7 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has An Bureaucrat”

  1. What leadership?.. The global warming drag queens are dancing in front of grade schoolers in a red dress..
    Its the truth..

  2. Very good informative interview.
    Key takeaway: to the host’s question, Will this be a wake up call? the guest answered NO. Cutting down trees is murder. It’s a cultural problem.
    He pointed out that 15 minutes into the fire the usual explanation was issued: climate change. He says it has absolutely nothing to do with “climate change”.

    I had a greeniac friend once who wailed about clear cuts. One day crossing the Lions Gate bridge I looked up at the British Properties where he proudly lived. And it hit me: My gawd, he lives in a giant clear cut.

    1. “Very good informative interview.”

      It was so great that I bookmarked it. The guy was cool, calm and concise…why can’t we have someone like that in government?

  3. Environmental freaks supporting Parks Canada caused this, saving old trees.

    Let’s call in the clever indigenous people who know from old tales how to better manage forests, so they say.

    Did anyone notice that the Anglican Church did not qualify as “important infrastucture”.

  4. Everything the Canadian Gov’t does and controls is tier 2, they are garbage people, and people shouldn’t be surprised when everything that touches the federal gov’t is turned to garbage.

  5. Sadly, a young man is dead because the bureaucracy in Ottawa was blinded by green “science” and failed to realize that the inevitable fire would have so much fuel that it would be practically unstoppable.
