57 Replies to “Breaking News: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Selected as Kamala’s Running Mate”

  1. Queen Kamala didn’t want to upset the Hamas supporters in the Democratic Party by choosing Shapiro.

    1. Shapiro was born and raised in the US but instead decided to enlist and serve in a foreign country. Israel/IDF. Don’t care if that pisses off the fundamental Israel firsters here.

      1. “Don’t care if that pisses off the fundamental Israel firsters here.”

        Why would it?

      2. And then he tried to expunge that from his Wikipedia page so it wouldn’t be held against him. Is a coverup worth covering or nah?

  2. Kamalala is just not all that bright. So, I’m wondering if Walz is fairly smart and just a committed Marxist. Or, he could be stump stupid and a committed Marxist, for all I know.

    I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

    P.S. Al Gore did us all a favor when he “invented the internet”. Every time they plug a hole in the interwebbies via censorship, people find a way around it. We *will* find out *all* about Walz down to what kind of underwear Walz prefers: boxers, briefs, or lace.

  3. Minnesota is infamously corrupt with Somali gangs running the elections. No surprise she picked one of their winners.

  4. There is something willfully evil with the so called ‘Democratic’ nomination for president and vice-president.
    While nobody elected the candidate for president, only a sideways so to say, they obviously elected the mental case socialist/fascist in Minnesota, twice.

    You gotta blame those that elected them, the two could not be there without a democrat voter.

  5. “:”So, I’m wondering if Walz is fairly smart and just a committed Marxist.”:”

    Sounds like any oxy moron.

    1. Kinda, but in Walz’s case, not necessarily. Billy Mike. Some quite bright people are all theoretical and zero on the practical side of things.

      My guess is that since, to my knowledge, Walz never had a private sector job he’s just another college radical commie wannabe, and that “This time, we’re smart enough to do socialism right”. You can be smart and a “Not See” person who can’t reason AND gets a rush off the power trip.

    2. Well, Billy Mike, after posting that reply to you above and having read some of the comments below, it seems that intelligence isn’t a factor and Walz is just plain evil.

      I guess I’ll have to forget ‘A’ and ‘B’ and go with ‘C’.

  6. While you’re at it throw in a ’95 DUI and a stolen valour accusation. Dude has more baggage than an airport carousel.

    1. Spot on Kudos to Charlie Kirk and yourself of course!
      – will the low information voters care?
      – will the illegal alien’s ?

  7. The rule is: when one is embattled in a political fight, always tllt left. In doing so you get the support of the corporate media cartel and the high-tech oligarchs. So this is what President-elect Harris did. There will be a media-, tech-led Walz-mania to accompany the ongoing Harris-mania.

      1. I was referencing his presidential ambitions and the complete shellacking he experienced from Reagan.

  8. Tim Walz as governor, refused to activate the National Guard to prevent black neighborhoods in Minneapolis from being destroyed by the masked white terrorists ( antifa, and other white trash ) who invaded them during the George Floyd/ Black Lives Matter. He actually admitted he sided with the terrorists, against the innocent black citizens that antifa terrorized in the black neighborhoods. Let that sink in.

    F*ck Tim Walz.

  9. Well, GOD can’t destroy America and the rest of the false god worshipping world if they actually repented and stopped their sinful ways. Keep on going woke/leftist thugs.

    1. If the riots weren’t peaceful all of Minneapolis would have burned instead of half. Thank goodness only the black half burned.

      1. Antifa whites burned the innocent black neighborhoods. If that pleases you, you are morally sick: antifa.

  10. Waltz is perilous, he cloaks socialist values as ‘common man rights’ quite sensible and appealing. Waltz has intellect and earthy charisma, a perfect set piece.

  11. I was curious at the choice. But, then I licked the back of a toad, downed a few pints swill, and banged my head on a wooden table for a couple minutes to get myself in the Democrat line of thinking:

    I really think they hope to revitalize George Floyd in the campaign once again. Thus, the Minnesota connection. Not the best of strategies considering how a vast majority of sane people view the resulting chaos. But, now that “Tampon Tim” is on the ticket his shady past will ooze out of the crevices. And, trust me, he has a shady past.

