8 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. Magna Carta?
    Bill of Rights?
    Free Speech?
    Freedom of Movement?
    Property Rights?
    None of the above!
    All bullshit.
    From top to bottom, from side to side and front to back.
    No a single honest word anywhere.
    Nothing but lies.
    Manure for the modern mindless.
    Living on your knees in a world of lies is a hell of a way to live.
    Sadly, THAT is the Canadian Way.

  2. Okay sleuths – the challenge is on!

    THIS – see link below – is an article from Time, ostensibly from Dec 3, 2019 about Kamala dropping out of the Democratic primaries even before the Iowa Caucuses. There is no note attached to the article stating that it was subsequently re-edited after the posted date but to my mind, some of the statements – the more notorious exemplars are cited below – seem a little too “on the nose” and reek of a possible re-writing now that Harris has miraculously – and almost overnight – gone from “failed veep” to “second coming of Barack Obama”

    • “But Democrats Are Already Betting on Her Comeback”

    • “I think whether it’s this Democratic nominee for 2020 or beyond, any Democrat who’s got their head screwed on straight will always have her on a short list.”

    • “I would not be surprised to see her as President at some day in the future”

    Does anyone out there have a saved copy of the original Dec 3, 2019 article, so that we can compare versions?

    I suspect there is TONS of rewriting of such articles going on as we speak. No proof, just a hunch.


  3. Alcohol is haram. For you. Of course the national socialists in the NDP/Liberal Party want to restrict or even deny your access to alcohol.

    We know alcohol lowers inhibitions but that’s not only in the bedroom, backseat, or parents basement where we got lucky.

    Anyone chafing under perceived oppression is more prone to shoot their mouth off or fight if they’ve been drinking whether they’re pissed off with their supervisor at work, their spouse, or even their government. Historical examples of crowds leaving the bars and getting unruly towards our authoritarians in government are not hard to find, but they don’t want you getting any ideas.

  4. Venezuela and its credibly alleged fraudulent election seems to have disappeared from the airwaves.
    I think the Demmedia is trying to bury this story for two reasons:
    1. Many will see where their socialism takes a previously relatively prosperous civil society, to shared misery.
    2. The spate of election irregularities and prosecuting objectors is far too familiar to their DeMarxist cousins.

    Used Al Jazeera because of their bias and only they provide non-paywalled coverage of this election debacle.

    “The vote counting was riddled with claims of irregularities. The opposition said some of its witnesses were denied access to polling stations where votes were being counted and the electoral authority had prevented more votes from being processed.”

    The opposition coalition led by Maria Corina Machado disputed Maduro’s victory. On Monday, it said it obtained more than 73 percent of the tally sheets, showing more than 6 million votes for Gonzalez and 2.7 million for Maduro.”

    The ruling party has tight control over the voting system through the CNE and a network of local party coordinators. Venezuela’s law states that opposition party representatives should be able to witness the voting process, vote counting and, most importantly, obtain a copy of the final tally sheet from the machines.”

    On Monday, Chief Prosecutor Tarek William Saab launched an investigation into (Opposition leader) Corina Machado’s alleged involvement in the hacking of the CNE’s data transmission system from North Macedonia. Saab alleged that Machado was implicated in a scheme to manipulate the voting results.”

    Latin American countries including Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay refused to recognize the announced outcome. Venezuela expelled their diplomats from the country on Monday. Countries like China, Cuba, Iran and Russia were quick to congratulate Maduro.”


    Sound familiar? While the world takes note of this authoritarian abomination, DeMarxists are taking notes.
