14 Replies to “Can Anyone Say Recession?”

  1. I can confirm cross border rates are in the toilet coming out of most states. Feels like spring 2020. If it keeps up I’m going to take time off. All my equipment is paid for.

    1. Why would I? Net profit is well into 6 digits for 2 years in a row. There is a lot of freight out there who’s rates haven’t dropped since the highs of 2020 leveled off.

      A lot of her data comes from load board spot market rates. The load boards she gets data from mostly don’t touch cross border or Canada only freight.

  2. The video was very,very long, not compact, and based on American data.

    It very likely applies to Canada too, as we have a huge x-border trucking industry. No one can afford any stuff due to gov’t regs.

    Of course, we already in a recession, which will become deeper after November.

  3. I can confirm cross border spot market rates are in the toilet coming out of most states. Feels like spring 2020. But there is still a lot of freight out there that hasn’t dropped

  4. Don’t ship anything in or out of CA … where I just paid $5.05/gal. for diesel for a couple of tractors I’m operating.

    1. I was in Oregon. Paid $3.65/gal. Crossed into Cali. Paid over $5.00, 50 miles away. Crossed back into Oregon.

  5. I dedicate this song to my trucker friends whom I respect. And to the remaining English people who still love the place they were born … with its rich culture and language. Not to mention music …


    I think I know now what’s making me sad
    It’s a yearnin’ for my own back yard
    I realize maybe I was wrong to leave
    Better swallow up my silly country pride

    Going home, running home
    Down to Gasoline Alley where I started from
    Going home, and I’m running home
    down to Gasoline Alley where I was born

  6. Someone I know just bought a new truck – 300,000 CDN yen. Rates he earns have barely gone up. He used to do well with 3 trucks. Now he doesn’t.

    1. Palin vs. Harris
      Drill, baby, drill.

      Just guessing that Sarah Palin’s IQ probably exceeds that of Kameleon Kamala by 40 or 50 points.

      1. John McCain was so effing stupid. He believed the Democrat media BS about Palin and gave up on her and the election. He was stupider than the Republicans who gave up on Nixon. Just like no-one can tell you what Trump did wrong, no-one can tell you what Nixon did wrong. Most people today think Nixon was an active participant in the Watergate clown show but all evidence points to him only making the mistake of asking who did it and then not turning in his buddies that he had no obligation of doing so. It’s all media made up garbage.
