Jordan Peterson dares, and warns, those who wish to re-educate him


The oilpatch should take note, because what Peterson is being subjected to is pretty much exactly what oil and gas companies in particular will be subjected to when it comes to Bill C-69. The complaint process is almost identical. Anyone without a dog in the fight can make a complaint against you, and you get to pay lawyers to fight for your livelihood. Every executive in the oilpatch should take notice, today, and watch this video.


French imports of Russia’s liquified natural gas surge, and Ukraine supporters seek a stop

34 Replies to “Jordan Peterson dares, and warns, those who wish to re-educate him”

  1. France is in recession, so is Germany. They let the US lead them by the nose into this conflict in Ukraine. Now they must suffer without the cheap Russian resources they once had access to. The US has put an economic iron curtain across Europe. Russia will simply look to the east. Russia was a part of Europe, at least to the Urals, but now its future is Asia. Europe? Well, where are they going to get cheap resources now? The Americans demand full market prices, Africa? Africa is driving them out so that they can also demand market prices.

    The only chance Europe has to get out of this is to defeat Russia and regain access to her vast resources, on the cheap, and short of a very hairy nuclear standoff, that is not in the cards. “Too bad, so sad, tried to warn ya!”

    1. Russia wants to reconquered Europe , just like
      Germany wanted prior to WW2.
      and that started with the invasion of Poland, with
      the aid of Rusia which also invaded Poland 19 days after Germany …
      saw a historic film from the 1940s about the
      invasion, somehow Russia was not mentioned.
      Russia took half and performed genocide rather well

      1. LOL. *The Soviets” took over Eastern Europe at the invitation of FDR and Winston Churchill. The Russians do not have 1/10th the army that the Soviets had, and have their hands full in Ukraine. The idea that they are somehow going to overrun Europe if we don’t stop them from adjusting their borders to match the populations who live there is nothing but the kind of pap that propagandists feed to the rubes to get them to go along with neocon plans.

        We goaded Russia into this war by telling them, two days prior to the invasion, that Ukraine was going to enter NATO and that we were going to put nuclear missiles there five minutes from Moscow. In other words, we gave them no choice.

        The US practically started a nuclear war in 1961 over missiles in Cuba. The Russians today are not the Soviets anymore than the Germans today are the Nazis. In fact, the only place were you can find people in Europe who still openly celebrate Holocaust collaborators are in Western Ukraine , mostly Kiyv, and the Baltic states. And we are fighting on their side, since you bring up genocide.

        1. I restricted my timeframe to when
          Germany/ Russi were allies…
          tho at the time I think the term was co belligerents.

        2. You must be the new Pootin bot.

          “if we don’t stop them from adjusting their borders to match the populations who live there ”

          Lie, ork objective was subjugation of Ukraine. They lost. Only after that, liars like you started claiming that it was “border adjustment.” Besides any civilian orks within Ukraine are remnants of occupation and a result of ethnic cleansing and need to be marched at bayonet point to the border. They have been offered an opportunity to join civilization. The life of any savage that declines joining civilization ought to be considered worthless and said savage labelled a traitor. Deportation of said savage is an act of generosity.

          “somehow going to overrun Europe ”

          Witness Pootin’s demands from before the war regarding all of Central Europe. Ukraine first, the Moldova, Baltics, Poland. His demands extend all the way to Oder and usurp Muscovy a right to decide the future of Central Europe.

          “We goaded Russia into this war by telling them, two days prior to the invasion, that Ukraine was going to enter NATO and that we were going to put nuclear missiles there five minutes from Moscow. ”

          Lie upon a lie wrapped in a lie.
          Ukraine joining NATO wasn’t an issue before invasion. Indeed majority of Ukrainians weren’t interested. Nobody was putting missiles five minutes form Moscow. Nobody planned. Nobody wanted too. It would be ok for anyone and everyone to do. Absolutely ok as russia is nothing but a turd world shithole and has no say about what missiles who puts where. But nobody was doing it you laying sack of feces.

