16 Replies to “A Sober, Balanced Look at Immigration in Canada”

  1. Balanced except for the remarks of the pro-immigration folks. They continue to say that we need more people to thrive, diversity blah blah blah despite increasing, manifest evidence that the wildly irresponsible numbers and types of immigrants we’re bringing in is demonstrably bad for Canada.

    1. That guy who said … “Canada has a demographic problem” … is an obvious dog whistle for “white people bad”. What a racist prick. Wake up! Western World … we are importing the Trojan Horse that will eliminate our culture and our standard of living.

  2. Race and culture aside.. Turning neighborhoods into a big migrant halfway house is a dangerous game.. Living in a resort town where the beach is 1000 miles away..

    With that in mind.. You might as well move to a proper resort town where the beach is 1 mile away..

  3. It was a sanitized version of a balanced expose’. It’s underlying message was for a “national housing plan” from a level of government that has almost nothing to do with housing but everything to do with immigration. The sanitization (naturally, being associated with the Guardian) was no mention of the Jihadi element of immigration. They only interviewed the East Indian and Ukrainian who are not part of the long term problem as is in the case with Islam.

    The left are pushing for a 21st century version of “the projects” or Soviet concrete high rise pods. Make housing as expensive and unprofitable as possible for the private sector so that the state has to step in.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking as well. This is all deliberate, with malicious intent. If it were not, they might be convinced to change course, especially since their numbers and election chances are tanking. The fact that they are not indicates their mission doesn’t care about the consequences of their policies. They’re also disturbingly confident about winning the next election.

    1. That worked out real well for the Communist students who helped the Ayatollah overthrow the Shah of Iran in 1979, and the Communist students who in 2011 helped Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow Mubarak in Egypt.

    1. His premise is as infantile as his penis.
      People are leaving shitholes. Most would rather go anywhere and Canada isn’t at the top of their list.

  4. My wife and I drove into Toronto on a Sunday evening around six, in order to avoid traffic. It was bumper to bumper from Hamilton in with traffic barely moving. So either the planners didn’t imagine that Toronto could outgrow its highways so soon or immigration is way out of control.
    The solution is to require all new immigrants, unless immediately filling urgent needs) to stay north of … 50 … 60?

  5. ”Let’s hope there’s a special place in hell for these scoundrels”

    Maybe. First step is to get them there
