24 Replies to “That Should Calm Things Down”

  1. I don’t like this world. I want to get off.

    Someone needs to educate me on this “illegality.” Incitement of racial hatred is 100% based on the intent of the author. Additionally, incitement of racial hatred is, also, based in the interpretation of those reading what the author wrote. That would mean that 100% of all people reading what the author wrote would have to respond to it equally and identically. And, even then, if you don’t have the ability to read the mind of the original author, any accusation would be conjecture and subjective in nature. In essence, reasonable doubt.

    So as there are no mind-reading, omnipotent representatives of every individual alive and dead within our midst, there is no way to document and prove the previous statements. That is to say nothing about preference and purpose of the original author. Perhaps there is a valid reason for hating someone. And, perhaps that person has a higher melanin content in their skin. The hatred might not be related to anything racial.

    I guess my question is “how are these charges proven”?

    1. At the core, the PROCESS is the PUNISHMENT.

      And the “burden of proof” has been OFFICIALLY inverted to the “Napoleonic Code”:

      Guilty until proven innocent”; with the added twist:

      “You would NOT have been arrested and charged, were you not clearly guilty”.

      Don’t feel left out, we are LONG way down that road here in the “colonies”; penal and otherwise..

    2. The Truth is that the elite hate every beautiful, solid, and tangible value that people took the time to instill and pass down from generation to generation until now.
      They don’t give two shts
      And really when you think about it.
      Why would they?
      They get away with lying again, and again.

  2. UK police are emasculated wankers who couldn’t arrest real criminals if their lives depended on it.

  3. One may give offense, but the receiver need not take offense. Therefore, responsibility for offense is on the receiver not the distributor. Justin tries to offend me almost everyday of the week, but I choose not to fall for his stupid comments knowing the source. If he attacks house and hearth, the game changes, but words are nothing.

    1. How do you manage that? I’m honestly curious, as I loathe almost everything that comes out of his deceitful and self-absorbed narcissistic mouth.

      Trudolt could say, “Please pass the salt” and I’d be rooting for Team MAID to pick him up.

  4. I suggest a mass prayer … a Christian prayer … asking for restoration of LAW and ORDER … starting with stabby little, err … BIG … 18yo men … who target little girls in dance class for murder and mayhem

    Have we seen his mugshot yet? Or is the media still pretending he’s a sweet faced little 11 yo boy? Let’s start with the TRUTH about his motive.

    1. Thank you, Kenji.
      Nothing good will come If you allow your emotions to govern your actions.
      Tell me… did the antics of “just stop oil” convince anyone to join their side?
      All this violence has done was embolden those who wants to enslave us.
      The resistance needs to use their heads, not their pitchforks.

      1. But the masses MUST show up ON THE STREET. We, the silent majority MUST BE HEARD. We must be SEEN

  5. There’s a lot of fifth column evil afoot in the west right now. If there is any justice left in this world, these traitors will get the Mussolini treatment when they are eventually vanquished.

  6. Instead of complaining it would be easier to just make being a police officer terribly socially shameful position to be in excepting the women that chopped their cox off.

  7. Nothing calms a situation down like political prisoners.. Hate laws are political gag laws.. Treason for undermining the war effort sort of thing.. But we are not at war, are we?..
