43 Replies to “Nanny Knows Best”

  1. Whenever the Liberals go on flights to their endless conferences, they spend massive amounts of taxpayer money on “In-Flight Services & Hospitality” … much of which is alcohol.

    But they want regular Canadians to cut back on alcohol.

    Ridiculous !!

    If the Liberals and this federal cabinet minister were actually concerned, they would stop flying to conference and use video conferencing.

    Less CO2 from plane ✈️ emissions and much less alcohol intake

    Two problems solved !

  2. I am old enough to remember when LCBO stores were deliberately austere with no merchandise on display, just a list with prices. We had to fill in an order form and hand it to the sullen and unwelcoming employee who retrieved your order.
    The first time I came to Canada over 50 years ago and went into the local LCBO, I just stood there laughing. It’s a wonder I wasn’t thrown out.
    Maybe they want a return to those days.

    1. Wow! Yes. I remember that with my Dad in the early 1970s. It was very Soviet Union.

    2. The Beer Store in Kenora, to this day, emulates that policy. You have to go to the counter, give your order and the clerk disappears to the rear of the store to find and retrieve your product. At least no form is required.

  3. Yeah … sue the Alcohol makers, supplier, and distributors for … “selling a product they KNEW could make you drunk and put your’s and other’s lives at risk”.

    It worked with tobacco
    They’re trying it with the oil companies …

    Lawfare won’t stop until WE stop it.

  4. And thats how the CalipHATE starts.. Of course its bad for you.. Its poison.. Like all things its all about dosage.. As adults???… You can stick a gun in your mouth or drink/smoke yourself out over a few of decades..

    I wouldn’t give these killjoy cockroaches another inch.. Praise be his name..

  5. But if you want narcotics then the government will give you a “safe supply” for free (aka. Taxpayer funded). The pharmaceutical industry that produces the safe supply narcotics to governments must be more politician friendly than the corporations that sell booze to Canadian adults.

  6. Hey, how about a nice big ass warning (or a banning) of tattoos. The risk of Hepatitis B and C is increasing due to our ink laden younger generations. Then, just to be safe, lets outlaw hypodermic needles and sex, as this is how Hepatitis B and C can spread.

    Everyone OK with that?

        1. War! War! … inside joke.

          In my Junior year HS English Lit. course we were reading The Scarlet Letter … and one day, we were reading it out loud in class. This one girl in class read a passage where Hester Prynne was walking thru town with the Scarlet Letter affixed and got to the part where the townspeople were shouting “Whore! Whore!” at her … and the girl read the passage as “War! War!”

          The teacher … who was a really smart and funny Ivy League graduate (yeah, my HS was top class) … just mercilessly mocked that girl for the rest of the year … he would just randomly shout out “War! War!” In class and start laughing … it was too funny. I suppose if a teacher did that today he’d be FIRED for inducing suicide in a fragile girl. I thought it was funny as hell. That poor girl must have led a sheltered life wherein she’d never seen the word “whore” in print … by the time she was 16-17yo … yeah, sheltered.

          1. What, when, why, whore … yes, perhaps it was the first time she had seen that word.

  7. Canada should outlaw booze, cigarettes and gambling and put their distribution back into the hands of organized crime where it belongs!
    Only downside is the loss of billions in revenue to the Gangsters With Parliamentary Approval.

    And yes,I remember the Good Old Days in Manitoba,which used the same system as Ontario, stand in a bare room choose your poison and mark it on the paper card, complete with your name and address and hand to to a surly government employee. Always wondered about their attitude,they had one of the best paying jobs in town and had to do sfa to earn their paycheque.

    1. You talk about outlawing booze, cigarettes and gambling and putting their distribution back into the hands of organized crime where it belongs. You mean Indian Reserves? They do a booming business.

  8. So if the government controls the distribution and sale of products they advertize as toxic, and profit from it, can they be sued?

  9. Until they’re prepared to supply the general population with it’s daily supply of Soma, then they should just STFU. This is the Liberal’s Brave New World.

  10. All the nanny kings and queens want to rid normal people of all habits they dislike. A lot of my friends have died, and all of them would have exceeded the “ideal” Canadian list of approved persons (no drinking, smoking, philandering, drugs, nasty postings online).

    And, I am still here, costing the health care system less than I contributed, driving less than 2000 kilometers per year and using home electric heating only from November to March, if I am in Canada. I get zero benefits from the national government except CPP (for which I paid), OAS (means tested) and pensions that I earned. All of these programs are essentially ponzi schemes.

    I use our provincial health care system on occasion, for which I pay in taxes. They test exceedingly, if you are admitted, trying to find new problems and new pharma products for you to buy.

    The regional government does nothing, and the municipal government fails to do basics, like road repair. Every summer: lots of pylons; no workers.

  11. Tell you one thing, the prices in The Beer Store and the LCBO are going to make people cut back on drinking … government-approved booze.

    1. Recently went on a vacation in Quebec. 60 beer was $86 plus deposit.
      In Ontario the same would be $112 plus deposit.
      In Michigan it’s $52 plus deposit. Factor in exchange and it’s also way less than Ontario.
      Yet, most of the f$&ktards in this province support the LCBO and Beer Store. This is a microcosm of why Canada is f$&ked.

  12. Hey, Mark Holland.
    My family vacation update.
    Me and the wife and kids have been driving for 10 consecutive days in our gas guzzler, and we are all drinking like bar flies, even my my toddler.
    You have a nice unhinged day, now, eh?

  13. Hey Marc, Why not shut the f**k up and work to bring down prices of food, housing, alcohol and tobacco.

    That is your job, not telling movie makers and advertisers what they should be presenting to us.

    We can decide about that shit on out own.

  14. Is this the same government and department that wrote exemptions for opiates and legalized cannabis? Just want to make sure I got the story straight.

  15. Wait up… isn’t beer and gin and rum and whatnot 100% vegan?

    Canadians should sue the snot out of Marc Holland for interfering with their vegan diet.

    1. Holland should be sued just for wearing a stupid bowtie.
      I am working on a list of Turd’s frat boy ministers, rated on level of hate.
      Anyone want to put forward a shite list?
      I’ll start….
      Mad Mag Miller
      Singh (both)

  16. Politicians cause poverty and desperation,they must be banned.
    Liberal Politicians are excessively toxic and must be banished,for the safety of The Children, of course.

  17. PP is gonna have a FJB first day in office, whip out the F18 stylo to undo all the Liberal garbage regulations and laws punishing people, business, progress and good governance.
    It’s gonna be Massive.

    1. I’m already drinking as much as I want to, and I’ll not be persuaded by the government to drink less (or more.)

  18. Governments have killed a lot more people than alcohol ever did; when do we get warning labels for government?

  19. Hey Mark
    I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy… and candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
    Already working on a still and apple cider is real easy to make. So you can try to take it away from us but we will always find a way. BTW the bow tie only accentuates you pencil neck. Try gaining muscle. May I suggest some lovely weights. I favour the 16oz ones from Germany.

  20. Smoke all the pot you want, line up for free fentanyl, but don’t have that beer with your bbq.

  21. More curbs on liquor? Seems only fair. In downtown Calgary we’re certainly seeing more liquor on curbs.
