Still Waiting for the Apologies

I rarely post anything political on Facebook but violence against women and biological men encroaching into women’s sports is a red line for me. So I posted this tweet from Riley Gaines. My own little firestorm erupted, with lots of the usual suspects attacking me for being transphobic and hateful. One SF Bay woman stated that Angela Carini “wasn’t tough enough” to hack it. I guess the loyalty of sisterhood evaporates when the Cult demands compliance!

It was thus very interesting to watch this video this morning:

Not one apology or mea culpa has come my way yet. I’m not holding my breath.

41 Replies to “Still Waiting for the Apologies”

  1. I always find it “interesting” that it is only one-way. It is always “XY” going into “XX” sports. It is NEVER “XX” going into “XY”.
    I consider myself to be a strong woman (although at 72 years of age, my strength is diminishing). But skinny men and teen-age boys of 14-15 are much stronger than I am. That is because Mother Nature has given them the miracle hormone of Testosterene (sp?)

    1. There was actually a trans man competing in boxing this year – first ever trans man apparently.

      And he lost.

  2. they should just establish a “freaks of nature” class, and let them have at it.
    Women are women, and these freaks ain’t women.

    1. Waiting for you to link this to the RCC…. Patience, people. It’ll come sooner or later.

  3. SF Bay lady is probably juiced to the hilt with the clot shots.

    If it is depopulation, good job….

  4. Common sense would just return the Olympics to the pre-1900 status. Singular events where anyone can qualify. No segregated separate categories based on gender. The original motto of the Olympics was Citius – Altius – Fortius. These words mean Faster – Higher – Stronger.

    Technically, women’s events are pure patronization established to accommodate lesser abilities. Originally, they were a form of inclusion. Inclusion is not a philosophy that is compatible with pure competition. And the Olympics lost its luster once inclusion became a staple of its lexicon. Take the 100 Meter sprint for example. Every men’s sprinter in the final handily exceeded the winner of the women’s 100 meter sprint. Every one. So, I have to ask. What is the point of the women’s event?

    1. There’s an “American Ninja Junior” show. It’s actually cool to have on in the background. It’s like the adult show but with challenges built for kids….still very tough.

      They have the boys and girls compete against each other in groups aged 9 to 10, 11 and 12, and 13 and 14. But by the oldest category, the girls don’t usually win unless a dude falls.

  5. Simply put, every women entering international women’s competition should have to periodically show they have XX chromosomes. Classes should be open and women’s. That way everyone is included but the freaks get to play with the men.

  6. Thank you Robert for pushing back. I would have thought the optics of a best in world woman being pummeled easily by a physically average looking man would be enough. The level of self delusion is stunning.

  7. Funny thing Robert … this story hasn’t yet appeared on KTVU Ch 2 Fox leftist news here in the SF Bay Area this morning … however they HAVE been covering the continued stock market crash, err … sell off. But of course reminding everyone that Kameleon Harris was never the economy Czar and bears NO responsibility whatsoever.

  8. Robert, your lefty friends are prime examples of NPCs. They are programmed by their mass media. They nod and bow to their masters from 6 to 7 every night, with their new instructions and beliefs. They really do think they are the smartest people in the room, but in reality, they are followers and unable to conceive actual critical thinking.
    As stated earlier, there’s no doubt they’ve taken all the Fauci owchies, and believe in THE SCIENCE, wearing their face diapers to this very day.
    As for the Wokelympics, in a perverse way, I’m glad the opening ceremonies turned to be a thorough perversion, it cemented my beliefs to not watch anything of this abysmal, fraudulent, display of narcissism, bread and circuses, while the world burns.

  9. I don’t understand. How can you be born female with X-Y chromosomes? Is it possible to have female parts and X-Y chromosomes? Or are you a male with female reproductive parts?

