None Of Your Business

How we spy on you.

Blacklocks- RCMP Admit Credibility Gap

“The audit team found there has been limited transparency and public notice related to the RCMP’s use of emerging investigative technology,” said the Audit Of Emerging Investigative Technologies. “There have been instances where RCMP divisions have informed the media after the fact of successful investigative technology use.”

The RCMP had admitted since 2012 it used spyware capable of activating smartphone cameras and microphones, downloading emails and accessing all electronic records held on devices.

14 Replies to “None Of Your Business”

  1. The RCMP had admitted since 2012 it used spyware capable of activating smartphone cameras and microphones, downloading emails and accessing all electronic records held on devices.
    That’s why I keep senior citizen geriatric porn on my phone.. LOL

  2. Only with a warrant of course…./sarc. The opnly difference between here and China is that their government costs less and isn’t as corrupt as ours.

  3. How could they not?.. Our laws and constitutional rights, up against an anonymous button that may or may not have been pressed on purpose.. Oh look the cat pressed the button, I guess I will just look away..

    Its gets worse.. Gathering intel properly requires skill and personnel.. Its also very expensive.. Checks, balances, paper and field work.. Our governments insatiable need for information has rendered our laws and constitution unaffordable.. Its cheaper to enslave you.. Ouch..

    Hoops you cant jump through?.. Racism and climate change just to watch us dance.. DEI just to annoy us..
    They wouldn’t do such things if they didn’t have you locked down hard.. Elections?.. Yaa sure..

  4. The RCMP are going to have to be investigated.
    There is no way that they didn’t see any Liberal corruption in Ottawa.
    The only reason they are investigating anyone is because they were beat over the head with it with the evidence revealed in committee meetings that the public can see on Youtube and Twitter.

  5. Those who participate in this type of surveillance or other sketchy government directives because “they are just following orders” are the weakest links in our society. Followed closely by the weak links who participate in the same types of sketchy activities because they were given an offer they couldn’t refuse. Canada is being led by people in government, bureaucracy, researchers, law and media who lack integrity and honor. Canadian institutions are corrupt in almost every way imaginable.

  6. RCMP are investigating Doug Ford in relation to some “green belt” scam.

    Old Doug probably didn’t give his bosses in Ottawa a big enough cut, so they’ll use the RCMP to lean on him.

    Besides surveillance of the subjects of canada to keep them in line, leaning on other politicians and businesses is the job of the RCMP.

  7. Warrant…I don’t need no stinkin’ warrant. Without cheating, the RCMP couldn’t find their own behinds with a map, a compass and a light. They are reprehensible.

  8. You know what else that Spyware can do? It can deposit additional files on your cell phone, that you won’t be aware of until the RCMP comes to arrest you, under yet another one of their “Mr. Big entrapment schemes”

  9. Have a good time researching my boring e-mail.

    The RCMP needs to be either shut down, or appoint a real, experienced person to ther top job.

  10. I have a flip phone with a voice and text plan only. I don’t text and my friends and acquaintances know better than to text me. I don’t have a data plan or internet connection.

    The security camera at the Kwiki-Mart has better resolution than my camera, so I don’t take pictures with my phone. Even if I did, the 1.5 x 2.25 inch screen requires heavy squinting to make out any details.

    There’s not a lot of juicy goodies to find on my phone other than a bunch of doctor and dentist numbers, the numbers for my 2 brothers, a sister, and about a dozen+/- non-family friends. So, the map of my social network is *ahem* sparse.

    I don’t answer any call that isn’t on my contact list. There is a lovely list of spam callers because I rarely delete my missed calls list. They can make of that what they will.

    Oh, I guess they could scoop up all of the info on my social media accounts, except my social media presence is zero. I’m not signed up on anything.

    Spy all they want, they’ll get bupkiss from me.
