Oh, The Tangled Web We Weave

When we decide to hand out goodies based on skin colour and race.

Blacklocks- Oppose ‘Pretendian’ Vendors

Contractors pretending to be Indigenous to land federal work are “of great concern,” Ethics Commissioner Konrad von Finckenstein yesterday told the Commons public accounts committee. An audit of Indigenous claimants has yet to be disclosed.

The Department of Indigenous Services on March 7 said it was verifying the status of all contractors claiming to be Indigenous. Authorities set aside five percent of contracts for suppliers that are majority owned by Indigenous shareholders. Some 2,600 companies are listed in a federal Indigenous Business Directory.

37 Replies to “Oh, The Tangled Web We Weave”

  1. I once partnered with a WOMAN as a ruse to garner a public job. A WOMAN “partner” in name only. I would have done all the work and collected all the pay … giving her a lump sum “finders fee”. Nope. Didn’t get the job … of which I am grateful.

    BTW … white women are the single largest demographic group of affirmative-action recipients. Tell me again about my white, male, privilege?

    1. I am a woman who HATES affirmative action, and have lots of credentials to prove that people of any race are equally competitive with others in the market, IF they have the same qualifications.

      This is one non-affirmative action person who very much likes white males. They really have no special privileges, especially these days. This is the worst theory ever, designed to enrage and divide.

      Please do not generalize to all white women, as we are not all the same in our views. I have much more in common with normal white males than woke women (or men).

      1. Bless you dear.

        PS … I adore women like you (regardless of race) Women with integrity, talent, and ability. I have always laughed when some women claim men are intimidated and scared of “strong women”. That’s utter rubbish … for me anyway. I respect innate integrity of any sex or race.

        1. Thank you – never had a problem attracting normal men at any age. Guys like women they can talk to about many subjects. Who knew that I would be learning about mining geology in my mid 70s.

        2. Ditto. Totally respect strong women and their accomplishments, but that doesn’t make me a woose. I can respect women, and I don’t think that all strong women have to be the “b” word. There’s plenty of room for compassion among strong women with ethics and morals, and d-L fills that bill quite nicely.

  2. You know what would be hilarious….some day some anthropologist is nosing around and finds indisputable proof that the real indigenous species of Canada was white. The fallout would be entertaining.

    1. Their is some viking DNA in the Maritimes among anyone living there in the 16th C.

    2. That would require them to be honest, and be willing to go against the existing claims, while being denigrated as a “white supremacist” and “denier”, since everyone knows that the noble native sprang into existence on the back of the great turtle after the last ice age, and there were no people here prior to that.

  3. Minorities are so oppressed people are pretending to be one to get an advantage.

  4. Whatever.. I know when I have a huge investment.. The first thing I think about a skin color..

    1. Sadly … all the TOP income producing corporations are fully DEI-woke …

      Funny thing though my wife’s CALSTRS and CALPERS … ONLY invest in DEI-woke-ESG corporations … which is exactly why they post losses when the broad market is up

  5. Canada’s Constitution allows for discrimination in its preamble. This Constitution was ratified without a single federal or provincial or territorial referendum by the citizens. Canadians were had by our ‘leaders’, lawyers all, I believe.

    1. yep, Alberta and Sk should definitely have never signed-on in 1905. BC got a train track in 1870 (big deal). We should have learned when my ancestors left Ontario for Alberta in the 1850s. Queen Victoria is to blame too, as she selected Ottawa as the capital in 1857, being afraid of Americans.

      The Trudeau I – drafted 1982 constitution, with no property rights, was the worst piece of unwelcome legislation ever. Quebec wisely never signed on.

      The Charter has caused endless litigation and big $$$$ for over 30 years with zero benefits to the populace. Rights and freedoms require responsibility too, but that was not included.

  6. From Legal-Aid Ontario:

    “Do you wish to self‑identify as an Aboriginal person in Canada such as First Nation, Métis or Inuit?”

    Any client may self‑identify as being an Aboriginal person, regardless of legal status under the Indian Act. No proof of ancestry or belonging to a band is necessary. Clients must be given an opportunity to provide information related to their Aboriginal cultural identity, but are not obligated to answer.


