29 Replies to “August 10, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. “You will be refused bail for watching riots*”

    ‘Judge not last thee be judged’ was once an idiom.

  2. Just a reminder: on this day five years ago Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.

    1. “Round ’em up. Head ’em out. YeeHAW! Git along li’l dogies. It’s time to board.”

      Gender neutral.

    1. That’s because muzzis are fundamentally cowards who are brave only in feral packs.

    2. “I concede the point that six or seven Muslim men punching and kicking two young women is rather cowardly.”

      Yes, but the hard-left ‘journalist’ Robyn Urback is the last person who should be writing about this, since her and her kind are the very reason that this situation now exists in Canada. Liberal white women did this to themselves.

      Oh, and this wasn’t ‘an attack’ until one of the two women *chose* to turn it into one…it was just an unkind remark. But again, two Liberal white women indulged their delusions of Fighting The Good fight against a group of men who have a propensity for violence (particularly against women) individually, never mind in a group, and had already demonstrated that they were looking for a confrontation. Not the brightest idea in hindsight.

      And since Urback’s cherished news media has *chosen* (hey, there’s that word again) to ignore this because The Religion That Shall Not Be Named was involved, the RCMP and local police can’t be shamed into investigating. But no surprise…her last column was a heart-felt plea to lend love and support to the male Olympic boxers who were beating up women in Paris (and the comments on that one went SO wrong that they decided not to even allow comments on this one). Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Robyn…you did this to yourself.

    1. “What the censoring does is to protect the perps from being caught. Note that the CTV writer is a Middle Eastern affirmative action hire.”

      Which is no doubt the only reason she decided to even cover the story, but gives even less reason to obscure the identities of the perpetrators. I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt to her and suggest that her editor probably eliminated the descriptions….for her own safety.

    1. Frankly, I don’t think he looks any deader than anybody else lying on a beach. I’d want to see rats actually munching his guts before I’d conclude that he was dead.
