15 Replies to “Jasper Update-19 Days In”

  1. I’m just so tired of the idiots that believe anything from these liars!
    So, so tired.
    Sick and tired of the lies.
    So many lies.
    And the liars.
    So many liars.
    Canadian Government and Media.
    Nothing but lies and liars.

  2. “Parks Canada fire preparedness in Jasper, Alta. was a model for the nation”

    Only a “model” in the sense of using the winner of the “Ugliest Dog” as representative of a new breed standard for the AKC/CKC.

    1. With profound sadness I observe that Steven Guilbeault is also a model for the nation.

  3. Love the stock photo of tender shoots of new grass amid a report on wildfires.
    As for S. Guilbeault, he was truthful. It is their model for the nation; burn it to the ground and leave it to the remaining few who are left, after the cull.

  4. Note….he did not say it was effective or logical.
    It was an abject failure; we all can see that.
    It is a model for the nation because this sort of mismanagement helps further their agenda and narrative that we are in a state of climate emergency, and only more gov’t control will save us.
    They want more of this.
    You saw the glee over last year’s fires.
    They kept that subdued this year for the cameras, but you can bet it was still there.
    Yes…”A model for the nation.”

  5. Gibbot is propagandist. He obviously read 1984 and keep it as his manual.

    Black is white.
    War is peace.
    Ministry of truth.

  6. I was talking to someone I know well last weekend. He was involved in the beetle investigation, I think in 2015. (He’s an entomologist) He personally spoke to the Mayor of Jasper back then. The Mayor stated that he had begged Parks Canada to do something about the dead trees and kindling lying everywhere,but was told they had a non intervention policy. In other words,let it burn

  7. Could have had outdoor jobs, half priced lumber and Jasper instead we got lying idiots, “a model” and run-for-your-life fire.

  8. Of course they say they did a great job.. They set the curriculum and mark their own papers.. Most government agencies are not doing what you think they are doing..

  9. When O when are the Canadian people going to wake up and learn that every last Liberal Party of Canada government person has absolutely no knowledge of what they are assigned to do and are all talking out of their asses ?????

  10. “A model for the nation”

    Leave Dead tinder dry Beetle destroyed Trees Standing.
    Refuse to allow logging companies in to remove said trees – More than 1 applied to do that.
    Ignore ALL Provincial, & local authorities re the Potential for a massive wildfire.
    Leave 1-2′ of deadwood debris covering the forest floor.
    Not one planned burn..
    & DESTROY all the Cut Lines. – There is video evidence of this (@MartyUpNorth on X), I have seen it. This was apparently done to “save/protect” a small Herd of ELK.?? (Parks Can response) – Funny that, I’ve camped Numerous times in Banff, and the Elk simply walk by within 10’….NEVER EVER an issue.

    All of the ABOVE 100% PURPOSE
    This was to me a Declaration of WAR against Alberta…by the de-facto NAZI led Govt in Ottawa.
