12 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. Odd, when we have seen pictures of the people being released by Israel. They don’t look under-fed.

      More lies Matt?

      1. The Warsaw Ghetto Police were Jews who were more vicious than the Germans toward their fellow Jews. Very progressive.

        When the National Socialists no longer required them they were thanked for their service and then shot.

        Today just about every so-called “rights group” out there ultimately demands that people submit to some kind of religious or left wing authoritarian. Sad and pathetic miserable people.

    2. Aww, the poor Hamas members are upset that they can’t hide behind children while firing bullets at Israelis.

    3. “Gaza As A New(?) Western Method To Wage War

      We have seen a myriad of reports about systematic torture and murder in Israeli concentration camps, aka prisons, for Palestinians.

      These reports come even from prime media which generally serve as outlets of the ruling class. There are by now so many of these reports that there is no doubt that they are real.

      Inside Israel’s torture camp for Gaza detainees – 972mag, Jan 5 2024
      Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center- CNN, May 11 2024
      Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans – New York Times, June 6 2024
      ‘More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center – 972mag, June 27 2024
      Blindfolded, bound and beaten: Palestinians tell of Israeli jail abuse – BBC, August 5 2024

      He concludes:

      Gaza is a method. A Western method. Fascist, Zionist, apartheid, sadistic Israel is a pioneer, a trailblazer into yet more evil to be done from those above to those below. That is why those above will shield Israel. They are shielding themselves and their future deeds.”


      All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone knows this.

  1. Re: UK reaction/ Southport
    Slightly off topic, but here’s a question. Have the UK victims, over the last decades, been only white or indigenous British people? Have Blacks (ie Caribbean or Nigerian) and/or South Asians been victimized, or are these statistics suppressed?
    I hope talented artists, song writers, etc are memorializing the victims so they are not memory holed. Case in point the successful attempt to memory hole the Trump assassination.

  2. Atwin is a disgusting person. She sold out her constituents who got her into parliament as a green and switched to the corrupt Liberals after LeBlanc cut her a deal to join the Trudeau bandwagon. Luckily for her Fredericton Liberals are mindless reflex voters and would vote for fence post if it was their local candidate. Which sadly is what they have. And an antisemitic one to boot.

  3. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/must-read-another-biden-blinken-nuland-color-revolution/
    Muslims are attacking and looting minority Hindu temples and stores after the successful overthrow of the elected government of Bangladesh on Aug 5. If memory serves, some 1 million Hindus and Muslims died before the completion of the 1948 partitioning of the Sub Continent into India and 2 Pakistans (1 now Bangladesh). This violence could spread to India and Pakistan but of equal concern should be the large Hindu and Muslim populations in the UK and Canada capable of joining the fight and spreading violence thru the English speaking world.

    1. The Liberal Party has brought all the world’s age old rivalries, disputes and wars to our shores.
      Remember that when it hits you between the eyes.
      It’s only a matter of time.
      And time is significant.
      The significance of time can only become more significant with the passage of significant time.
