Diversity Is Our Hustle

Post Millenial;

Trudeau cabinet minister Harjit Sajjan wanted to use Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel as a backdrop for Punjabi pop star Diljit Dosanjh. Dosanjh, a Sikh from the Punjab region of India, is a well-known entertainer in that country.

As first reported in The Globe and Mail, Sajjan, who was minister of national defense for six years, received a request in April for uniformed military personnel to participate as in Dosanjh’s Vancouver performance on Apr. 27.

It is unclear whether the CAF members were expected to sing or dance. As defense minister in 2017, Sajjan presented Dosanjh with a medal while the singer was touring Canada. […]

“Minister Sajjan agreed the concert would be a good opportunity for the Canadian Armed Forces to engage with and expand connect to a diverse community of young Canadians, along the lines of the CAF outreach and recruiting events at professional sporting events,” said Sajjan’s press secretary Joanna Kanga.

5 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Hustle”

  1. Not a bad idea if we can just get smell of smoke out of their fatigues.
    You know the smell of the ”Forest Renewal” so prevalent in canada’s atmosphere in the summer.

  2. I bet The Ponce is pissed that he wasn’t asked!
    He loves to sing and dance, knows the moves and already has the attire.
    That Defense Minister ain’t too smart.

    Makes me wonder if they war game.
    I guess it depends on who the opposition is.
    When you have no kit or boots to put on the ground, probably automatic loss to most countries.
    Maybe the Podunk Police Department would be a more fair adversary?

  3. You have got to be kidding! Why are we celebrating and honoring a pop star from another country with a military display? What does the medal we are giving him represent? What are the achievements we are celebrating? Its pretty degrading for our already degraded military to be used as a backup. Sajjan clearly has no sense of appropriate and no awareness of the serious purpose of the military. How about he devote some of his energy to re-equipping and recruiting so that the military is once again something its members can be proud to be part of, not a back up group in a pop music performance. What a clown show this government is

  4. So how does the average Pujab dude feel about LGBT and Feminist ideology? I truly do not know. Because this is what DND is pushing nowadays. Sajjan is a boot licker, but Anand was much worse, a racist true believer in diversity and all things feminist. Will the new CDS, previously Komissar of diversity and conduct be jiggy with something like that and maybe do a little pirouette for her masters? For diversity? Why don’t they use suitably diverse actors in CF uniform? The could sing “YMCA” and “In the Navy”.

  5. Was that before or After Sajjan deployed “soldiers, on our streets, with guns” for the 2019 Khalsa Day Parade?
