25 Replies to “Wise Words”

  1. Import the turd world, become the turd world. Magic soil doesn’t exist and turd worlders won’t turn into first worlders simply by stepping on our land.

  2. pooping on the beach.
    whatever is it the premier is talking about.
    Canaduh is 1st world, WE dont POOP ON THE BEACH Mr Ford.

    is this a Liberal thing perhaps?

    1. Yeah. Instead of asking his best bud turdo to close the *&^%*&g gates, maybe he can hire another couple of thousand government employees to get his simple messages translated.

  3. Great, now we get to see if diversity trumps keeping Canada first world in terms of fecal transmissible diseases like cholera, polio, hepatitis and typhoid.

  4. But, but, but ….
    Do those that it is addressed, no speaki’n english, understand?

    And what, it’s their culture.
    The guy some kind of racist, or what.?

    1. Even if they do speak it, people raised in a culture that sees nothing wrong with public defecation are going to be extremely resistant to any attempt at re-education. They’ll dismiss it as nonsense. They’ll say they’ll stop then carry right on doing it. They may just be too flat out stupid to grasp why it’s a public health menace. That our governments see nothing wrong with importing such people into civilized society leads to the inevitable conclusion that our society will not BE civilized a whole lot longer.

  5. Its not so much banning food on the beach as banning large picnic parties.. 50 people pull up and plan on lunch and dinner at the beach :).. Bring everything they need including a tent toilet..

    Events like that do not belong on the beach.. A zoning issue that has nothing to do with poop and everything to do with organized groups.. A birthday party ON the beach?.. 100 people, lunch and dinner.. Come on..

    A fun time had by all and a lot of poop.. So.. Fire, tables and food tents are illegal.. Fines range from 250 to 5000 dollars depending on the size of the event.. Yes, event.. Food is the problem..

    1. Yes, it’s a problem at all Ontario beaches, Sauble and Wasaga are particularly bad. Fecal contamination is becoming much worse, and this is most of the reason why the beaches are now closed for swimming much of the year. In Toronto, the Humber and Credit Rivers are a huge source of microbial pollution, these ones largely from farm runoff. As a result, Toronto beaches are closed at least half the year.

  6. Scale, events and a little culture.. Europeans generally don’t eat meals at the beach.. Snacks or a quick sandwich.. Leave the beach for a proper meal.. Generally speaking and the poop that leaves with it..

    Other groups see the beach as free space to throw large picnic parties on.. A cultural void so to speak that new Canadians are happy to exploit.. Who doesn’t want front row beach, humming kitchen / food tent and a private bathroom..

    Be honest.. Our new Canadians might find us so disgusting that they refuse to use our bathrooms.. Before when there was only 7 of them they couldn’t set up their own bathroom amenities.. But now they can..

    The multicultural caste system?.. Believe it..

  7. Now just a minute. How well are the beach “public” washrooms maintained/cleaned etc by Mr Ford?
    I have seen Alberta hyway rest stop washrooms revolting and dirty enough to make one puke.
    No way I’d let my wife and little girls use them. Rather use the side of the road too.

  8. But all cultures are equal. We have been told that since the time of Lester B. Pearson, and his arrogant minion, Pierre. You mean it isn’t true? (sarcasm off)

  9. There’s also the matter of people using public toilets in a rather acrobatic fashion. Instead of sitting on the seat, the occupant will step up on it, crouch and defecate. Apparently the extreme crouch assists in the performance. Signs have gone up in Vancouver restrooms asking people to sit and not stand on the seat. It’s a south Asian thing.
