Is the American Public being Gaslit?

The head pollster at Rasmussen believes so.

Update: Ryan Girdusky provides a balanced view of poll results.

52 Replies to “Is the American Public being Gaslit?”

  1. Of course they’re being gas lit. It’s all part of the scam. When Harris gets 82 million votes and takes the Whitehouse you can’t have people pulling out poll results that lead people to believe the election was a total scam.

  2. One gigantic PSYOP. Do not be gaslit people. Send any dispirited or demoralized friends this video. That is all.

      1. He’s right. Just think of the media and all the toxic, divisive sludge they broadcast out every hour of every day. Every story/narrative designed to tear down the good and elevate the evil. The media is demonic.

  3. If Harris is announced the winner, she will need close to 100 million votes. Trump says he has 75% support of all Americans, rhetoric or perhaps his pollsters no what’s really happening. Having said that I don’t believe that Harris and Walz will make it to the starting gate. The dems know what the real poll numbers are and even if they try pretend its close and try to steal it, don’t think the American public will buy that one. They need a ticket that appears to have a chance of winning. Maybe the dems will let Trump win the Whitehouse and try to steal all of the down ballot races in the senate and congress. If that’s their plan, maybe Harris/Walz ticket stays in tact.

    1. The objective isn’t to get the most votes. The objective is to keep the election results close enough to make the steal credible, and it just very well may be that they may be succeeding on that front.

  4. Shush!! Let them think they’re winning. Maybe they’ll get overconfident and overreach. When that backfires with their Demmedia polling plunging, they’ll get more desperate and overreach again, pandering to their basest base.

    Get them freaking out over polls, then panic “threatening” Trump with more debates, just like Joe did, the trap set.

    WSJ did an article of Kamala’s policy statements, given she’s never personally signed off on anything herself.
    (Whom given the paucity of unbiased coverage I ignore their childish – and yes elitist – shots at Trump):

    “Ms. Harris has given a few hints about her own views on the Middle East, and those aren’t encouraging. Her team spent much of Thursday walking back whether she told an anti-Israel group she’d be willing to ponder an arms embargo against Israel. She skipped Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress when our main Middle East ally is under siege. Did she pass over Josh Shapiro as her running mate because he would have enraged the anti-Israel wing of the Democratic Party?”

    To the extent she has revealed a larger instinct on national security, it’s been wrong. She told the Council on Foreign Relations in 2019 that she’d rejoin the Iran nuclear deal as long as “Iran also returned to verifiable compliance.” But Iran didn’t comply and is now on the brink of a nuclear breakout.”

    Donald Trump often shoots from the hip on these subjects, and his favorable comments about dictators are witless. But his first-term record, especially on Iran and the Middle East, is far stronger than the Biden-Harris performance. Americans shouldn’t have to read tea leaves to figure out if Ms. Harris would keep the country safe in a treacherous world.”

  5. Keep telling yourselves this, people. Kamala is going to win because the majority wants to break with the past and not have a senile geriatric in the White House. Her party figured that out. Your’s should have too.

      1. We’ve now attracted two seminar commenters. Can we trade them in for a single nar commenter? Might improve the quality.

    1. “Keep telling yourselves this, people. Kamala is going to win because the majority wants to break with the past and not have a senile geriatric in the White House. Her party figured that out. Your’s should have too.”

      Her polling bounce has ended, and there is no hiding that.

      1. fc
        Ewe dimwit, those 2 are one and the same. You are now encountering that IDIOT from Newfbrunswick.

        1. No idiot these are different, you and ENEMA69 or something like that is the same troll though.

        2. I see my sarcasm has gone completely over your head, GYM. No surprise there. That’s not an easy target to miss.

      2. Nope it is neither, these are just generic concern troll bots, plenty of these appeared everywhere. Looks like dhimicrats borrowed a page from pootin’s playboook.

    2. Yes, that what’s Rasmussen shows. Oh, no it doesn’t? Really pathetic denial of data; what DeMarxists do.
      Keep up the good work. Republicans everywhere and soon the nation at large thank you for Kamala’s feint.

    3. The senile geriatric is not in the running anymore. The accomplished negotiator and the heels-up ho are the contenders.

    4. So that’s your slogan, communist? “Break with the past” ?

      Sorry, you’re gonna have to do much better than that, when Joe/Kamelala’s Leftist policies have rendered life unaffordable to all but the coastal elites. Anyone who actually votes for more of the “progressive” Left’s misery … should be put out of their misery.

    5. Geriatric senile got tossed for an air-headed commie whore because the Dems didn’t have the sense to have a bench.

      1. That’s equal in popularity to saying we’re gonna take away your pets. Those are two “third rails” most intelligent people avoid at all cost.

        You don’t screw with peoples guns, or pets. Period.

  6. There you are, Allan S? Where have you been? Missed you!

    I will say this though… Trump’s support may not be collapsing, but I still am worried that he will not be declared the winner. (Again, I choose my words very carefully.)

  7. “The point dear comrades is that who votes and how does not matter. What matters is who counts the vote and how.”

    J. Stalin, (D., GA)

    1. It also matters when an idiot quasi-conservative(aren’t they all?) PM leaves a whack of Senate seats open so that even a Conservative win won’t matter.
      Stupid Party?

  8. Of course the pollsters are “misleading the public” at best.
    They are paid to get the desired results.
    You cannot run a successful “”Correction of the popular vote” if you have not done your prep work.
    Notice absolutely zero “Journalists” ask Obama ,Why Joe Biden got so many more “Black Votes” than Him..
    The scheme is so simple.
    Push Polls pretend X is loved by all.
    The fraud is run,creating the predetermined results and the public is told “Believe the story,You are the oddball here.”

