Minding Ottawa

I don’t think anyone else does as good a job reporting on all of the shenanigans our federal government gets up to as Blacklock’s Reporter.

Blacklock’s- Taxpayers were charged top dollar for Québec-made Covid ventilators later junked as scrap metal, Access To Information records show.

Blacklock’s- The Canada Pension Plan must pull all investments from Israel, says a petition sponsored by Liberal MP Jenica Atwin (Fredericton). The MP also sponsored petitions seeking limits on background checks of Gazans permitted into Canada, and introduction of Arab history into public school curricula.

Blacklock’s- The military is reviewing minimum “medical requirements” for new recruits in a bid to attract more volunteers, records show. Defence Minister Bill Blair earlier told reporters he’d take other measures like cutting minimum enlistment to as little as 18 months.

Blacklock’s- Cabinet’s “two billion trees” program was overrated from the start and will have no climate impact for 50 to 100 years, says the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. The program was launched in the Liberal Party’s 2019 election platform.

Blacklock’s- Legal marijuana is linked to accidental poisoning of small children, says the Department of Health. Data show “significant associations” between Parliament’s repeal of a criminal ban on cannabis and emergency room visits by children, it said.

12 Replies to “Minding Ottawa”

  1. Blacklocks has for years been my go to source for Ottawa news. I wish I could afford to subscribe.

  2. Yeah,Blacklock’s does a good job,but they’re behind a paywall. I can only afford so many subscriptions. CBC is free, which is exactly what it’s worth.
    As for the tree planting promise which Trudeau knew they would never fulfill, it wouldn’t have made any difference. Canada already has over 318 billion trees, the 2 billion would have been less than a one percent increase, negligible. The B.C. government’s forestry program plants over 200 million trees every year.
    Apparently the program has seen 30 million trees planted, but no details on the implementation, so that may be a false claim by this government that specializes in falsehoods.
    Is the military so desperate they’ll hire almost anyone? Last kid I knew who applied a few years ago wasn’t very happy after an 18 month wait to get in and found employment elsewhere. Maybe it’s time to start recruiting “people who are temporarily unhoused” and put ’em in barracks, solve two problems at once,while creating another huge problem.

    1. Military recruiters are incompetent. My son had an academic high school diploma. They dangled all kinds desirable trades in front of him, none of which likely existed. He applied to do armour or artillery plus the bait trades such as radar technician etc. I suggested he really didn’t want infantry. I recounted driving by a platoon of infantry at 2 AM in a downpour during a thunderstorm. In six months they couldn’t find him a position. He found a good job and that ended his desire for the military.

      1. That reminds me of the guy who got a job at Amazon thinking he’d be repairing robots or something cool like that but ended up hand unloading Chinese shipping containers full of instapots all day.

    2. CBC costs a lot more than Blacklock’s, and you can’t cancel your subscription to CBC.

    3. don,
      I planted trees in BC for years in the 70s.
      My old tree boss celebrated 1M plus recently.
      I have even seen places we planted back then that are now mature.
      In short…at least here in BC, for decades, silviculture has been abiding, with over 100M planted since the 1930s.
      Oh, and we had a whale of a time back in those tree camps despite the dubious activities…

  3. Data show “significant associations” between Parliament’s repeal of a criminal ban on cannabis and emergency room visits by children, it said.

    OK but.. All the irresponsible parents already had wide access to cannabis.. Its not like its new.. Younger than 5..
    Seems odd.. Hot boxing in your car with a 3 year old?.. Blowing it into their face?.. This is the new law abiding responsible users?.. Seems off..

    1. Gummies and candy edibles were rare before legalization.

      I wonder how many are parents giving the kids gummies to make them sleep so mom and dad can play video games.

      1. I know quite a few seniors who use gummies to get to sleep. I wouldn’t give them to kids though.

  4. The $28,250 CAE device compared to $23,730 for one produced by Baylis Medical of Montreal, $22,600 by StarFish Medical of Toronto and $18,993 by Thornhill Medical of North York.

    All of which were more than they $10500 price of the originals prepandemic.

    How much was the total wasted on the knock off medico units?
