11 Replies to “Has Fascism Descended Upon Britain?”

  1. Ain’t kleptocracy grand?
    The State of Thuggery as had the willing help of our Presstitutes,hiding in itself plain sight.
    As they loot the gullible.
    And this lie has been so successful,that many still insist their government is wonderful..Not to be questioned.
    Combine these types with the Not Sees whose income depends on not seeing what they condone..

    Government by thieves for the benefit of said thieves.
    And these thieves will kill,should you highlight their abuse.
    Forward,to our glorious future..

  2. In my opinion the anti-fascism crowd are nothing more than progressive communists and have become radical liberal governments’ army of protestors.

  3. I watched Sargon of Akkad’s video (the “related” above video) and thought it was a well done snapshot of what’s up.

    Note how careful he is to ensure his listeners that he is NOT, I repeat NOT, advocating for violence or even protests, but simply asking some questions. He’s stuck there and I can’t blame him for wanting to dodge a 2 years sentence for advocating…

    Yes, the fascism is closing in. The gov’t isn’t doing anything to stop the other side, the other side responsible for the Rotherham fiasco of years past, and the PM is lying about 2 tier policing.

    Lady Justice in the UK is dead, not even on life support. They have 4 more years to think about this…
    Think the UK will last?

    1. Governments are the exact same as any other bully you have ever met in your life.
      Obey the rules, live in fear, live on your knees and get the crap kicked out of you.
      Fight back and they turtle and look for easier prey.
      I suspect that most people will figure that out soon enough.
      Time for all good men to come to the aid of their fellow citizens.

      Begin by blaming EVERY politician for this giant cockup.

    1. I get that you don’t care, but it might be a learning experience when you’ve had another fake election and the commies manage to cement their power and use the tens of millions of people they imported to do the same thing to you. And no, your guns aren’t going to save you, having a gun is only an advantage if the other guy doesn’t have one, and since you’re all equally well armed you’ll end up equally dead.

      1. Personally, I think the American’s 300 million guns are the ONLY thing standing between us and One World Government/Fascism/Communism/Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism.

        1. When trump was elected communists started burning down cities with police protection and Americans with all their guns did nothing. Biden was installed in a coup after a fake election, he rounded up and jailed anyone who protested it and Americans with all their guns did nothing. The totalitarianism is here already. Americans haven’t been saved from it, they’re living it, and the next election is going to be as fake as the last one and Harris is going to be installed. Americans with their guns are going to grumble and think they’ll solve it at the next election. They seem to be pretty slow learners.

          1. Still better to be an armed slow learner than an unarmed one.
            ‘They were not easily moved,
            They were icy — willing to wait
            Till every count should be proved,”

            by Rudyard Kipling (December 30, 1865 – January 18, 1936)

            It was not part of their blood,
            It came to them very late,
            With long arrears to make good,
            When the Saxon began to hate.

            They were not easily moved,
            They were icy — willing to wait
            Till every count should be proved,
            Ere the Saxon began to hate.

            Their voices were even and low.
            Their eyes were level and straight.
            There was neither sign nor show
            When the Saxon began to hate.

            It was not preached to the crowd.
            It was not taught by the state.
            No man spoke it aloud
            When the Saxon began to hate.

            It was not suddenly bred.
            It will not swiftly abate.
            Through the chilled years ahead,
            When time shall count from the date
            That the Saxon began to hate.

          2. That’s the neo-N*zi version of the poem. The correct version is “When the English began to hate”. And it’s a reference to anti-German sentiment during the first World War. It’s got sod-all to do with the English people rising up against their own government. That’s been tried exactly once and the result was a new boss same as the old boss.

  4. Yes…. the Government of the UK is a fascist, morally and ethically corrupt bigoted pile of excrement.
