The End Effect of Wokeism

Throughout my recent travels, I’ve been listening to the audiobook of this biography of Elon Musk, written by Walter Isaacson. It’s a very interesting listen about a very complex man. I would personally never want to work for Musk but to deny that he has an extraordinary mind and has been mega-successful is stupid, petty, and reeks of jealousy.

This video recently popped up in my YouTube feed. In it, you will hear Joe Rogan ask Elon Musk why he ultimately decided to buy Twitter. He makes an interesting comparison between the Woke mismanagement of Twitter 1.0 and the Woke mismanagement of San Francisco (and California). In both cases, the end result leads to very bad results for humanity. The fact that many NPCs on the Left think that supporting such policies is a good thing should serve as a useful study for historians and psychologists.

8 Replies to “The End Effect of Wokeism”

  1. Hey, guys…this is my favorite aspect of “wokism”.

    How do you say “non-binary” in Spanish?

    (you see, in Spanish, the term can be translated BUT…Spanish is a gender specific language)

    No Binaria (gender female)
    No Binario (gender male)

    Anyone see a problem with this? It makes me laugh….uncontrollably.

    1. You may want to mention to those who have a problem with this … translating “no problem” as well

      Only in sitcoms written by Californians and their ilk will you find it translated in Spanish to “no problemo”
      The reason it’s actually “no problema” or “no hay problema” is…
      All problems are fundamentally feminine in origin.
      Don’t shoot me, and don’t go dragging Kate into this argument, simply ask an actual Spanish speaking person, and know that your woke English speakers are off their meds.

    2. Orson, what makes me laugh even harder is that the rainbow perverts have a “non binary” designation alongside their “BI’ designation. So. shouldn;t it be…LGTNonB Plus 72 or what eveahhhh???

      1. Here’s my favorite one:

        “I identify as they/them.”

        “I” is a singular pronoun. So, their rather simplistic declaration is immediately flawed. Then, they will go onto speak using the same “I” and additional “me”, as well as other singular pronouns. It’s better defined as stupid people wanting attention.

  2. All will be better when the US elects their new woke president and her communist vp……

  3. Robert … not really off topic … because Musk sees the end point of this supermajority Socialism running (ruining) CA … such as seizing the means of production …

    Yes, an official State Agency is actually recommending the State seize all the Oil Refineries in CA. We are becoming Venezuela. The woke leftist nutballs have COMPLETELY ELIMINATED single family zoning … so a low rent 6-unit development can move in next door to your beautiful single family home. Anywhere in CA … Atherton … Beverly Hills … everywhere.

    Musk has a clear vision of the end point of this Socialist insanity. And it looks very much like South Africa

  4. I’m a gearhead, and I like to visit an automotive website that I won’t mention because their constant pollution of the site with politics is annoying. They are on board with electric cars, and have the expected number of articles pushing them, including lately some on how stupid we drivers are for not welcoming 6 hour fuel stops.

    It has been amusing to watch their treatment of Elon Musk. For years, he was treated as a savior and heaped with praise and praise for his cars. Then, overnight, as soon as he came out against censorship, he became a selfish villain and his cars were junk. Everyday there’s a new article about stupid Musk, evil Musk, one of his cars breaking. If not, there’s a typically snotty leftist piece about how stupid his customers are.

    There have even been articles about how unfair it is that he gets government subsidies. I agree with that, but it’s funny to see a leftist site attacking government giveaways.

    To stay with the gearhead theme, if you’re cruising at high speed and want to instantly jam it into reverse you better be driving a Packard with an Ultramatic transmission. You might be able to get away with it if you have an old 3 speed Chrysler Torque-Flite, but I wouldn’t count on it. Most transmissions are destroyed by such behavior (in modern cars, the computer won’t let you do that to your gearbox).

    To stick with journalism, such obvious prejudice makes any claim I read on that site suspicious. And I regard any information source that campaigns in favor of censorship to be an untrustworthy outlet for government propaganda.

  5. Elon Musk… after hearing that Bill Gates had spent over a billion dollars shorting Tesla stock;

    “How can someone say they are passionate about fighting climate change and then do something that reduced the overall investment in the company doing the most?” …. “It’s pure hypocrisy. Why make money on the failure of a sustainable energy car company?”

    … “At this point, I am convinced that he is categorically insane (and an assh@le to the core) I did actually want to like him.”
