Making Room For The Online Shit Posters

Telegraph- Starmer’s prison overcrowding plan could mean some rioters will be released early

It was announced that scores of criminals serving determinate sentences would be able to leave after serving 40 per cent of their custodial sentence in prison rather than the current 50 per cent. Some exemptions were announced including those jailed for sex offences, domestic abuse offences as well as violent offenders serving four or more years.

Cheshire Police- A 55-year-old woman from near to Chester, was arrested earlier today (Thurs 8 August) on suspicion of a number of offences in relation to a social media post containing inaccurate information

27 Replies to “Making Room For The Online Shit Posters”

  1. We’ve got to release violent criminals to make room for people who post comments on social media that we don’t like…

  2. pffffft all she has to do is claim she truly believe a ‘thing’ that according to 2024 social rules MADE it true.

  3. Wait. England is imprisoning middle age women for “misidentifying” the undesirable spawn of “newcomers” who obviously don’t share or respect English culture? How about the police being FIRED for “non-indentifying” the murderer … calling him a “boy” and not publishing his mugshot, nor identifying his motive. How long a prison sentence will he get? 2-years released on his own recognizance ?

    1. Of Course. Totally fits in with their totalitarian objectives. This way, they can enslave the entire planet.
      “If you violate our laws, even if you’re a citizen of another country not even within our boundaries, we will come after you.”

      I don’t know about you, but I am more convinced than ever that we are totally living in an upside-down world, and I’m getting to the point now where I am ready to consider radical action to fight this tyranny.

      Come and get me, coppers!

  4. At this point I will visit Iran LONG before I ever set foot in the UK again. I am also organising a boycott of UK merchandise in my social circle. So far, we see getting quire good traction.

    1. Yup. They can stick their Scotch up their arses. I can live with Alberta Rye and Kentucky or Tennessee Bourbon.

      Britain. A stupid little country.

    2. Wait, so when Trudeau and Biden trample North American rights I’m supposed to damage your economies and call all of you stupid?

      This is why the left win.

      1. Yes. You must inflict pain and suffering on the buffoons that refuse to rise up and overthrow these demonic regimes. Reward countries with GOOD governments. Punish the ones with SHIT governments. Simple.

        The left win because people like you still think the electoral systems in the West are free, fair, and independent. Once people like you wake up and realise this is no longer politics, but rather war, and adjust your approach accordingly, then the left will begin to lose.

        Warfare, at the very least, requires you do what you can to damage their economy.

    3. You can boycott all you want. I intend to do the same, but that’s not going to stop them from coming after you if you decide to voice your opinion, and organize a boycott on-line.
      And there’s nothing I can see that will stop it. Already we’re hearing governments expressing concern about the “rise of ‘far-right extremism.’ ” Today, to governments all around the world, anybody who values their personal freedom and liberty is a “far-right extremist!” That is truly terrifying, but I don’t see how this trend is going to change direction — at least for the next generation or two, because guess what! More and more people are agreeing with the government’s stance. They don’t value their freedom, or individuality. They’ve been brainwashed to accept the collective.

  5. BTW … it appears as though Taylor Swift has robust security. Unlike President Donald J Trump.

    1. Amazing…I noted that, as well. But then, she’s essential to the survival of Western Civilization.

  6. This is unsustainable. And, it’s risky on behalf of the authoritarians. I’ll give you an example:

    Comment on Social Media: “COVID was a man made virus.”
    Action: Commenter is arrested and convicted of misinformation.
    Re-action: It is learned over time that COVID was a man made virus.
    Action: Convicted party is released. Files a civil suit. AND, requires all parties stating that COVID was not man made be arrested for spreading misinformation. If no action is taken, files another civil suit under equal protection.

    1. OOOOooooo….something else that could be interesting. The arresting officers, prosecutors and even the Judge are complicit in misinformation if it is learned over time that the convict was correct. You can’t deal in absolutes on opinion when the verdict is still out. But, that is exactly what they are doing.

      I don’t think I’ve seen narcissism writ so large before. And, that’s what this is at its fundamental base. “My opinion is correct, and you are illegally stating the opposite.”

  7. I want to know- how do these English courts work so fast? Convicted and sentenced in less than a week?

    Don’t they have lawyers to tie things up for months?

    1. Well 2tierkeir stated in his ‘standing army’ speech that they would be arrested and that they would be convicted.
      So there is that.

  8. Wow…the UK put on their big boy pants and are actually going to try and export this nonsense to the rest of the world.

    New duties on social media platforms under the Online Safety Act requiring firms to actively identify, mitigate and manage the risks of harm from illegal and harmful content on their platforms have not yet taken effect.

    Once the rules fully take effect, Ofcom would have the power to levy fines of as much as 10% of companies’ global annual revenues for breaches, or even jail time for individual senior managers in cases where repeat breaches occur.

    Additionally, the UK Commissioner (Mark Rowley) claims he can come after “offenders” in other countries under Terrorism laws.

    This isn’t going to end well.

    1. Mr. Rowley seems to misunderstand approximately half of Americans.

      We do as we please.

      We say as we please.

      We think as we please.

      We are absolutely willing to do tremendous violence to anyone who would try to make us do otherwise.

      1. coming a time the brits try to yank a yank from his base and home territory, needst form vigilante teams to either those in britain already or ex-pats ready to ‘rock and roll’ and in whatever ways, hacking, swatting, whatever, make life REAAAALLLL uncomfortable via ‘anonymous’ tactics for instance. extensive interference via ‘anonymous’ grade tactics in their club memberships for instance. like something out of that eddie murphy film Trading Places

        make sure the pattern becomes clear, any brit judiciary goes after a yank their personal life turns into an upside down hell of account foul ups and swatting

  9. It’s rather like arresting the crowd at a circus because the elephant dropped a big one.

  10. Brexit vengeance.. The upper class will never forgive the peasants for the successful campaign..

  11. “Journalists” everywhere should be arrested by the police if online misinformation is the criteria for arrest.

    Start with the CBC please.

    If the UK cops put out an arrest warrant on INTERPOL the RCMP would be all over that…