    1. The best way to understand male or female is what kind of gametes is your body organized to make? If you make large gametes (ie: eggs), you’re female. If your body is organized to make small, pared down, mobile gametes (ie: sperm), you’re male. Usually those with xy chromosomes are clearly organized to make sperm. But if, for example, the y chromosome is missing the SR-y gene (codes for lots of testosterone), than sometimes the gonads don’t differentiate or descend.
      Colin Wright explains in his presentation for Genspect that you can find on YouTube. Great resource for understanding the sex binary.

  10. Anyone remember the Trivial Pursuit question… Who was the first athlete to fail a sex test at the Olympics?

    Answer – According to historical records, Ewa Kłobukowska, a Polish athlete, is the first athlete to fail a gender test at the Olympics. She won the gold medal in the women’s 4 × 100 m relay and bronze medal in the women’s 100 m sprint at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. In 1967, Kłobukowska failed a gender test, which was conducted using the Barr body test, a method that examined an athlete’s chromosomes. This incident marked a significant milestone in the controversy surrounding sex testing in sports.

  11. Whenever I run into an answer as provided by the SF sociopath types I simply throw back at them, fine, using your standards I may be a transphobe, but I’d rather be that then the delusional, hypocritical, sociopathic, misogynistic, woman hater you are

  12. I cant imagine training for years .. Only to face an opponent who identifies as 100 lbs. lighter than he is..

  13. So the women boxers beaten up by these dudes get a second shot to fight at the games? It’s unbelievable that news orgs called “rumours” of these masculine boxers being male false and tried to gas light with the some women make more testosterone than others excuse. They have no shame.

  14. xy is a male chromosome pair. not just extra testosterone. blood streaming it for your life gives you bigger everything

    testosterone is a hellava drug 42% strength increase at the cellular level

      1. I saw the fight. He had a reach advantage, and a better technique. There is a good slow mo shot of the second punch. you can see her face. She fakes him with a right, he doesn’t go for it and he leans in and give her a right punch in the noggin. (read in the Champ’s voice). Her guard was down, what was he supposed to do, it was a gift right there.

  15. Since the women’s final is now all-male, the winning tranny should be required to fight in the men’s final. Maybe let the loser of that match fight for a silver or bronze men’s. Then re-run all the women’s events with only women to determine the women’s medals.

  16. So is this another reason why the Olympics had to get rid of the International Boxing Association?

  17. I recall watching Caster Semenya handily win a women’s race. When there was a closeup of “her” face, my first thought was “that’s a MAN”. That competitor in women’s racing went on to identify as a man, complete with wife & kids!! I don’t doubt there are, to put it unkindly, these freaks of nature, but who’s manipulating them into these socially unwinnable situations? Great, you won a Gold medal, but you’ve now become a social/sport pariah and your so-called victories are always suspect. Frankly, I can’t understand why the normal women competitors don’t simply refuse to compete when there’s no possible way they can win against a person with male advantages competing as a woman. Funny, it’s never a former woman competing against men, always vice versa.

    1. ” … I can’t understand why the normal women competitors don’t simply refuse to compete …”

      Me neither. It would put an end to this shit in no time.

      1. Why? Because women can do anything a man can, only better. And the reason men don’t want to fight women is that they are afraid they will lose. Repeat a million times to a wanna be athlete with a big ego for a decade and a half. Girlboss culture.

  18. “My own little firestorm erupted…”

    And let me guess, none of them tried to argue against the core of the matter, which is a simple the fact that XY gives a boxer an advantage relative to XX?

  19. Mike Tyson has the same XY pair, can he skip the preliminaries and just get to the gold final ??

  20. To paraphrase Tyson, all Olympic female boxers are girlbosses, until one gets punched in the face. Did you get a look at Ting? Noodle arms, quasi-man. And the bestest Olympic female boxers can’t handle him? Gina Carano could bend him over and spank him. This is the level of Women’s Olympic boxing? That a guy that looks like that is the holy terror of the Paris Olympics? I oppose having men in women’s sports, and vice versa by the way. Maybe these incidents will help put a cork in the feminist girlboss narrative that is in every movie, tv show, game and commercial. There are people who drank the kool-aid and believe this crap, so they think nothing of putting a woman in the ring with a man.
