Did they miss something?

Alberta government addresses its electrical grid close calls: Digging deep into the report

As Pipeline Online has extensively reported, each time Alberta goes into a grid alert, wind generation has flatlined, and the sun is on the wrong side of the planet. And that over-reliance on wind, especially to perform, when it does not, seems to be at the crux of the reforms announced.
But that’s not exactly how the report saw it. While it recognized low wind power generation was a factor, it largely places the blame on outages in natural gas-fired thermal generation, even though in one of these events wind generation was close to nil, and the second one saw minimal wind.

12 Replies to “Did they miss something?”

  1. I tried reading the report and all I got was double speak and goblety gook.

    “there will be learnings from events related to grid operations that the AESO is positioned to uncover and share with industry.” English please.

    Also a large amount of blaming market participants. “Market participants should improve the input of physical parameters that may be relevant to unit commitment decisions made by the AESO.”

  2. The key to fixing the bullshit of wind & solar is to have the wind & solar electricity providers being responsible for a fixed amount of electricity …. ie the swine wind and solar producers have to own and operate the natural gas back up electricity providers.
    A deal like that will show the true cost and worth of the so called free energy of wind & solar and likely spell the end of the renewable push and subsidies for ineffective electricity producers.
    However I’m not holding my breath for anything sane to actually happen. Folks are getting filthy f’en rich off the wind & solar shit show and so it will continue as long as the bribe money is lining pockets of politicians and burrocrats!!

    PS – Kate glad to hear you & your Subie are still in one piece. Every time I go out I say to myself “self watch out for the deer & elk and especially watch out for the idiots”. It is dangerous out there!!

  3. Asleep at the switch.
    Blame base load generation.
    Pausing new large scale solar and wind, promoting more large scale base generation is the answer.
    Tell the Feds to stick it.

  4. Alberta GOVT has to RECOGNIZE that WIND is an Unqualified DISASTER.
    4750 mW installed and precisely when it is NEEDED, it ‘s Production Drops falls off Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump.

    WIND is 100% BS. Utterly useless while destroying landscapes and every kind of fowl known to man.
    Solar is Almost as bad.
    Both destroy productive land

    Alberta GOVT needs to pull its head outa its (_i_):
    & Dismantle the entire USELESS Wind Network at the Owners cost.
    And Finally…??
    Tell the FEDS to F Off..!! REPEAT as often as Reqd.

    1. 10:00 AM Alberta time.

      Wind is currently generating 40 Mw out of the 4748 Mw maximum capability available.
      Solar is putting out 398 Mw out of the 1658 max capability available. (overcast day)

  5. Once the geniuses of government perfect the wearable app to measure and tax our burps and farts … We shall have saved the world.

    We need a contest to apply a name to the app.
    Here are a few suggestions ..
    Burp Can
    Fart Can
    Wind Can
    Sol Can
    What have you got?

  6. Blaming natural gas power generation for the failure of wind power is like blaming the life boats on the Titanic for leaking.

  7. In a province with brutal winters like Alberta, you need rock solid energy security. Power outages at -40 degrees will kill people. People are beginning to realize how dangerous dependence on wind and solar can be.

    1. Absolutely….in fact, the mantra of the provincial government should be that the power will NEVER be shut off due to Ottawa policy. Reliance on wind and solar is a death wish.
