Lockdowns Forever

UnHerd- Covid-style controls against disorder are not the answer

John Woodcock, ex-Labour MP and Government advisor on political violence, argued this weekend that reinstating Covid-like restrictions would be the right response to the violent disorder taking place around the country following the dreadful events in Southport last week. At the same time, Keir Starmer has signalled moves that include more Government control of online information and the expansion of state surveillance through facial recognition.

17 Replies to “Lockdowns Forever”

  1. Well … my progressive County has detected a Uuuuuge spike in COVID … so masks are being recommended


    How did they detect this spike in COVID ? By examining wastewater effluent. Huh? That’s not a very “granular” level of data now is it? Didn’t Dr. Birx promise a “granular” level of data re: COVID? Sheesh … this isn’t even a counting of COVID “cases”. It would be interesting to learn which “communities” are being infected, wouldn’t it? If you want to TRULY assess your own personal risk of contracting COVID … wouldn’t you want more detailed information than effluent analysis?

    But that didn’t stop my County from … recommending … masks. Fascists. Their urge toward fascism knows no boundaries. What’s next? They’ll recommend multiple masks … before mandating them. That’ll make the smash and grabs much easier for the criminals … and nobody will “recognize” their faces.

  2. The beatings will continue until morale improves?.. Funny how they can lock down every inch of the UK .. But not the border.. Have everybody’s picture on file.. But not the migrants..

    Two tier dystopia.. How do you lock down just white people?.. You don’t, you put them in cattle cars.. They have one tool in their tool box.. Only one..

  3. If the police and politicians continue to enact two tier policing and two tier justice, what other means is there to protest against this than to become violent?

    That’s a question, not yet a “call to arms”.

    How much longer before this arrives in Canada?

    1. Ask the Coutts 4. Ask the 0.00001% of Christian pastors who kept their facilities open and their flocks under care during covid. Ask Tamara.

    2. There really is just the one last line to cross.
      The big “F@ck It! F@ck It All!” Line.

      And once it’s crossed, there’s no going back for anybody.

      Someone at ‘Ace of Spades’ once commented how the left will dial up the violence to get concessions and then dial it back down. Conservatives and people with stuff to lose have a binary choice. Turn the other cheek, turn the other cheek, turn the other cheek and ‘kill them all.’

    3. You have to keep in mind that violent protests are what they want. It’s the Bezmenov strategy: set the people against each other, weaken the morals and traditions of the people until society is atomized groups constantly at each other’s throats, and when the open violence tears society apart in the Glorious Revolution roll in the tanks and “restore order”. The question of whether the tanks will be Leopard IIs or Type 96es is an open one, but the violent protests will be used as the pretext for the final military suppression of the populace and permanent martial law. The Liberal-NDP axis did it once already on a complete manufactured pretext and got away with it. What makes you think they won’t roll tread if Canadians actually throw rocks at the government’s armed thugs?

      1. At first glance you have a point.
        However if there is only one way to “exist”, at the insistence of a steadily corrupt cabal of useless shts, one should have the backbone to admit it’s no real existence at all if you have to become one with the collective, and their brainless “smiles”.
        And looking back twenty years this is where they lead once productive, peaceful, homogenous societies with a shared character.
        FK them they have no idea of real tolerance.

  4. I’m sure that the Labour party will go full Social Credit, following their masters in China.

  5. When elected leaders’ children start getting slain, we might see a different reaction from these elitists.
    Not advocating, just pointing out the painfully obvious.

  6. Of course curfews, government surveillance, Identity Credit cards and a police state will reduce crime and rioting. That’s bloody obvious. Why don’t we all want the security of the security state? Are we mad?

  7. There it is. Government and powers that be creates mayhem by allowing scum to run loose and attack decent citizens. Decent citizens have enough and react. Government says it has to lock everyone down for safety.