    So who was pretending that polls meant anything?
    And who wastes their time responding?
    The first observation of polling methods..only people with time on their hands and an enormous trust in strangers is going to agree to be polled.
    And then you need to be gullible enough to believe your answers matter and that the questions are not shaped to produce the needed result.

  9. I think Kamala/VP will be removed at the DNC … her true numbers ae awful and I’m hearing there’s a civil war within the Democrats between the Biden supporters and the Obama people.

    1. “I think Kamala/VP will be removed at the DNC … her true numbers ae awful and I’m hearing there’s a civil war within the Democrats between the Biden supporters and the Obama people.”

      I would not rule that out, based on the fact that she seems to be in hiding. If you’re really that popular and are enjoying widespread celebration of your (presumptive) candidacy, why hide? Why not be out there reveling in all the attention and basking in the adulation of the masses? If you’re as intellectually sharp as your people claim your are, why not do some press conferences? Why run from reporters?

      1. There’s got to be a large number of dems who see through her and resent her success, particularly if it cost them support.

        1. Exactly. KamaLaLa was not voted for by delegates, she was INSTALLED. In the 2020
          leadership contest, she was universally despised by her own party, and dropped out early. Now, everyone is supposed to believe that she is widely popular, cuz the corrupt DNC controlled media says so?
          It is to CACKLE! And now she has a draft dodging, horse loving, Tampon Timmy to double down on stupid!

      2. But, but, but … “enthusiasm”!? The media has been nonstop fabricating an astroturfed “enthusiasm” for Kamelala … now that ol’ Joe has been toe-tagged. Aren’t you “enthusiastic” at the prospect of the FIRST black, Indian, white, woman to be POTUS!? Doesn’t that just send tingles up your leg!?

        Well, I did predict Joe would be cast aside … and that the “reluctant” Big Mike would swoop in and save the day for the Communists! Well, it ain’t over till it’s over … and I’m at least half right thus far.

      3. I dunno. They pulled the coup and bait & switch once, not sure they will risk it again. They will cheat like hell and if Trump wins, they already have Antifa and BLM thugs and 20 million illegals to raise hell to sabotage any Trump Presidency. Oh, I forgot, you can add all the free Palestine genocidal inbred tards to that list.

    2. Too late for that after their Soviet roll call in a ballot with only one candidate.
      Joe was aiming for that, but at least his delegates had voted for him.
      Now they have to go into the DNC, then interviews and press conferences, then the ABC debate.
      Dystopic disaster awaits and she tries the Biden “moderate” semantic schtick, but now from limit of looniness.

  10. Didn’t watch/comprehend the video. Went with own ignorant bias. Evidence of a low information “voter.”
    Wishful thinking spares TDS loon from reality. Keep up the good work. Hopefully all Democrat doofuses will too.

  11. “His cognition is in free-fall” … hahaha ha ha ha ha … you Communists are too funny.

  12. Uggg.. Why not.. The blue team needed a pulse that didn’t smell like a dirty diaper.. Of course they are all near orgasmic over the caramel queen.. Even if she is lacking in many regards.. BS polls are part of the game..

  13. Trump f@#$ed up by deciding that he won already and choosing Vance as a “f@#$ you” candidate. Vance brings nothing to the table and no new voters. Dhimicrats played this smarter and outmaneuvered Trump…

    Although how Cameltoe is getting so much support cannot be simply assigned to Waltz (that popularity boost will dissolve fast) and the mother of all astroturfing efforts. I suspect collusion among the polsters and dhimicrats in preparation to stealing another election.

    Having said that, this also shows the chronic flaw that Trump exhibited in the past, namely that he is prone to choosing the wrong people to work with. Vance used to be a principled Never Trumper only to do oh so principled 180 and become a Trumper next. Trump should have never trusted him and did not need to trust him in the first place.

    1. This time around Trump is picking his people. Last time he chose mostly people recommended by the Republican swamp and spent his whole term fighting them. Selling out gains nothing.

      1. “This time around Trump is picking his people. Last time he chose mostly people recommended by the Republican swamp and spent his whole term fighting them. Selling out gains nothing.”

        Agreed. Trump didn’t pick a woman to get the women’s vote, he didn’t pick a black person to get the Black vote and he didn’t pick a homosexual to gain some of the gay vote. Instead, he picked the person he thought would be *the best at the job* (what a concept, right?). Kudos to him for that.

        Having seen Vance speak a couple of times already, I think he was a great choice.

        1. “Having seen Vance speak a couple of times already, I think he was a great choice.”

          Thus adding to the long list of things you’re stupid about.

      2. It does not mean that his current picks are any good. I don’t see how Vance helped him in any way.

    2. “Trump f@#$ed up by deciding that he won already and choosing Vance as a “f@#$ you” candidate. Vance brings nothing to the table and no new voters. Dhimicrats played this smarter and outmaneuvered Trump…

      ‘So what you’re saying is that’ Harris chose Walz to bring something new to her table ?

  14. John”: “Even if she is lacking in many regards.”

    I nominate that for the Understatement of The Year award, John”. You’ve got a strong contender there with that one.

    Yeah, about the only thing she’s got going for her is that she hasn’t fallen up the stairs to Air F0rce 2… yet.

  15. The Democrat ticket is black/white, XX/XY, middle-aged. They tried that bridge.
    Trump/Vance who knows, just not more of the same.
    The pendulum swings.
    Only count the last poll.
