11 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. I thought this was about lost jewellery, but it turned about to be far more interesting.

  2. An infinite amount because the theory of evolution is stupid. Allele frequencies change in populations. Speciation is nebulous at best. Last time I was in an evolution class there were seven “working” definitions of speciation.

    1. The theory of evolution isn’t stupid, it’s merely inadequate to explain so much speciation. I don’t discard evolution entirely but there have to be other factors at play at the same time that help speed up the process.

      1. I should add that evolution is also inadequate to explain such things as metamorphosis, say a caterpillar into a butterfly. The theory is based on gradual changes to a certain species through intermediates into a new species. However, metamorphosis has to be a complete process from the very start, otherwise there would be no butterflies.

        How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly:


      2. The theory of evolution is not a law of nature. It’s a model of change. It accounts for some forms of change very well, and doesn’t describe others at all. Evolution describes the development of languages and cultures in humans, and of races – physically distinct strains – of all species. How well it actually describes the development of species is by no means clear.

    2. The evidence that evolution occurs is massive and pervasive, so much so that it’s perverse to deny it.

      1. No sensible person denies that evolution occurs, just that all the myriad wonders of nature can’t be solely explained by or attributed to evolution.

  3. I have no idea how many links are missing but I can assure you that I don’t have any of them and I don’t know who does.