  12. Wirz failed to serve out his enlisment, according to a group of retired Command Sergeant Majors from MN. Wouldn’t that mean a dishonorable discharge, minimum? JD Vance served his entire enlistment.

    1. He retired with the reduced rank of Master Sergeant, not Command Sergeant Major, as Walz has claimed, because he failed to complete the required course, retiring as his unit was being deployed to Iraq.

      Those are some facts; judgement follows, but like John Kerry’s Swift Boats debacle, the criticism of not completing duties and leaving the unit high and dry is best left to those who served with him at the time.

      Otherwise, Walz’s record provides plenty of “ammunition” this guy let Minneapolis burn and has now confirmed Kamala’s Squad anti-Jew, racist radical and most of all, incompetent, bona fides, appointed but not elected.

      In my view the DeMarxists have yet again dropped the ball in pursuit of power, but now like their northern cousins locked into one course of action.

      1. More like lit a fuze when it goes off its anyone’s guess, but it will.
        But hey maybe then people might just catch on……

      2. Not to mention a DUI while in the military (which is usually a one way ticket to civilian life 100% of the time)….he was going 96MPH in a 55 zone…with a hospital confirmed BA of .128 (.08 is the limit). He got a reprieve for some reason.

        There is going to be buyer’s remorse on this guy. And, I’m not convinced the Dem Convention won’t have “fireworks.” There are a lot of unhappy people with pull.

  13. Well, color me surprised. I was sure it was going to be Shapiro, especially after the idiots in Philly leaked that video prematurely which all but confirmed his selection.
    But I knew something was up when I saw black SUV’s approaching Waltz’s home in Minnesota, and the first thing I thought (after actually guessing wrong — well there’s a first time for everything. I’m hoping I’m also wrong about the U.S. election) was that Kamaltoe changed course at the last minute. Perhaps because of the leak, or maybe she found out at the last second that maybe Shapiro wasn’t as “progressive” (aka “radical”) enough for Kamaltoe’s taste.

    1. Kamalala did not pick her VP, beyond *maybe* being given a choice of two or three picks… maybe. I believe that’s a Democrat party polite fiction that she decides or controls anything, just like pResident Brandon.

      The pick was Teh One’s anyhow. I caught a report that Kamalala ditched the Brandon campaign staff and brought in the Black Messiah’s campaign people.

  14. What surprises me is, I thought Commie-La had a ‘thing’ against old white guys…?

  15. I still see conservative media and Trump himself tiptoeing around properly identifying and painting the Dems for what they truly are – filthy communists. Instead, we get “far left”, or “extreme liberal”. They need to tar them with the same brush the left happily applies to us. In fact, now is a great time to educate the general public about the murderous, miserable past of every past attempt of communists to enslave their people and create their utopia. We’re already 3/4 of the way down the slippery slope of the left’s “good intentions”. Past time to call it for what it actually is.

  16. When I first read early this a.m. “Kamala Chooses Walz for V-P”, I was quite pleased as I knew Wes Walz from his 600+ games in the NHL and he was a decent guy and good third line center.

    Alas, it was TIM Walz, not Wes, and he looks like a real left-wing crowd pleaser for the Democrats.
    Kamala ‘s advisors (Obama?) chose wisely, the Democrats will love this ticket.

    I think Harris/Walz will win in November.

    Then in a fit of progressive insanity,Trudeau will win here in ’25. Gotta have a government that’s compatible. Is there a new generation Louis Riel in the West or have we been completely domesticated?

  17. I wuz kinda ‘hoping’ Obama would order her to take on either Stacy Abrams or even Shrillary, for their destructive potential! Theys is ‘owed’…!!!

  18. Is this Walz a mistep? The party is reeling! The jig is up! And if this is Walz then was Anthony Weiner Hornpipe?
