63 Replies to “August 6, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. You would think that Britain after dealing with sectarian violence in one form or another for most of its history would have learned not to import a religion that has vowed to conquer the world. Full points awarded to the politicians and police that are now subjecting the British taxpayer to Orwell’s nightmare.

  2. Savages from the Islamic Republik of Britain are encouraging the savages we imported, don’t let the authoritarians take your guns.

    1. from the link:

      His father was friends with Castro if I’m not mistaken. It’s more than just picture comparisons.”
      sooooooo Castro was friends with Castro?

      1. “His father was friends with Castro if I’m not mistaken. It’s more than just picture comparisons.”
        sooooooo Castro was friends with Castro?”

        I read that as “His (reputed) father (Pierre Eliot Trudeau) was friends with Castro”.

    1. Your lack of intelligence is only matched by your lack of integrity. It takes a special scumbag to cheer for genocide whole pretending that no genocide is occurring.

        1. Nope, I cheer for civilization, you cheer for the enemies of civilization. You’re a demagogue with an IQ of maximum five Freddies.

          1. Ahh, so you’re calling for a “Righteous genocide”.
            Thankfully, most readers here can see you for the disgusting excuse for a human that you are.

          2. ^^^^ Called on inept drunken death threats, goes back to defending the actual genocide by accusing its betters of promoting a fictional genocide.

            And of course goes back to ad hominem. Prediction: next post will be complaining about ad hominem. Pace yourself drunk.

        1. Looks like you started drinking early today? Pace yourself or you gonna have a meltdown in an hour, like the last time. F!@#ing lightweight.

          1. Note that there is never any real argument or disputing my comment, just a tired regurgitation of the standard ad-hominem and straw-man arguments.
            Jessica’s Colon Yaniv is a fine example of your standard leftard; it uses exactly the same methodology as the Turd, and has very similar goals.

          2. ^^^^ Two posts above: ad-hominem

            One post above:
            First sentence: complains about ad hominem
            Second sentence: as hominem.

            Typical behavior of a drunk with an attention span of a retarded amoeba. Put down that bottle.

  3. Watching BNN-Bloomberg all morning, atnd the Associated Press has now chosen her VP running mate, but hasn’t announced it as yet. If she chooses Josh Shapiro (governor of Pennsylvania), she faces a rebellion from the antisemitic Democrat left. Mr. Shapiro actively supports Israel. The other candidate is Tim Walz (governor of Minnesota), is the other candidate, and is a left-leanng Democrat akin to California’s Gavin Newsom.

    Look for Harris to pick Josh Shepiro. Choosing him would provide cover for her anti-Israel, far-left foreign policy agenda. She was once an anti-crime district attorney, but now supports drugs and crime. Look for Harris-Shapiro to win in November.

    Oops! BNN now reports, quoting CNN, that Harris has chosen Walz. Go figure.

    1. Wasn’t there an old song: “I waltzed with a man, who waltzed with a man, who waltzed with Governor Walz”? Something like that.

  4. Stock market plunge…Fear Index on Wall Street highest it has been since covid…
    Has anybody drawn a line between that and the possibility of a Harris presidency?

  5. The Stranger is an outstanding film. Let me also recommend Odd Man Out (by Third Man director Carol Reed). The criterion copy is on youtube. It’s tremendous.

  6. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html
    23 October 2009

    Andrew Neather,
    former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw, David Blunkett
    writing in Evening Standard:

    “Mass immigration has enriched Britain and made London a more attractive and cosmopolitan place. It was a deliberate plan to radically change the country. Because ministers feared alienating its core working class vote, the public argument focussed on economic benefits”

    “I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended, even if this wasn’t its main purpose, to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.”

    Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch:
    … “Now at least the truth is out, and it’s dynamite. Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock up but also a conspiracy. They were right. This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage.”

  7. Off-duty officer shot after locating suspect wanted on Canada-wide warrant: TPS

    The accused has been identified as 30-year-old Javell Jackson of Toronto. He faces attempted murder and firearm charges, on top of previous charges in 2022.

    See, if parents would stop naming their children after bleach and other household cleaners it may never have come to this!

  8. Liberal MP backs anti-Israel petitions, calls for changes in immigration and education policies

    Atwin also sponsored Petition E-5082, which asks the Commons justice committee to investigate “anti-Palestinian racism,” a term not defined in the petition. “Anti-Palestinian racism is on the rise and is often ignored,” the petition states, arguing that this form of racism is distinct from Islamophobia and is often conflated with it, obscuring the specific struggles faced by Palestinians.

    Additionally, Petition E-5082 calls for Parliament to support the inclusion of Nakba, an Arabic observance that depicts the 1948 founding of Israel as a human rights catastrophe, in public school curricula…