          “The Russians today are not the Soviets anymore than the Germans today are the Nazis. ”

          Soviet Union was a russian empire under a new management. Same whore different lipstick. Russia does not get to have demands. Russia does not have a right to a divine sphere of influence. Russia is a cancerous afterbirths’ of a Mongol empire that ought to be eradicated.

          “In fact, the only place were you can find people in Europe who still openly celebrate Holocaust collaborators are in Western Ukraine , mostly Kiyv, and the Baltic states. ”

          More lies, they don’t celebrate Holocaust, russian allies from Hamas do.

          Besides (this needs to be repeated again) let’s be absolutely clear.

          Nazis worship Hitler.
          Russians worship Stalin.
          Stalin killed more people than Hitler.
          Stalin killed more russians than Hitler.
          Ergo russians are worse than Nazis.

      2. It seems to me that you are making a rather false comparison. Germany took Poland in 35 days. You really don’t know what you are talking about. But I do recognize that you alluded to the Molotov/Ribentrop pact and that the Soviet Union and Germany were allies….something the left likes to forget because it reveals that fascism and communism are almost identical….sort of like two drug gangs fighting over territory….one gang wears red and the other blue…but essentially the same thing.

        1. My question is when is Ukraine going to return the land to Poland that Stalin and Hitler stole from them?

          Maybe sooner than they think! But we all know that they are thinking, “Never, we didn’t burn the farms of all of those Poles living there just to give the land back!”

          1. Yes, about that land stolen from Poland: my mother’s family lived there and were f*rced to move to Silesia which was carved out of Germany and incorporated into Poland.
            My mother had been a slave laborer for the Nazis during the war and was on the West German side when the war ended. She met my dad (former German POW) in a DP camp. They married and emigrated to Canada.
            My mother didn’t learn the whereabouts of her family until nine years after the war ended.

          2. None in Poland is asking for that land. Poland and Ukraine have no border disputes. Poland has been a steadfast supporter of Ukraine as Poland wisely recognizes that Muscovy is cancer. The whole argument about Ukraine occupying Polish land is nothing but a desperate attempt by Kremlin to sway Polish opinion against Ukraine.

        2. wowzers , imagine that ,russia invaded before Germany won.
          Germany did not takeover Poland until
          they attacked Russia..a few years later

    1. Are you kidding me? They will be lining up in droves for the opportunity to put such a well known and regarded conservative individual in his place and for each one that he cuts down to size the rest will step up their game. Especially since they know that they have the full support of a government that gladly destroys political enemies.

    2. Given the stupidity of the left, I’m sure there will be no shortage of people raising their hand to ‘re-educate’ him thinking they’ll be changing the world. Good luck with that!!

      1. That isn’t their plan.
        Their plan is to “fail” him, so they can kick him out and wash their hands of him.
        Really, they probably expected him to simply up quit a long time ago. He certainly doesn’t need them and he isn’t actively seeing clients in a clinic, such that he needs to keep his designation current.
        That is the modus operandi of the Left. They don’t really care if you don’t think like them, they just want to bog you down with procedural bullshit and stupefying abusive bureaucracy until you give up.

    3. I share Jordan’s “morbid curiosity” … speaking of morbid … I expect his reeducator will be utterly brain dead.

    1. When governments farm out discipline to professional associations they should be subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They have made disrespect of Justin the Rectum a criminal offence through the back door.

      1. Too many professional associations have idiots running them. They are just another batch of pompous asses. Professionals….TRUE professionals, need to push back on their fraudulent organizations….and that includes the medical “profession”.

        1. Oh! this is so true! My own professional organization jacked up membership dues in the early 90’s when so many design companies and construction companies were going under. I decided that I would rather pay 4 months of mortgage payments than give money to a bunch of useless lefties!

