8 Replies to “I am Spartacus!”

  1. The “bigger goal” is to silence an industry that they have demonized to justify their anti-industrial green theocracy and economic death march rationalized on their adopted net zero delusions. They hate it when their demonized industry grandstands about joining in with their delusions. “Pollution” has got little to do with it unless you believe that CO2 is a pollutant. The earth is flourishing with increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

  2. Oh well.. Broke is broke.. Insisting everybody talks Pig Latin while it happens is inconsequential..

  3. Unfortunately, since the Trudeau-Singh axis has enough votes, we can expect that the legislation will pass. The moment it does, we should be ready to use it to attack it’s proponents every chance we get, from Trudeau’s “greenwashing” of his airline travel either as PM or liberal party leaders, to Hans’ unsupportable claims about what the government is doing to reduce it’s footprint, and everything in between.

    1. Easy on Trudeau, he’s just keeping Canadian resources as virgin as possible for the Chinese one day.

      Everyone has a dream, Trudeau, Lenin, even Mao.

  4. There is a serious problem with the arguments, Mr. Zinchuk. In a debate you must destroy the base premise of your opponent’s argument or you will lose the debate every single time. By adopting the linguistic usage of your opponent, that CO2 is pollution and not necessary plant food, you have already lost the argument because you have unwittingly accepted the premise that CO2 is pollution and any pollution must be a bad thing. Most listeners will automatically associate the word “pollution” with elimination of the offending substance. By echoing their use of language, you are unwittingly adding to their cause. And in the words of Goebbels, echoed by former environment Minister, and environmental lawyer, climate Barbie, Katherine McKenna in her famous clip, “If you repeat a lie loud and long enough, eventually people will believe it”.

    And the next step after Net Zero has already been proposed. It is called “Absolute Zero” where no CO2 production is allowed at all. It is total nonsense but when you consider that the goals of Agenda 2030 is reduction of human population on this planet to 500 million people, it makes sense in a monomaniacal, suicidal, death cult kind of way.

    I appreciate your contributions in energy news. You are very knowledgeable, experienced and well informed. Thanks for all you do.

    1. “By adopting the linguistic usage of your opponent, that CO2 is pollution and not necessary plant food, you have already lost the argument because you have unwittingly accepted the premise that CO2 is pollution and any pollution must be a bad thing.”

      Bingo. Bingo. BINGO!!!

    2. Well, that was one of my columnists, not my words. I do often say exactly that – if you accept the premise of your opponent’s arguments, you’ve lost. I used your phrasing almost word for word several times last week.