    Well, now. That could make things interesting. 😀

    1. Same thing in the US, sort of.
      I can identify as Hispanic on job applications and the employer is not allowed to ask for any proof. I’m assuming it would work for black as well although it might raise more eyebrows.

      1. Hey… one drop, eh Patrick?

        “About 240,000 years ago my great-great………….great……………great……….(tum-tee-dum)………great African grandpappy left Africa and well, here I am. Put me down as Black.” ;o)

    2. My grandsons are both Métis Canadian Aboriginal … so I expect to be WELL taken care of in my more advanced years. Something like 1/4 FN by the metric.

    3. Since 1993, the Gov’t of Canada has had a self-disclosure rule; if you say you are, you can be hired under quotas.

  7. I suspect a large proportion of Quebecois could claim Metis status. There weren’t a lot of white women around until they imported about 800 known as the King’s Daughters who I usually refer to as the King’s Whores. They really weren’t prostitutes swept off the streets of Paris, wink, wink.

    The interesting thing about Metis is that family status as Metis doesn’t diminish by marriage to whites. If 1 out of your 16 great-great grandparents rode with Riel, you are Metis as are your kids and grand-kids. An effing white guy who says otherwise is a racist pig.

  8. Living this close to the Quebec border, I claim 100 percent Tabarnaki blood. So, I suppose I could re-open our outfitting business and try to get an exclusive contract for excursions to the happy hunting grounds.

    1. Because of his stupid name, I know that he’s a lifetime bureaucrat, who produced nothing for the benefit of canadians.

  9. So what definition did these fools itemize in their criteria?
    I am “Indigenous” as in born in this country,hell my Scottish Grandparents all moved here before it was even a country..
    Or do they mean “Indian”?
    Defined how?
    For without a clear description of what the Bureaus of Incompetence consider “Indigenous” to be,they can hardly charge anyone with false representation of their “Status”.
    Of course that has never stopped them yet.
    They have their authority…You shall obey..
    And as a final irony,these same people ,when being “rewarded” for their contribution to civic collapse will be wailing all the way to their doom;”What did I do?”

  10. it further occurs to me, those demanding lineage proof and bloodline %ages are defending the claim. keeping it to the proper demographic.
    but wokism opposes truth. so in 200 years evuh buddy gonna be status?
    dilute dilute dilute dilute until the ‘get what they want’
    (aka ‘be careful what you wish for’).
    see what l mean? *reliabiulity* and accuracy of the claim is at stake.
    but wokist want the doors blown off the hinges. chickens for kfc

  11. don’t worry. Aboriginal roots can be “proven” by elder folk tales and myths.

      1. Yep, an American Italian can say they were a adopted Canadian Indian, without any evidence, and be awarded an Order of Canada. Stupid thing is she still has it despite fraudulently getting it.

        1. She wasn’t awarded the Order of Canada for being native. She was honoured for being a recording star, which she unequivocally was, no fraud involved. That she was adopted into an actual native family is also a fact, not a fraud. And of course, she didn’t make any fraudulent claim to native status in dealing with government. She pays taxes and the whole nine yards. She has never claimed residential school reparations or anything like it.

          I don’t see why you hate her so much simply because she met a bunch of people that she identified with. Sometimes you meet people and you just connect. Obviously that’ll never happen to me, but shouldn’t we be sympathetic to those who are so afflicted?

  12. I think there’s a lot more to changing your sex than to changing your race…
    If all of Canada were to declare they’re now indigenous, I wouldn’t care at all.

    What’s the gov’t of the day going to do about it? Maybe they’ll plant a gazillion trees? Maybe they’ll ban fishing on Sunday?
    You see, there’s a vast demographic of Canadians who no longer give a crap about what the gov’t says.
    And they’ve brought this upon tier 2 Canada.
    Let it burn.

    1. Bingo Marc….let it burn indeed.

      But I gotta say this thread today on self Identifying…has intrigued me.
      My next application, going in as “first nations” & see what happens..! F em..!!

      It should be no surprise in this Country that as a White employable male, you are the least likely to be hired. This is 100% on DEI, LMIA etc. As I’ve noted before, just look at any parts driver, Amazon, Food Delivery, etc… virtually non Caucasian. Look at fast food restaurants – I don’t see teenaged kids working there anymore…hardly ever.
