The Doctor Will Kill You Now

Published this month in the Journal of the Blindlingly Obvious;

Canada’s assisted dying regime could provide a cover for medical staff with “serially homicidal personalities,” according to a controversial paper critics say provides no evidence patients could be preyed upon by criminal medical murderers.

“Canada’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) system is criticized as the most permissive or least safeguarded in the world, raising the question of whether it could protect patients who fit the clinical profile of adult victims of HSK (health-care serial killers) from a killer working as a MAID provider,” Christopher Lyon, a Canadian social scientist who teaches at the University of York in the United Kingdom, wrote in a newly published paper.

12 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. Hmmm …. HSK (health-care serial killers).
    What a concept, somewhat reminiscent of the middle of the twentieth century.

  2. Elizabeth Wettlaufer, Charlie Cullen, Heather Pressdee and others who haven’t been caught yet would probably fit right in with the Medically Accelerated in Death system in canada.

    And the gleefulness that the advocates promote it sounds a lot like various “angel of death” practitioners excuses for what they did.

  3. Oh, “they” really want to kill boomers and anyone else born before 1946, via new government bills and changes to health care legislation.

    Universal health care, without private care, has a long history of increasing intervention. Trudeau #1, Lester B. Pearson and Louis St. Laurent – not gone enough.,and%20territorial%20jurisdiction%20over%20healthcare.

  4. “Health care” Serial Killers…??

    In the ’40’s we called them NAZI’s
    …that name applies Today as well: To Canada’s LIBERAL party Killing Euro Centric Canadians in as many ways as possible.

    As well, I have not and never will forget that a sitting PM of this country would ask:
    “Do We Tolerate these people..?”
    A comment worthy of Heinrich Himmler

    I’d see that RatF NAZI pig hung upside down ala Benito Mussolini….along with pretty much his Entire Cabinet.

  5. Do not forgive all the “Just following orders” NOT SEEs who enable this monster.
    The Serial Killers have been in charge for decades,they kill 30 000 Canadians each year..
    Through what they call “Medical Mistakes”.

  6. 45,000 killed since Dr. Trudeau got elected, his plan is working. Dr. Mengele would be proud.

    Two doctors have always had to sign off on abortions that allegedly threatened the life of the mother, was that ever a difficult thing to do?


    Hundreds of thousands were aborted. Because abortion is health care. But so-called health providers never give you an answer if you ask how many abortions a woman should have for optimal health?

  7. Mulroney actually did not care much about health care either, as he had probably planned to live mostly in the USA. Chretien did not either: he happily paid American prices for health care from his cash stash.

    I am getting a “do resuscitate” order from a lawyer with notarized copies to be handed out to any future admission clerk. Notes in a “will” will be too late. My health status is rather normal, or better, for my age, as I am not over-weight.

    Two lower mainland hospitals have asked me whether I want to be resuscitated. The intake people, whomever they were, typing this into a form, had a yes-no box. The first time, I said “Are you serious. I am here for wound care on my leg! I am a compus mentus senior, who fell, so of course I want to be resuscitated”.

    Most of my “roommates” were “paying customers” from wherever, not many Canadians who actually pay taxes. Pay for health beds makes hospital accountants happy …. Most of the other Canadians were “on the dole”.

    Mistakes by humans filling forms happen all the time. There is no legal form for that yet. Next time, which I hope will not be soon, I will have a legal document for a “do resuscitate” order, which doctors can probably over-rule.

    I am not dead enough yet for managing the bureaucrats and have quite a few years left to be fully enjoyed.

  8. Well, Turdholeland ( formerly Canada) is a death cult, so…

    The Government will execute you now, unless youre a depraved criminal like , Paul Bernardo or JUthtin Turdhole… they have “rights and freedoms”.

    Turdholeland is the insane asylum of North America, ruled over by the unhinged and the depraved.

    A WEF Globalist shithole.

  9. You will have nothing (because we took it from you) and you will want to kill yourself (but that’s ok, because there’s a foreigner waiting to take your place at the nothing table and they will be grateful and vote for us)…

  10. You can’t build a CCP style ” 15 minute city ” , ( State controlled prison ) without destroying the one thats already in place.
    Chairman Mao cities all across the country… how effing delightful. sarc.

    Globalism, governance that no one voted for.

    Who votes for, ” you’lll have nothing and be happy”… ?
    No one. Unless they’re an imbecile.
