Blog Notes

We woke up to this today. Those are the internet and landline cables, and while still live there’s plenty of zapping up at the main line.

So… my blogging activities may be interrupted somewhat by both the mess there is to clean up and the likelihood that I lose connection.

It’s always something.

15 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. I’m guessing that tree was going to be firewood at some point, but it looks like the tree opted for MAiD and will be ready to burn next year.

    A tree that size could do some major damage, and someone in the wrong place at the wrong time would have a very bad day. It’s fortunate that bit of fence seems to be the only casualty.

  2. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. And those “things” are never welcome.

  3. Any truth to the rumor that the tree was cut down by a Pakastani who used an Iranian axe?

  4. Well Kate … at least it didn’t BURN … like it would at Jasper. The last tree on the Prairie
