What If They’re Christian Prayers?

Sun- Prayer service in busy downtown intersection not against the law

“In Canada, no permit is required to hold a demonstration, as peaceful assembly and expression, including prayers, are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” Toronto Police spokesperson Stephanie Sayer said.

Even, police say, if such a demonstration inconveniences other citizens by snarling traffic and delaying public transit.


Much has changed in the approach to policing since the G20 in 2010 where many were arrested for protesting, or when Adam Skelly was busted during the pandemic for his lockdown protest at his Adamson BBQ restaurant in 2020, or Christian Pastor David Lynn was charged with causing a disturbance for preaching to more than a dozen supporters near Church St. during Pride Month in 2019.

24 Replies to “What If They’re Christian Prayers?”

  1. Time to start holding Mass ceremonies in front of hospitals that preform abortions. If it inconveniences other citizens by snarling traffic and delaying public transit who cares….

    I would expect we would see two tier policing faster than you can say religious bigot.

    1. I’m going to gather a couple hundred fellow Christians and all congregate (a religious thing to do) on the street blocking GYMM’s driveway. We will worship Xhrist and sing hymns whilst nobody can leave the driveway.

      That’s a totally non-violent protest, which is protected in Canada, eh?

      If not … then pray tell how blocking an intersection with prayer rugs facing East is “non-violent”? Taking over public streets is an act of violence against another persons freedom. It’s a de facto kidnapping.

  2. Don’t be disabusing poor wee Canadians about their many myths and shibboleths.
    You’ll be giving palpitations to Government and Media alike.
    Free Speech!
    Health Care!
    Blah, blah, blah, blah……..
    You can ignore reality(we do).
    But not its consequences.
    Ooh baby, those consequences!
    Gonna be a lot of Liberal voters surprised to find out what they really voted for!
    Their very own subjugation/exit from this world.
    Well done!

    1. And, once they’ve exited this world, they will be surprised (again) to find out what is on the other side. Ultimate justice.

  3. Infuriating.

    Muslim dominance over the civilized world will continue and get worse if we never push back against it.

    All the girl voters are loving Islam while hating the so-called Christian patriarchy now, but if we wait for them to wake up and get a clue it might be too late to do anything about it, if it isn’t already…

  4. So their right to hold others hostage is a charter right but one’s right to freedom of movement is ceded to ensure that group have their rights upheld? Do they really think we are-that-stupid?

    1. OTOH … they’re getting away with it. We are in the post-civilization … post Law-and-Order days. Yes … civilization will eventually fall completely to pieces

  5. C’mon.
    Canada is a Two-Tier country in every way.
    Canadians receive rights of speech, prayer, movement, law and order and pretty much everything else based on color, religion, language, gender, ancestry and any other Wedge Issue the Liberals use to retain power.
    Canada ain’t no country, it’s a motley collection of Liberal disasters in the pursuit of power.
    The second largest country in the world, filled with immense wealth.
    Protected by the USA (we don’t even need an army, so we don’t have one), next door to the world’s largest best economy, with a tiny population; YET still inundated with huge, eclectic taxes.
    If you’re not sucking a Liberal Government teat somewhere, you’re just not Canadian, which, let’s face it, is more synonymous with Dummy than anything else these days.
    Canadians voted for it.
    They got it.
    They ain’t gonna like it.
    Good enough.
    I’m going to enjoy watching the wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

  6. Half the time my posts just disappear?.. Lame O..

    I’m off to block the street with a beach towel and a funny hat.. Wish me luck :)..

  7. The congregation at St Michael’s should take note and have a Sunday service at the same location

  8. Gamed, lose, lose.. Peaceful assembly?..

    Their protests or whatever are peaceful until we show up.. Then we get our heads kicked in.. Our protests or whatever are peaceful until they show up.. Then we get our heads licked in again..

    No parking from 7am to 7am :).. Unless you have a opinion based political permit.. Peaceful or provocative?

  9. The question has been asked: What if they were Christians?
    As in the Two Tier Teir leadership in the formerly Great Britain we have our own Two Tier justice in Canada.
    All across the West, eh?

    BUT of course it is not actually a “prayer service” is it?
    It’s a supremacy demo. If not yet … soon.

    Wow, is there anything damaging to Canada that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms can’t do?!

  10. In Canada you have, “rights and freedoms” until the politicians and bureaucrats decide you dont.
    Some are much more equal than others, by Liberal/NDP design.

  11. Well on one side I am glad it is happening to Morontonians. They have been consistently asking for it and deserve to get it long and hard. So go mooselimbs go, shove your supremacy down the throats of mass transiting and spandex clad rats that vote for importing more of you every chance they got.

    On the other hand the right to protest lie is nauseating. You have a right to protest in the name of anti civilization causes. And that is it.

    You can protest as Tamils, flood every downtown street, block every ambulance and fire truck, but if someone flies a plane towing a banner that reminds the world that Tamil Tigers is a terrorist organization (that you all support) they get charged with a hate crime.

    You can protest as Burn Loot Murder. You can be all enraged because a thug killed a junkie in another country and local thugs will take a knee and lick your boots in the show of solidarity. And you are allowed to do it in the middle of the Kafkaesque Wuhan Flu lockdowns. But if you protest the lockdowns a day after or before the BLM demonstration (of power) you get brutalized by the very same JBTs that were taking the knee.

    You can try to derail trains if you are native and they call it a protest and pearl clutch about racists trying to deny the noble natives their rights. You can burn cars and vandalize stores if you are Antifa and they will call it a protest. But they will curb stomp you if you are truckers or farmers who want to be left alone. In Ottawa, in Windsor, in Coutts.

    When was the last time 3F erected barricades to stop mooselimbs from congregating?

    Bananada a mother of two tier policing.

    /this is not a duplicate comment you stupid bot/

  12. Time to start charging for protests!!! Other events have to pay the municipalities for police etc. services. The cop is wrong: public disturbances and property violations are against the law.

  13. This is nothing new, protesters get away with a lot because TPS doesn’t want to “look bad” after botching previous protests.

  14. The cops proving – once again – that when they’re not bullying citizens, they’re displaying their cowardice.
