK Riots: The agenda becomes clear…

Whatever the truth of this latest incident, and whatever long term aims it might be used to further, this “strategy of tension” has an immediate political agenda already becoming clear – and it’s as predictable as ever.

Attacking free speech is the ever-present, eternal agenda that comes before everything else and it’s been a real pile-on the last few days.

You cannot begin to fathom how irritating it is to the ruling class that ordinary people are allowed to just say whatever they want whenever they want – including having the audacity to fact check the media in real time, with no repercussions at all.

23 Replies to “Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste”

  1. These aren’t riots!

    These are mostly peaceful protests that simply want to de-fund the Police.

  2. Notice all the blame, here, there, everywhere BUT Not one call to ban anything Taylor Swift? Not one!

  3. With the exception of the U.S. what ever gives any one the impression that they have the right to free speech?

    1. The right to free speech is a UNIVERSAL one, not an American one. Just because other countries’ governments trample on that right doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, only that it is being abused. If you want to restore your own right to free speech, then do as the Americans say: “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., the protection of universal rights], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”.

      1. Banning free speech is invariably the first response of all totalitarian governments. So it’s no surprise that the Groaniad seconds this. It has always been in favour of suppressing free expression particularly as pertains to average people and the working class.

        But remember: all individual rights have to be wrested from government. Civil rights limit the powers of what governments can do to its citizens.

        1. “Banning free speech is invariably the first response of all totalitarian governments. ”
          Religious theocracies are NO different, just read up about the RCC’s history, it’s all there.

          1. Cite examples please, so I can refute them.
            But I know you won’t because like all bullies, you’re just a coward.

            Your feeble attempt to equate RCC “theocracy” with that of totalitarian regimes will fall on deaf ears, like all of your feeble attempts to tarnish the church.

            The church has it’s faults. I am first in line to admit that, but you have gone too far, as you have done many times in the past, and undoubtedly will in the future.

            And every time you do, I’ll be right there to call you out.

      2. “The right to free speech is a UNIVERSAL one, not an American one.”

        In a perfect world, yes. In reality, though, I think one has only the ‘rights’ that their particular government is willing to grant them. In Canada we don’t even have the right to self-defense.

        If you try to exercise a ‘right’, and your government arrests you and throws you in jail for doing so, then you never actually had that ‘right’, did you?

    2. “ … certain inalienable Rights …” That flow from The Creator … not from governments which are ephemeral and transitory at best. That’s what makes me believe we are all born with the Right of Free Speech.

      1. Well, that kind of gets to the nub of the problem, doesn’t it? The commies/marxists don’t believe in a Creator, so it naturally follows that those inalienable rights derived from a Creator, enumerated by men, have no legitimacy. To them, the state is the supreme power – there are no individual rights in that scenario, merely whatever the state allows/permits.

        Understand this and it becomes clear why they have no trouble violatiing your God-given rights, and are constantly working at removing them altogether.

    3. YUP!
      We’re all born with the right OF free speech, but TO free speech, nope, its pretty much quashed by our filthy rulers.

  4. So, words aren’t just criminal now, they’re hyper-criminal.
    I’m sure that soon they will go to ridiculously criminal and then ludicrously criminal.

    God help us all when they go to plaid.

    1. Dangit! I’m having trouble finding that upvote button, kfg. I was going to hit it several times.

      Yeah, kinda like ‘double-secret probation’ only worse.

  5. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants- Thomas Jefferson

    Posting that on a YouTube video discussing the frustration of English patriots who are fed up with mass immigration, got me a one day ban for making YouTube unsafe.

    Expect the censorship to ramp up as November gets closer.

  6. Fact: NOBODY on the streets of Birmingham, … NOBODY … is there because of the initial report that the MURDERER OF LITTLE GIRLS was a “boat-person”. NOBODY! THAT is the REAL disinformation, because there is NO EVIDENCE of connection between the two.

    The “far right” is on the streets because a Muslim “boy” SLAUGHTERED 3 little girls … and permanently disfigured 10. Oh!? Did I say Muslim? That’s not “approved speech” … because the government hasn’t yet confirmed the “boy’s” religious affiliation, if any? Nor have they discovered any motivation. Muzzie apologists PuhLeeze!!??

    And it tells you ALL you need to know about the Left that they are not also on the streets expressing their RAGE and OUTRAGE. If they cannot find RIGHTEOUS RAGE at the SLAUGHTER of little girls … then what???

    1. “And it tells you ALL you need to know about the Left that they are not also on the streets expressing their RAGE and OUTRAGE.”
      To the left, it’s not slaughter or murder,,, it’s just a post birth abortion. In fact it’ll help reduce glowball warming, ease school classroom crowding, lower household expenses(ie. food, clothing, entertainment costs),,, and somewhat reduce the number of privileged white class breading bodies.

      Things are going to get soooo much worse in the next ten years.

  7. A crisis doesn’t have to be serious in order to become a pretext for action. In fact, a crisis can be manufactured to justify any action. Just ask Turdeau the Lesser.

  8. By calling out social media companies generally, the subtext is that they specifically mean Musk’s X/Twitter. All the others play ball with the deep state/globalist narratives. What we are seeing is laying the groundwork to viciously take wildcard Elon out via fomented civil unrest and an amped up propaganda campaign by mainstream media for government to do something about it.

  9. [sigh]… It’s not that I’m tired of being right. I’m just tired at being scoffed at before I’ve been proven right.

  10. “Progress” of the insane kind after all previous warnings distant and nearer in time went unheeded , is indeed going to be absolutely ugly.
    And sadly words aren’t going to matter any longer anyways.
    Unless the unaccountable are saying UNCLE.
    I’m not advocating violence, but it seems to be a natural reaction to something one-sided and corrupt that grows instead of slinking back into the shadows
    Where it always belonged in the first place for good reason.
    Nothing new just more definate , ominous, and consequential.
    It’s always been a war of sorts.
    And reason is bleeding badly.

  11. If a children’s Taylor Swift dance event is worthy of murder.. I would say you have bigger problems than a bunch of pissed off white people..

  12. I hope they burn down more police stations, and for that matter, the HoP, with all the staph inside.
