14 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Winnipeg. The itinerary is a secret of course.

  2. Don’t call someone a Spanish whore in Britain.
    Seeing as solving real crimes is racist.. The police need some make work to fill their days.. These hate laws are pointed directly at the ladies.. And people are going to die.. Destroying peoples ability to earn a living is reason enough to stir up some real hate.. But that’s a real crime so who cares :(..

  3. The lie.

    Torturing your opponents is a fine substitute for the truth.. Gaslighting, grandstanding your power.. Most people are as selfish as they are stupid.. Hand to mouth parrots who treat politics and the rule of law like some sporting event.. We win “ha ha ha” Lets bring the trophy home by ripping the skin off the other guys back..

    I would rather live in a rich dictatorship than a poor democracy.. Both forms of government need to be fed.. Rich eats cream and poor eats people..

  4. Justin’s tree scam.
    All things unmeasurable.. From how many you plant, if even.. How many survive, if even.. To the no impact for 50 to 100 years, if even.. A computer model circle jerk.. Did I mention that tree’s grow like weeds.. That’s why we have forests.. Why don’t we grow salt water for the fishies :)..

    Put that stuff in grade school.. Grifters..

    1. The good news is they now have a spot to plant those 2 billion trees…

      the bad news is their poor forestry management is responsible for creating the opportunity in Jasper.

  5. Did anyone look into the Portuguese woman’s past to see if a case could be made for her actually being a “Spanish whore” or do the overseers in the UK not prepared to do any research?

    I’m fine with most on the Iberian peninsula being referred to as “Spanish” as the Portuguese … really they’re simply Spanish separatists from way way way back and as for “whore” I’m not putting it all in for this being an offence if there is some slight then perhaps an apology is in order.
    Have the police polled the neighborhood for context?

    Hate though, is a reach too far.
    Spanish shouldn’t be used as a hate word against the Portuguese, nobody in the real world could be THAT offended, the real offence here is “whore” and again, some research should be in order.

  6. It’s possible to accidentally swallow mouthwash or the wrong medication but drinking a whole bottle of rose wine by accident is quite an unfortunate occurrence

  7. It seems that in England sticks and stone (and knives and machetes) are simply an expression of cultural diversity allowed for some groups to settle differences but mean words by some others are a crime. That makes perfect sense in dystopian England. And soon coming, if not already, here
