28 Replies to “They’re Going To Need A Bigger Prison”

  1. Time to play… Venezuelan Dictator Maduro…? or… is it the ruthlessly corrupt UK regime…? or… or is it the Irish hating Irish regime ?

    “In Venezuela, the dictatorship has silenced dissent, crushed the economy, and stripped away the dignity of its people.”
    “The Venezuelan regime’s grip on power is sustained by oppression, fear, and the systematic destruction of democratic institutions.”
    “Venezuela’s dictatorship is a cautionary tale of how the promise of socialism can be corrupted into tyranny.”
    “When power is concentrated in the hands of a few, as in Venezuela, the result is a dictatorship that sacrifices the welfare of the many for the benefit of the few.”

    I don’t mean to disparage Dictator Maduro too much… he is much more moderate and reasonable than his dictatorial comrades ruling over the UK and Ireland.

  2. Well if the Fascist response to Jan. 6 has taken up all the time of the FBI … and blanket prosecutions by the DOJ have trapped anyone who took a leisurely stroll thru the Capital … then why not in the UK?

    Western Governments have become totalitarian Fascists … behaving like Royalty of old. Trampling the Right to Assemble and express grievances to the government.

    From what I could see … those have been mostly peaceful protests in the UK. No different than Minneapolis 2020

        1. Well, not necessarily, but you certainly must pick and choose which of their directives you will agree to follow. The near blanket obedience given to a legitimate and responsible government goes out the window, and every one of their laws and diktats becomes subject to your personal review and acceptance or rejection, on a case by case basis.

          So you ignore the laws you disagree with at that point.

  3. This cannot actually be legal under British law, but as in COVID, they are counting on people not being able to afford to challenge this and even if they can, they will be in prison for less thime than it takes to run through the appeal process.

    1. England must be taking lessons from Justin Trudeau who has cancelled free speech, has full censorship in place and now through one of his idiot ministers wants to restrict the amount of alcohol a person can drink

  4. You may as well participate in the riot if there is no benefit to leaving when trouble escalates.
    You may as well riot if you are punished for dissenting.
    Very short sighted.

  5. The ruthless Dictatorship of the UK and Ireland are taking their authoritarian act on the road.

    Thats right, not satisfied with their terrorizing of the native British population the UK Government and their DEI Gestapo are now blocking any content from North America.

    Globalist fascists will not tolerate protests against their fascism, within UK borders or outside their borders.
    Dissent of State policy has been made “illegal” … to save democracy, or some such horse shit.


    Coming soon to the Dictatorship of Turdholeland… yet another western nation terrorized by its own Government.

    ” But using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that I think is worrisome.”
    Juthtin the Turdhole.

  6. Will they be letting out prison murderers to make room for imprisoned onlookers, out with their child?

    I guess the public should hide at home until the Palestinians and new immigrants, with axes to grind or use, are happy.

  7. Heh.
    In for a penny,in for a pound.
    If you are going to be held without bail,cause you watched,then being arrested is denial of all Magna Charta Rights..
    So resistance is your only choice.
    For these damned fools from the State of Thuggery have loudly and proudly stated that you have NO expectation of fair,legal treatment.

    They are proclaiming that they do not require the cooperation of those they seek to “Police”.

    1. The threat is just as bad as the action. Might as well just light the fuse now and go for broke.

      If Charles had any spine, he would sack Kier, appoint Farage as PM, and dissolve Parliament. The only thing that will restore order is a reversal of the policies of the last 15 years.

      1. Sorry, but venal idiot Charlie probably knelt down, stuck his rump in the air, and squealed ‘allah akbar’ when hos fellow venal imbecile Starmer got elected…

      2. It didn’t work out so well the last time a king named Charles dissolved parliament.

  8. Well, this robed dickhead should be credited with bringing a new concept to jurisprudence: guilt by disassociation.

  9. Judge is way way out of line. UK law requires actus reus (guilty act) on criminal charges. He’s going to get reprimanded.

  10. So this judge likes telling the cops who to arrest, what to charge them with, finds them guilty regardless of the circumstances, and how the sentencing will proceed, regardless of the circumstances.
    This is the very definition of extreme prejudice, indeed it is an abortion of justice, and the total nullification of what was once called British jurisprudence.

  11. Just like Covid, its not about the law , its just about control. Now awaiting my extradition order.

  12. How is government fomenting revolution not a crime? And at what point do we all cease referring to it as the “United” Kingdom.

  13. To say such things up front.. No trial, no evidence, no bail.. They are treating their own people like foreign soldiers in war.. Worse even, no Geneva Convention.. Yes..

    Yes, if no laws protect me, does the Geneva Convention?.. I think this is worth talking about.
