Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Sam Cooper;

Beijing is targeting Canada’s First Nations leaders with intelligence operations based on tourism that are aimed at securing Aboriginal-controlled natural resources, a Top Secret report from Ottawa’s intelligence-review watchdog NSICOP says.

Additionally, Beijing funded a British Columbia provincial candidate and its Consul General in Vancouver took actions to cover up the candidate’s “possible Chinese Communist Party membership,” NSICOP’s June 2019 draft report alleges.

The Bureau exclusively obtained NSICOP’s unredacted, 2019 report on foreign interference, which details China’s pervasive operations to bribe, coerce and co-opt Canadian leaders at all levels of government.[…]

“Many of the same tactics used to target elected officials at the federal level are replicated with provincial, municipal, and indigenous officials,” the June 2019 NSICOP report obtained by The Bureau says.

Canada’s Aboriginal leaders — and the tension between federal and First Nations jurisdictions over natural resources in northern Canada — are an unexplored aspect of the Chinese interference story.

But the 2019 NSICOP report demonstrates crucial national security issues at stake.

It suggests Beijing is seeking clandestine relationships with First Nations leaders under false pretences in order to control Canada’s strategic resources in areas of increasing geopolitical importance.

“In late 2011, China invited a national-level group of Aboriginal leaders to travel to China. A CSIS assessment noted that the invitation was advertised as an opportunity to develop tourism for First Nations,” NSICOP’s report says.

“According to a Minister Counsellor at the PRC Embassy, the tourism opportunity was merely “beipian” (Mandarin for ‘to be fooled’) and that the true intention of the invitation was to pursue Aboriginal-controlled natural resources.”

11 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. More nefarious but brilliant work by the government of China, the government Justin Trudeau admires more than any other.

    I expect China will partner with the FN’s to help them develop their properties without the help of the Evil White Man, creating real and wealthy countries within Canada, and our gutless politicians will cheer them on.
    There is more than one way to defeat your enemy, and China know all of them. While we gird for “another Pearl Harbor”, China will take us over with machinations like this one.

    Well done Premier Xi, now get busy and fix our next election so the “right” Party gets in.

  2. For crying out loud people!
    Did you really think that our ancestors didn’t want them here because our ancestors were racist?
    For crying out loud!! They called themselves “Celestials” back then, because the Chinese were so racist and thought themselves so Superior that they thought themselves to be “Celestials”. “Celestials”, meaning Superior, between Earth and the heavens!

  3. Some of you may remember the TV series Jade Fever which followed folks hunting for deposits of jade. Well, before you knew it, the BC government decided that staking claims in Tahltan Aboriginal territory could no longer happen. No claim, no jade, no show. Don’t worry because the BC government is happily considering expanding this throughout BC and to also nail placer claims. This kills investment of course, but is great for currying favour with urban voter base in BC. Hilariously in their haste to throw prospectors and businesses under the bus the government has not considered that their aboriginal allies may not be interested in keeping the wilderness pristine and pure, but may be negotiating with folks who value gold and jade, and have a long history of savvy business deals.

  4. If the FN leaders want to sell their and its members souls…let them…let the chips fall where they may.

  5. All the more reason to step back from the progressive agenda aimed at signing over sovereignty of Crown land to the Indians and thereby undermining all claims to all land of those not blessed with 1/16 or better racial legacy of people who surrendered to the colonialists the moment they took their first cent of the dole. Ever since it’s been a ratchetting up of group rights given by lawyers and other pimps of the grievance industry, all captives of Stockholm Syndrome.

  6. Canada is as dumb as a bag of hammers.. Multicultural = globalist whore and the natives don’t care who hands them their bags of money..

  7. Ah, but how will they move the goods to port? I see some interesting protests and demonstrations against pipelines in the future.

  8. So the Wagon burners didn’t learn enough from the FILTHY Iranians. Now the Dirty Chinese Communists will try.

    They tortured and killed our Priests. Go visit the Martyrs Shrine.
    We should have finished them all off. They hate everyone, especially us.

  9. Funny how not that many years back, there were Indians that believed that one could NOT own land because after you died you could not take it with you.
    Funny how that has changed! Funny how stupid we, the non-Indians have become. And funny (NOT!) how we have been hood-winked.
    And things are just getting started!
