Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop


This will be the first in a multi-part series on what has happened with the Coutts trial, and the many, many questions which flow from it. As we all know, the mainstream media are not going to ask these questions, nor tell you the truth about what went on, because that is not their job, and the Canadian government is going to do everything they can to pretend like the last four years didn’t happen, and absolve themselves of any responsibility.
WIth what’s going on in the UK, and the looming possibility of Bill C-63 passing in Canada, getting to the bottom of the conspiracy against the Coutts men is of grave import to rights Canadians hold dear, such as the right to freedom of expression, and to protest. –  Gord Magill

Part 1

Most Recent Newsweek Article


7 Replies to “Dispatches from the Maple Gulag Truck Stop”

  1. It was also revealed that Tony Olienick became a target for the RCMP because an undercover officer heard someone … say that Olienick was going to bring her some Ivermectin
    In other testimony, we heard that Chris Carbert had rejected COVID payments from the Canadian government,

    I plead guilty on both counts.

  2. “Special” Steven
    Steven is a sessional instructor at the Canadian Police College on the Digital Technologies for Investigators Course, the Network Investigators Course. He is a National Co-Chair for the Osgoode Hall Tech Crime and Electronic Evidence Program. He has also lectured on fraud related matters at the FBI, USDOJ, SEC, American Bar Association, American Conference, RCMP, CPS, Winnipeg Police Service, Canadian Institute and Lexpert. He is a subject matter expert at the World Bank and World Bank STAR in the area of foreign corruption and money laundering.

  3. All that the CPC needs to do to win an election is to promise to use everything the Turd Lib has done to destroy Libtards. Canada wants revenge. Plain and simple.

    1. I know I do. Revenge, retribution, or call it accountability. I don’t want the CPC, if they were to win, to take “the higher ground”. I want them to purge the privy council of Wernick types. Same for deputy ministers and governmental agencies like the rcmp. Criminal forensic investigations of all Liberal/NDP contracts. Full exposure of their communications, especially related to the plandemic and foreign interference. Let the whole country see their treasonous actions and be prosecuted for them.
      That’s what I want.

  4. Infuriating. Again.

    Our national socialists in the NDP/Liberal Party own all the media in canada but at least this is getting published somewhere and we can send the links on feedback forms to our cowardly disgusting media.

    Political prisoners in canada. Liberals destroying democracy. Liberals destroying people who question them. Disgusting.

  5. Sure Trudeau leads this clown show.
    However the minions are responsible for the abusive treatment of these citizens.
    Every single one of them.
    From The Crown’s Office to Corrections Canada jailers.

    And none will suffer the least consequence for the torture of Justine’s Prisoners.

    Can Ahh Duh is a State of Thuggery.
    If you pay tax,you enable and condone this State .
    Soon enough you will have no assets nor freedom to lose.
    And then?
    You shall “Choose” MAID ,for the good of the Democratic State of Can Ahh Duh.