  2. Dr. Peterson is guilty of “wrongthink” and “wrongspeak”
    I can’t even make sense of what Peterson is being dragged through, in a real country, would this happen?
    *looks around* … well I’m not seeing a whole lot of “real countries” atm to be honest but …

    Is the SCOC real? Are they part of an LSD experiment? Are they cowards? Their #Libranos underwear is showing…

    In the future, when a 12 years old kid attends a meeting with a psychologist to talk about their sexual tension, will it be against the law to *not* encourage them to cut deez nutz off and live their life as a lie, or carve a section of arm out to “build a fake penis” … remember when the Nazis had some lampshades made from other’s skin and some others had a problem with that?


    Will there be a winter this year? I thought we were done with those…
    Does anyone ask Joe Biden who blew up the Nordstream pipeline anymore? or is it in the sufficiently distant past so as to not have to worry about that history anymore?
    Who will write Joe Biden’s memoirs? 2 months after publishing, will it too be in the $1 section alongside Hillary’s?

  3. This “re-education” process should be recorded in its entirety and released to the public just to see how close it comes to the “re-education” in 1984.

  4. I’ve come to the conclusion that I will no longer submit to the tyranny of ill-liberals and snivel servants who want to rule us. I hope he can handle the never ending harassment he’ll be subjected to?

  5. If Zelenky wants W. European countries to stop buying Russian gas, supplying those countries with an alternate source of the gas they need is real help Canada could provide to Ukraine. Our PM Castreau will never agree.

  6. As a former registered Canadian psychologist, I am appalled at the Ontario professional association’s ridiculous plan to “re-educate” Dr. Jordan Pederson. He is a skilled debater, so bring on the social media expert. His views are not particularly controversial, except among climate and gender interventionists.

  7. That headline should be “US LNG exporters seek halt to French imports of Russian LNG”

  8. Heh
    Jordan Peterson is going to make a huge profit from this “reeducation”.
    He will film it and retain the rights to that footage.
    He will also sue the individuals of the Ontario Professional Association of ..
    And the idiot who volunteers as chief interrogator,I mean Re-educator will go down in history..
    As a bumpkin.
    The stereotypical thought police,will have a name.

  9. After the extremely successful Ezra Levant stunt, I doubt very much that they will allow him to film or audio record the proceedings. Oh yes doubters, they can do that. “Oh, you won’t participate without filming it?” Licence: snip, snip. Shredder.

    Superior Court of Ontario to Jordan: Just who do you think you are?
    No, we are not allowing your claim to be heard. WITH COSTS, i.e., you pay us for all the time we used up deciding to not do anything.

    1. Hidden camera will be even better.
      If the asshats involved know they are being recorded,they will be much less entertaining than if they think they are “off the record”.
      We should be able to find a corrupt minion,or a truly ethical one,willing to record all.

    2. Dr. Peterson has to pay for his re-education.
      So the time spent / wasted on this, is his property.
      Well until a court decides he doesn’t own that time, and then the tier 2 Canadian courts refuse to intervene as the cowards they are.

      I believe the overseers at the college said he had to continue his re-education until he had satisfied the overseers that he was “cured” or sufficiently re-educated.

      Which is a page out of A Clockwork Orange really…

  10. On second watch of the Video,that the Supreme Court has agreed,Canadians have NO RIGHTS,NO Freedoms and that the only true part of The Charter of rights and Freedoms is that first paragraph,negating all that follows…
    We should be grateful.
    It is never a bad thing,when my enemies openly self identify.

    CanAhh Duh has spoken.
    In this State of Thuggery an end stage Kleptocracy, all power accrues to The State and the individual citizen has no means of redress..
    The State Minions shall abuse you on every front,taking more from you each day.
    And there is no legal mechanism to stop this.

    Such is Can Ah Duh today.

    And now these same parasites are going to whine and cry if we reject them?
    Think about this.

    If they win,they will have nothing.
    For under State Thievery,production stalls out.
    Barter takes over.

    If we win,we get a temporary lightening of the parasitic drag on our production..
    And some time to enjoy living.
